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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yeah its telling that the second best level of grid iron is college level. Hope Manning does it for you this year. But Go Colts, GO Andrew Luck!!!! BTW. Manning will be back to Indy to retire a colt.;)

'Pish sports that no sensible person cares about' thread for this pish.

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Sadly, there will always be two teams in the west of Scotland which are supported by extreme elements of the religious divide. Even if Celtic and Rangers both died and their stadiums pulled down another two would emerge. For Scottish football's sake I would love it if they could play in the English leagues. Sadly, for the sake of Scotland these idiots can't be relocated. I wonder if, in 100 years time our country is still poisoned by this bile.

Sorry, wee dark cloud over my head just now. :(

You've not even played a game and already the SPL depression has hit.

Welcome to the big time!

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Sadly, there will always be two teams in the west of Scotland which are supported by extreme elements

Don't think the Ayr and Kille fans will take too kindly to this description...... unless you are describing them as extreme(ly dissappointed)....always!

Yeah I know before anyone says it. this is coming from a Peterhead fan. But as no-one knows who my "big team" are then I am safe :lol:

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We are essentially talking about institutionalised corruption.

We are, and so openly too.

When you have administrators of a league saying that sporting integrity has to be balanced against financial realism, with both given due regard, will the last one left please turn off the lights.

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Newco to get SFA License within 24 hours if Charles Green is to be believed. Hurah to that.

I was told Rangers will be suspended for this season and will re emerge in the SPL next season. It better not be true

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You're right. There are all manner of reasons why we couldn't adopt similar strategies with football in this country.

You're oringinal point is entirely valid though. While lots of sports competitions worldwide recognise that a major selling point is to ensure a balanced landscape which gives rise to genuine competition, just about every contributor to the Rangers' debate, bar diddy fans, has seen it as their job to ensure only two sides can win, ever.

We are essentially talking about institutionalised corruption.

Well, why not? After all, we're constantly being told at least one, the deid one, is an institution. Creating a level playing field, or a balanced landscape, would be impossible without a draft-type system, as population distribution alone would always skew the competition, e.g. Brechin at some point will play in a lower league than Newco, as Newco have a bigger fan catchment, and even with the disppearance of the glory hunters, will have more fans, therefore more money and thus can buy better players.

Particularly if they have more devious accountants (porn barons?) and can thus pay less tax (or none).

Edited by Happy Buddie
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Newco to get SFA License within 24 hours if Charles Green is to be believed. Hurah to that.

No, it clearly says that he 'hopes' it can be concluded in the next 24 hours. With your knack of twisting peoples' words, you should consider working for the Daily Record.

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Please, everyone. Can we agree to disagree on this?

It serves no purpose to keep going over the same ground.

We all* know what we WANT to happen but we can't influence it.

If anyone has an idea how we COULD influence it, please say

or forever haud yer wheesht.

Respect :)

* Sevco fans excluded of course.

Perhaps for the benefit of this thread, yes. But there is a much more important issue at stake here: it is crucial we record exactly what has happened over the past six months, and instantly reject the revisionism that is already gathering some momentum. This isn't about 'golding' an Internet thread: it is about preserving for future generations the fact that Rangers died as a result of a liquidation procedure in the summer of 2012, and that their apparent 'continuation' is, in fact, a phoenix club. With no credible claim to the honours or history of the old club. This must be established before the PR campaigns of Sevco, the footballing authorities, the sponsors and the TV companies attempt to rebrand what is in fact an utterly discredited new club.

That is far too important an argument (with possible ramifications for future clubs in administration) to be sidelined with a mealy-mouthed 'agree to disagree' truce.

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This is where I disagree - if the consequences of their actions should result in "the killing of Rangers FC" then that is what I want to happen. It simply should not be acceptable that there are some clubs (or in this case, one club) who we cannot apply the rules to. If that is the case, then the game is rigged from the start.

However - I think that as serious as their misdemeanours are, relegation and stripping of titles would have been a sufficient punishment for me. By that token, I will be content enough if they are allowed to get on with it, so long as there is closure given if they are proven to be guilty.

I don't think it needs to be treated as a special case - it's that the default position is that we need to find a way to let them play before determining punishments that is a problem. The outcome of the EBT investigation was deliberately shelved (perhaps in the hope it would all go away on its own) and that was ridiculous. I understand why the SFA feel they have to act in a certain way now, but it's really only because they've made a monstrous fuckup of it all in the first place.

