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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Our predictions of what the next 48 hours of this exciting and fun-packed family story will hold:


I think you're pretty close with that.

On this bit:

""There’s not a chance, in this blog’s opinion, that Charles Green will sacrifice the newco’s ability to play professional football for the sake of something as essentially trivial as having 54 titles officially credited to its name rather than 49, especially as Rangers fans will refuse to acknowledge the fact anyway and will continue to insist it’s 54 no matter what the record books say.""

What surprises me is that the oldco fans would want to claim these illegally gained titles and trophies if guilty of dual contracts? I'd have though they would want to distance themselves and their club from the stench of cheating. (Please usual suspects, I know they're innocent until proven guilty and they may well be innocent in the case of holding dual contracts for players.)

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Kenny Dalglish in a secretive move to buy Rangers. I don't know what uppers Leggatt is putting in his absinthe these days but they're working just great.

That one came from pie and bovril originally, so we know leggo gets info from here. Was just a joke though and he ran with it.

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Leggo has gone nuts today,

After all, Jim Traynor and the Record have led the way so often during this complex Rangers story that there is no reason to doubt the veracity of this morning's tale.


If I had a quid for every time traynor has been wrong, id have at least £14.

Leggo hated Brian Kennedy when he first appeared,screaming like the loon about him being a Hibs fan. Last time Kennedys bid was less than Greens and was dependant on Rangers qualifying for the quarter finals of the Champions League.

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I had to read that part about eleven times to see whether Leggo was being sarcastic or not. I'm still not sure.

In the context of what he's saying, it sounds sincere, but nobody could say "Jim Traynor

and the Record have led the way so often during this complex Rangers story that there is no reason to

doubt the veracity of this morning’s tale" and actually mean it, could they? Could they?

Here is Traynor's latest 'exclusive':

What's the bid idea?

By jim Traynor on Jul 23, 12 07:34 AM in

WITH only days to go before Rangers begin life all over again there should be a sense of anticipation sweeping through a club which has been disgraced, discredited and dumped in the game's basement.

At least they still have a pulse but 10 weeks after Charles Green agreed an exclusivity deal with Rangers' administrators, uncertainty and anxiety continue to stalk the corridors of Ibrox and Murray Park.

And I believe concern over the new club's finances has prompted Brian Kennedy to make a £5.6million bid for a controlling interest.

Rangers sources insist that bid, more than Green and his partners from Zeus paid for the entire package, was made on June 25 and although rejected, my information is it remains on the table.

It is also understood from within Ibrox that there is growing concern over Rangers' future because Green's business plan was based on his club starting in the First Division at worst.

One of the main planks of his model was a rush by fans to buy season tickets but so far no one has been trampled in the stampede to the box office. Yet, Green's own "Financial Offering", the document sent out to potential investors, made reference to raising as much as £15m through season tickets.

There is still a wide credibility gap between Green and Rangers supporters. They remain unconvinced by the Yorkshireman and his people and so it seems do investors, even though an English sports agency said last week they want to pay £1m for a 10 per cent share.

They didn't have to muscle their way to the front of a queue either, even though Green insisted from day one that attracting investors and money wouldn't be a problem.

It was also written in his document that as much as £30m of working capital would be brought in by the middle of July and Rangers fans might want to ask where that money is.

Green would say his plan was dependent on gaining control of the club through a CVA but even so, surely a handful, a few even, out of all the investors - I think, Charles, you may have mentioned 20 - he said were lined up might have gone ahead regardless.

But where are they? Where's the money Charles? And is there enough to keep Rangers going long enough to survive the season?

The truth is Rangers' financial woes are far from over but any cash-flow problems could be solved if Green accepted Kennedy's offer which remains live.

Kennedy, of course, tried to get Rangers on his own, and then by riding with the Blue Knights, but while they and others were left behind when Green made his blindside run, the English-based Scottish millionaire kept up to speed with developments.

He continued to monitor the situation very closely and our sources believe his offer to be substantial and fair.

The deal is Kennedy would gain 51 per cent of the club in return for his money which would be used as working capital rather than to fill anyone's pockets and, within two years, Green's investors would get back the amounts they put in, with 10 per cent interest on top.

