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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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How? Have they not got the same information as everyone else? Dundee should have been ready to vote anyway as the last interview with Longmuir did not rule out Dundee voting, only that they were getting advice on the matter. It is surely forward thinking like this that has us in this situation :wacko:

The clubs receive an email at the close of business the day before what could well be one of the most significant votes in Scottish football history, the outcome of which is likely to have a massive impact on every club.

Said clubs would wish to consider their position on the basis of having met at board level, and undertaking all other enquiries they deem relevant and necessary.

They are not afforded sufficient opportunity to make arrangments in respect of the above, and thus are left with little option but to request an adjournment of proceedings.

Nothing far-fetched about the above scenario, IMO.

Regardless of whether they would have formed a view in any event, it is an entirely different ball-game when they are suddenly required to formally vote after all.

This smacks of desperate 11th hour manipulation.

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What's on record doesn't matter. Regan makes it up as he goes along, pissing on everyone from a great height.

A total f*cking w****r. I hope someone has rimmed his glass at the meeting.

I wish someone would glass his rim.

Edited by Happy Buddie
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In fairness, earlier in the week Clyde FC made the very valid point that they had next to no information about this Sevco Scotland thing there were being asked to vote into the SFL. Given that Dundee FC's 'cop out' specifically stated that the Board were still free to 'debate' if not vote, then Dundee FC's position should have been clear sometime before now. I'm disappointed that we don't have a position sorted out, even if being permitted to vote happened at the last night. Given the circumstances of the situation, I don't think there's time for a postponement. A vote that says "No to Sevco, we don't have enough information" puts the ball back in the SFA/Sevco's court.

I don't know what has been placed in the hot little hands of the SFL clubs but there is a fair amount of information about the company now running Rangers even from Companies House plus public statements.

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My view is this is a last desperate attempt to jeopardise proceedings.

Both Airdrie and Dundee know it will be suicide now to vote "yes". But to vote "no" leaves the door open for a potential legal challenge to the vote on the premise that they both have a conflict of interest (forget the fact, even if it is true, that so do Dunfermline technically who could potentially regain their SPL spot - and for that matter did Rangers during the SPL vote). Rangers have already shown they don't care about FIFA's prohibition on settling sporting matters in courts of law.

It wouldn't matter if the end vote saying "no" to I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Rangers (thanks for copying my joke today, Daily Telegraph!) was a massive majority so that two votes wouldn't count either way. It wouldn't matter that it would be a case that Rangers could never hope to win. It would allow that spiv Green to go to court and seek an injunction on the start of the SFL/Ramsdens Cup unless he got his own way, at massive cost to the clubs and buying Sevco 5088 more time, which right now is their biggest concern.

If that is the plan - and the Hampden beaks behaviour has been so disgracefully against the interests of the other clubs to date that I would not put this skulduggery past them - this could get even messier.

If that is the case, then they could avoid the issue by abstaining I guess.

Time is not on Sevco's side though.

Time is money.

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My money is on the SFL rejecting Rangers in the First Division and the SPL then going with 11 teams next season thus allowing the SPL to bring Rangers back next season in an enlarged SPL.

This will also allow the SPL to retain their sponsors, TV money, etc for the following season on the basis that Rangers will only be missing for a season.

Supporters of all diddy clubs need to make sure that the pressure is kept on their clubs to vote no to Rangers in the SPL again next season.

By the start of next season the SPL clubs will be able to downsize, get shot of big money contracts, etc. They will then have no need for a Rangers in Scottish football.

This is probably more faith on my part than anything. If Rangers come back in any shape or form whatsoever then I will never ever set foot in a senior Scottish football ground ever again.

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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Another statement from Clyde re: voting intentions this morning

The proposals to change the league structure, its governance and distribution model are indeed for the good of the game. What is not for the good of the game are the circumstances in which it has been proposed. It is only on the table for short-term financial reasons. Neil Doncaster told the SFL clubs that the SPL would not allow Rangers to join the Third Division as the loss of £16m would not be countenanced, he is also on record as having said that a 16 team league would cost £20m, therefore we can hardly have confidence that the focus on finance will allow these proposals to come to life.

What is also not for the good of the game is 30 clubs being asked to vote knowing that a vote for Resolution 1 has a very high chance of being ignored by the SFA attempting to avoid any suggestion of what they perceive to be a dereliction of their duty. Such statements undermine basic democracy. Equally, voting blind to admit an organisation who has no membership of the SFA at a time when there is no vacancy in the SFL is not for the good of the game. Almost everything about this long run process is not for the good of the game.

It would not be for the good of the game to compound the problems of a club by refusing entry to the SFL for Rangers Football Club. We will therefore take that leap of faith and vote in favour of Resolution 1 despite not a single word of reasoning having been provided to support the Resolution.

On the basis that short-term financial drivers have not been for the good of the game in the past, then we will not support Resolution 2. It has unfortunately enmeshed positive change for the game with a proposal to admit Sevco Scotland Ltd to the First Division for the purposes of shoring up the short-term financial model which has to date failed The Game.

The interests of the game will be served by decisions being made genuinely for the long-term benefit of the whole of Scottish Football, and not short term benefit for a few clubs.

Our decision has at times had to defy logic and question our own short term interests as others focus on theirs. Given that the SPL and SFA have signalled a clear intention to act against any decision that might result in Sevco Scotland Ltd being admitted to the Third Division, then the limited logic left in this process points to them as believing they have the monopoly of wisdom on what is good for the game. We can expect that, no matter what the SFL clubs decide, Sevco Scotland will not be playing in the Third Division in the coming season. How more short-termism can be for the good of the game really does defy logic.

When the dust settles on this affair, it would be good to think that we can all get back to watching football. Sadly, no matter how it turns out today, some will not return to our game


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Anyone else smelling a rat here?

Is it just possible that this 11th hour development has been introduced in order to lend a degree of legitimacy to a proposal to delay the vote? Dundee could reasonably claim that they haven't been afforded sufficient opportunity to consider the resolutions prior to the vote. Perhaps I'm getting carried away on a wave of cynicism, but I wouldn't put anything past these characters.

This was the first thing I thought.

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STV Sport@STVSport Charles Green says it is time for 'vilification and persecution' to end http://bit.ly/NeZFVK

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For once I actually agree with most of what he says. Once they are in the 3rd and the SPL follow through with their promise of league reconstruction,, FFS lets just get on with the new season.

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