Agree, but there is no "killing". What we are seeing is a spectacular suicide attempt, with the "loved ones" of our governing bodies trying to keep some life in the corpse until help arrives in the form of the new season. "If we can just get them playing again it'll be alright".


Have we all forgotten the scale of this mob's wrongdoing? A club whose sense of entitlement manifests itself any time one of its mouthpieces opens their gob and issues more threats towards the remainder of Scottish Football? Even in their so-called "wilderness years", before the moonbeams kicked in, they won more trophies than I and most other fans have ever seen our team win.

Not content with being one of the top two teams by some distance in Scotland, they connived with their business partners to deny any reasonable challenge to their duopoly - whether by snatching talented young Scots for their reserves/bench, or by gerrymandering the distribution of prize money.

No, not content with domestic supremacy - they wanted what the other posh kid had - a row of titles and that big cup the greens won in prehistory. 9 in a row and the European Cup - unfortunately they couldn't suck enough money out of the Scottish game to achieve either end, so.....


They stole money from the taxpayers of this country. They stole prize money from other clubs due to their inflated success rate. And they didn't care, because "They Were The Peepul".

Now they've been caught, are they contrite? Are they willing to take any sanctions dished out and rebuild their image? Have they at any time said they are sorry, other than "we're sorry we got caught"?


This mob brought shame upon Scotland for decades before their death, and the football authorities of Scotland are heaping more shame upon each and every one of us with their attempts to return to a status quo which rewards bigotry, violence and bullying above any semblance of sport.

They're dead. For the love of God, let's chuck them out and move on.

Rant over.

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Perhaps for the benefit of this thread, yes. But there is a much more important issue at stake here: it is crucial we record exactly what has happened over the past six months, and instantly reject the revisionism that is already gathering some momentum. This isn't about 'golding' an Internet thread: it is about preserving for future generations the fact that Rangers died as a result of a liquidation procedure in the summer of 2012, and that their apparent 'continuation' is, in fact, a phoenix club. With no credible claim to the honours or history of the old club. This must be established before the PR campaigns of Sevco, the footballing authorities, the sponsors and the TV companies attempt to rebrand what is in fact an utterly discredited new club.

That is far too important an argument (with possible ramifications for future clubs in administration) to be sidelined with a mealy-mouthed 'agree to disagree' truce.

And part of that, is that when (if?) in 3-4 years time a team based at Ibrox Stadium plays a team based at Celtic Park, we have to insist to the MSM and to the MEM, and Sky and the BBC, it is not an Old Firm derby, cos you just know they'll try to label it as such for marketing purposes.

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population distribution alone would always skew the competition, e.g. Brechin at some point will play in a lower league than Newco, as Newco have a bigger fan catchment,

Hell, thanks for pointing that out to me - I'd no idea that more successful clubs tend to come from more populous areas.

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A license? Does that get them clearance to play in the NASL?

They can get as many licenses as they like, but its membership they need. Will they get it? Hope not. I dont want to see any form of this toxic vile institution (phoenix or not) exist. They have cheated everyone in Scottish football, stolen from taxpayers, bullied and intimidated anyone who questioned their ways. They simply dont deserve to exist any more. I seriously hope they implode.

The SFA,SPL and whoever else are trying to flaunt the rules to save this shameful excuse of a football club deserve to implode with them. Its getting quite ridiculous now. If this were ANY of the other teams in Scottish football, we'd be dead and buried long ago and no-one but no-one in authority or in the corrupt, apologist Scottish media would even question it. It would have been deemed our particular teams own fault.

We're not the diddies or internet bampots, we're the victims of serious fraud by Rangers football club (IA) and the Scottish Footballing establishment .

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Have we all forgotten the scale of this mob's wrongdoing? A club whose sense of entitlement manifests itself any time one of its mouthpieces opens their gob and issues more threats towards the remainder of Scottish Football?

You're just jealous because the Ibrox club is free of debt and have a big stadium and training ground bought and paid for with no mortgage while your club is shackled with debt. wink.gifph34r.gif

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Hell, thanks for pointing that out to me - I'd no idea that more successful clubs tend to come from more populous areas.

Sorry, wasn't implying you were thick, I had a senior moment on that one, I was going somewhere with the argument, then got distracted. :huh:

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