It is understood Kennedy was reluctant to turn his back because he fears Rangers could slide back into administration, or worse. That's why he's willing to boost resources by injecting more than the purchase price paid by Green's group while still offering them the chance to get their money back, and then some.

The bid was dismissed when Green believed Rangers would start in the SPL or, at worst, the First Division but our information suggests attitudes within the controlling group might be softening now they are in the Third.

Understandably, there is acute concern that despite a series of charm offensives, season tickets have not been sold in great numbers. But there are one or two within Ibrox who are beginning to wonder if the fans would be tempted to pile in with Kennedy on board.

Anger has also been simmering among the Rangers support because their club doesn't have a powerful voice at the game's top tables. They are asking why Green and club chairman Malcolm Murray haven't been more vociferous in defending Rangers against sanctions but with Kennedy and his management team in place that could be another problem solved.

The SFA, who hit Rangers with a £160,000 fine and a 12-month registration ban, and SFL have said they won't be pushing to have any of their trophies won by Rangers during the EBT years erased from the records.

The SPL, however, have yet to tell their own agitators it might be time to focus on more important issues, like staying alive.

Kennedy might have delivered that message long ago and he'd probably be warning that if the SPL remain entrenched over the issue of titles they might push Rangers to the point where they are happy to stay in the SFL, rather than return to a league which has made it very clear they couldn't accept them.

The rift could become permanent if the SPL insist on further sanctions which would push Rangers even closer to their new neighbours.

In fact, the notion of the SFL and Rangers forming a stand-alone system, which would prevent promotion to the SPL has, I believe, been discussed informally and some think it has merit and possibilities.

There are only two massive clubs in Scotland, even if one of them, Rangers, are on their knees. But they will get back to their feet and if they remained in the SFL the game's poor relations could very quickly become the stronger and richer of the two leagues.

Naturally, the SPL would laugh at the very idea yet if, because of diminishing TV and sponsorship deals, they lose a few clubs they'd be reduced to Celtic, the game's main power, but perhaps only seven or eight impoverished others. Those clubs could be even less of an attraction to telly companies than now.

On the other hand, SFL clubs would benefit from deals of their own because they now have one of the big two in their pack.

And having already lost everything, Rangers have nothing left to risk. The SFL, and Rangers, might never have a better chance to grow, while the SPL, who left the others behind in 1998 to set up on their own, would become weaker.

The SFA would probably be unable to resist a wish by the SFL and Rangers to stand alone and demand European places because they couldn't rule in favour of, say, eight or nine SPL clubs against 30 in the SFL. After all, haven't the SPL been insisting the voice of the majority must be heard?

First, Rangers have to stay alive and if Green needs the fans to back him through season-ticket sales he just might sell a few more by doing a deal with Kennedy.

And Ally McCoist might be told for the first time how much he has to spend on his project: Rebuilding Rangers.

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I had my first serious conversation, sine the Div 3 admission, with a "Rangers" fan over the weekend. This is a clever guy, with a masters degree in civil engineering, so not an Orc by any stretch of the imagination. His opening line was "What do you make of the Rangers situation? " I opened a wee bit cagily, then gradually started to make the point that I thought they were luck to be allowed into the 3rd Division. His responses stunned me, given his previous form on football and finance, his points are basically the same as we've all seen on FF, RM, etc, i.e. we've not been found guilty of anything, we've been punished enough a guy came in and raped our club, why should the fans suffer?, etc etc. I just couldn't be arsed arguing, and just shrugged my shoulders.

Then later I realised I had let the diddies down and I apologise for that, cos I realise that if we just shrug then they'll win, they'll be back in the old arrogant mode, claiming nothing has happened.

From now on, I promise, I'll stand my ground on the arguments, and I will be arsed to argue.

Even if you were to accept the argument that they have been punished enough then so too have the people of Newcastle (1969), Barcelona (1972), Birmingham (1976), Mount Florida (1980) and Manchester (2008). A few more could be added too. Remember when they played their away leg to Unirea in Romania? Those of us in the civilised world recognise that Romania has severe problems, particularly with regard to child poverty. My family collect things to put in shoeboxes which are ultimately sent out there to give orphans a half-decent Christmas. These kids go wild with excitement when these gifts are received. So what happened when Rangers fans visited a country the rest of us show compassion towards? Answer - They picked fights with the locals. By courtesy of copying and pasting have a look at this.

