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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I've said it repeatedly. The SFA and the SPL will get their way. They are corrupt to the core.

They want the Rangers money. It's as simple as that.

SPL club chairmen are hypocrites. They probably booted Rangers out, in full knowledge that it would be reversed.

You are pishflapping in the wind. Get it right fuckin up ya!!!!!! laugh.gif

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Well let's hope that's the end of it. Mr Regan and Mr Doncaster please step forward with a statement that begins We resign....

These fools believed Duff and Phelps that the CVA would be accepted. They clearly did not have a plan for liquidation. I hate to think what these muppets get paid but whatever it is, it's too much. The level of amateurism is scary. Tough times ahead for some clubs mine included but que sera. I had no interest in following soccertainment. If this is the final solution and hopefully the warmers at the SFA realise the SPL2 is a nonsense,it's time to back our clubs to the hilt and for decent administrators to work their socks off to identify new revenue streams.

Edited by madmitch
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With today's vote we have seen a landslide vote in favour of a Rangers NewCo entering into the 3rd division of the SFL. This was widely anticipated with us fans clearly expressing the view that any NewCo should follow the set procedure. However, as suggested by Turnbull Hutton in his interview with STV on Tuesday night, this is only one battle and not the end of the war. Alex Thomson has already reported that a chairman has come forward to suggest Regan has assured Charles Green that there is no way Rangers will be playing in division 3.

As it currently stands, it seems likely that the SPL and SFA will seek to push through a new second tier in the shape of an SPL2. It is expected that they'll invite SFL1 clubs to this b*****d child of a league and bring in Rangers to. Without meaning to push anyone in the view of a Daily Rangers, but this truly would be a death-knell for our game. Hopefully all SFL fans contact their chairmen and say that we have:

  • No support for an SPL2 league, which is being born out of sheer corruption
  • No faith in Stewart Regan of the SFA, who continues to push forward ideas which are only seeking to benefit a select few
  • No faith in Neil Doncaster, who would undoubtedly have a say in how said league would be shaped, despite his utter ruinous reign in the SPL which has seen an unprecedented failure of governance in the SPL2.

The message is simple, we the fans show no support in all of the above.

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Its already started, i just told my uncle the good news and while celebrating he jumped for joy,ended up smacking his head off the door frame, shouted 'aww,ya fucker!'. Thats socially unresting.

jeezo, it has started! Hide yer kids and trust no one. Fear for your lifes.

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Who are the chunts in the 5? I can't do much aboots Dumbarton chunts but sure 3 of the 5 are 2nd Div who will now have 0 punters from us to visit

Word on the street is that Dumbarton voted for Rangers to Division 3. A statement from the club is due to confirm.

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Jim White can go to hell.

"Old firm games are the lifeblood of Scottish football".

Rubbish. Its the guys that turn up week in week out Starks Park, Gayfield etc, etc that are.

Edited by SaintPop
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Gordon Smith says that the first Division clubs made it clear they will not support SPL 2, any moves to change the game must be for the benefit of all 42 clubs.

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Gordon Smith is on SSN right now. He just doesn't get it. Why am I letting this idiot make my blood boil?

He's not an idiot, he's a bigot. And a corrupt one at that.

"The first Division clubs were making it clear they wanted change". Aye Smith, and suddenly when that change could help Rangers the administration of the game stop blocking it at every turn - what a coincidence!

Rangers/Newco really aren't the biggest issue here: this should be a watershed in how the game is run. The likes of Smith, Doncaster, Ogilvie and Regan should be shipped out and banned permanently. Get the game run honestly and properly without prejudice.

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Quit frankly its disgusting that Newco have been given access to the 3rd div without going through the usual process. They have still been given preferential treatment and any other clubs (such as Spartans) should take legal advice. Why weren't they given a chance and a team with no accounts or information are voted straight in? Shocking.

In full agreement, although I probably would have dealt with a newco with no history playing in Div 3 if you'd asked back in Feb / March.

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Guest Flash

Who are the chunts in the 5? I can't do much aboots Dumbarton chunts but sure 3 of the 5 are 2nd Div who will now have 0 punters from us to visit

I'd like to know that too.

Does it include Airdrie who indicated they would abstain? Abstentions are maybe off the hook if they didn't want to be seen to be furthering their own aims (even though nobody would have cared). However, outright Yes voters should be named and shamed.

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Regan has made an unbelievable c**t of this, it's hard to imagine how he could have handled it any worse. He's even fucked up trying to rig it so they can get into Div 1.

If he really wanted this SPL 2, why hasnn't he used the months this shit has been going on for actually draw up a proper plan? Now he's left it so late you have the Div 3 story all over the media, so when they attempt this latest farce they are going to face even more incredulity and outrage.

Doncaster is incompetent but at least you could argue he is attempting to do his job of promoting the SPLs interests (albeit extremely poorly). Regan is supposed to have a wider remit of looking after the whole of Scottish footballs interests. Instead he's chosen to whip up a atmosphere of distrust and animosity due to his disgusting underhand attempts to piece back together a broken model, totally throwing away a golden opportunity for change.

He can f**k right off.

Edited by monkfish
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