The stomach-churning scenes of crowd violence that forced UEFA to make a tannoy announcement at the start of the second half, threatening abandonment and serious repercussions to follow for the Scottish club, will have made the nation cringe.

It made me more than cringe. Even typing this up just now fills me with so much anger. The first time I saw a game at Ibrox it was Rangers v Hibs and I was aged eleven. I got called a fen.... b...... just because my dad had bought me a Hibs rosette and Hibs had the affrontery to win the match. I didn't open my gub during the match and neither did my dad. I wasn't even a Hibs supporter (my club was Ayr United even back then). It was some Ibrox baptism especially since I didn't even understand the expression. Further to the above post I fail to understand why someone who is so clever would associate themselves with such a club. A lot of clubs have a bad element but with Rangers the anti-social scale is massive.

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I have just read through this entire thread and frankly I am MOST DISGUSTED. It has always been clear to me how the supporters of the "Irish" clubs felt towards Rangers. But a quite shocking REVELATION of the pure bile, vitriol, and animosity, leveled at us from who I assume are otherwise staunch and loyal protestants. You disgust me, sicken me to my stomach. Where is your pride? Where is the love for The Rangers which was once found all across the fair British Isles?

May your 'gods' forgive you for what you have done.

aww ffs Mr traynor, I pacifically told you to stay in bed and away from the laptop UNTIL you've had your medsph34r.gif

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I had to read that part about eleven times to see whether Leggo was being sarcastic or not. I'm still not sure.

In the context of what he's saying, it sounds sincere, but nobody could say "Jim Traynor and the Record have led the way so often during this complex Rangers story that there is no reason to doubt the veracity of this morning’s tale" and actually mean it, could they? Could they?

The only surprise about that remark is he doesn't describe it as "the resurgent Daily Record". In Leggo's wee world the Record hasn't put a foot wrong thanks to the diligent hard work of reporters like Traynor and "warhorse" Hugh Keevins.

Great to see Brian "I don't want to buy Rangers, no really I don't oh but if you insist I'll make an offer" Kennedy is back on the scene. Surprised it took him this long. How the hell can Charles Green be untrustworthy but a guy who repeatedly says he doesn't want to buy Rangers, yet still makes a bid, is deemed to be accetable? He should watch out though as Leggo has already made his thoughts on Kennedy clear: http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Kennedy-Kill-ebook/dp/B0084UZ5BM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343034169&sr=8-1

Love how he has no proof for Kenny Dalglish being unfit for the job as well - no doubt it's because he's a Celtic legend, even though he's apparently a Rangers fan.

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Our predictions of what the next 48 hours of this exciting and fun-packed family story will hold:


Greeny duly delivered for making me laugh out loud with this paragraph....:D

What will happen is that the SPL will be invited to bid for the rights like anyone else, which means one of two things: either (a) they’ll make a sensible and reasonable bid that’s higher than anyone else’s (which surely means a minimum of £2m, and perhaps a maximum of £3m, a year for three years), or (b) Neil Doncaster will defy all known human science by proving himself to be an even bigger idiot than we currently think he is.

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Greeny duly delivered for making me laugh out loud with this paragraph....:D

What will happen is that the SPL will be invited to bid for the rights like anyone else, which means one of two things: either (a) they'll make a sensible and reasonable bid that's higher than anyone else's (which surely means a minimum of £2m, and perhaps a maximum of £3m, a year for three years), or (b) Neil Doncaster will defy all known human science by proving himself to be an even bigger idiot than we currently think he is.


I was somewhat reassured by the piece with Longmuir on the back of today's Scotsman which basically says "they can bid like anyone else and be looked at like anyone else".

Exactly as it should be... If they make a competitive offer, fine - if not, get lost.

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I was somewhat reassured by the piece with Longmuir on the back of today's Scotsman which basically says "they can bid like anyone else and be looked at like anyone else".

Exactly as it should be... If they make a competitive offer, fine - if not, get lost.

Following this logic, if Longmuir is asking the SPL to simply bid alongside other interested parties, then a few weeks ago, surely newco Rangers should have been asked to apply for SFL membership alongside other interested parties... rather than being gifted a place in SFL 3.

Edited by pozbaird
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Yet another shady character with a dubious past joins Rangers:-

Rangers newco ‘assisted’ by former banned football agent StretfordPosted by Andy Muirhead

After the recent issues at Ibrox with Sir David Murray and then Craig Whyte leading Rangers into liquidation, the last thing they needed was another character with, at best, a dodgy history. Sadly for Rangers newco fans it seems that their new board led by chairman Malcolm Murray and chief executive Charles Green have welcomed football agent Paul Stretford on board.

Charles Green is reportedly using the services of the agent, who was banned in 2008 for 18 months and fined £300,000 for a number of misconduct charges handed to him by the English FA, relating to his acquisition to represent Manchester United and England striker Wayne Rooney.

A spokesman for Rangers newco said: “Paul Stretford is assisting the club.”

The news of Stretford hooking up with the Ibrox side, comes days after the club reportedly accepted the 12 month transfer embargo on them by the Scottish FA, which starts on September 1st 2012. That means Stretford will be at the front of the Rangers newco transfer deals – an idea that all Rangers fans should be worried about given his previous working practices.

In July 2008, the English FA found Stretford guilty of seven of the nine charges against him, which included making false and/or misleading statements to the police and in court.

Three months later, Stretford left the agency Proactive claiming ‘huge and irreconcilable differences’, however he was in fact sacked for ‘acts of gross misconduct; and the agency

In October 2004, a case against three men charged with trying to blackmail Stretford collapsed, after it emerged that the football agent had misled the court by giving false statements when giving evidence.

Stretford had told the court that he had not represented Rooney before December 2002, when the striker was represented by agent Peter McIntosh.

But two documents showed that Stretford had poached Rooney by September 2002, and the prosecution stated that they could not rely on Stretford as a witness.

Prosecution barrister John Hedgecoe said at the time: “In the circumstances, and having seen those documents, in particular that one dated September 19, we do not feel able to rely on Paul Stretford as a witness in this case.” .

“In view of his importance as a witness to the way in which we have put this case from the outset, we have decided that the only appropriate course is to offer no further evidence.”

If that was not enough for the controversial football agent, he got on the wrong side of Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson over Wayne Rooney’s desire to leave Manchester United, before he signed a new five-year deal with the club days later.

Ferguson stated: “I think he [Rooney] took bad advice and when he saw the impact of the fans and my response he realised – and I’m sure plenty of people told him – that he was making a big mistake.”

The Govan-born manager then claim that Stretford was ‘not the most popular man in the world – certainly at our club’.

With the recent goings-on at Rangers and the Scottish FA demanding to know everyone involved in the consortium fronted by Charles Green – who are now in control of the Rangers newco – if Stretford is part of the newco board and an investor in the consortium, how he will pass the FA’s fit and proper fitness test is anyone’s guess.

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So Traynor is now predicting that the SFL could run a parallel top flight league and take European spots from the SPL:

"The SFA would probably be unable to resist a wish by the SFL and Rangers to stand alone and demand European places because they couldn't rule in favour of, say,

eight or nine SPL clubs against 30 in the SFL. After all, haven't the SPL been insisting

the voice of the majority must be heard?"

Ridiculous stuff - is he now going the way of Leggo and completely losing his marbles?

Edited by Phantom Bud
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Just when it looked like the thread was running out of steam a bit, we've hit Monday morning and the next five days could be most interesting.

so just to be clear.......end of business on friday is the deadline to end all deadlines ?

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The guy is a legend, sadly he seems to have hit on hard times as he once had wealth off the radar

I know your comment is tongue in cheek and that the article is written for a 5 year old but it's actually pretty galling that a guy as untrustworthy as Whyte is still functioning at any level other than the gutter considering he owes decent folk a substantial amount of money !

It's something I've mulled over a few times when I've been in the company of 'money', wondering if any of the smartly dressed folk at the function were 'overdrawn' to the tunes of millions whist continuing to live a life of luxury !

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