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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You seem to be glancing at the post, picking the bits that you think you can counter comment on and failing miserably to actually put any kind of reasonable comment together without referring to general arrogance or North Korean style "glorious" propaganda.

Just a little observation. I knew that degree would come in handy one day. :P

I'm finding that most who disagree with me do not support The Rangers. A remarkable observation, don't you think? Even with my finely tuned interpretive skills that's not been difficult.

I know - I'm that good.

Is your degree in event-management?

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Wrong. Again.

What you are seeing is posters refusing to accept the barrage of nonsense and having the temerity to answer back.

The impertinence of it all laugh.gif

Yep. You, ForeverBlue1872 and bennett. The dream team. :lol:

Cracking result for "the plastics" tonight, eh? ;)

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Hello Henrik. Created any more threads about Rangers tonight? Any posts about Rangers? Homed straight in on this Rangers thread again?

Yes it was a great result for Rangers tonight :)

Shall we go into the proper section of the forum and discuss it more? I'm sure you and your Celtic buddies would love to.

The obsession is indeed reaching quite insane levels I must admit, but if there is 1 thing I do enjoy it's a group of people who love to discuss all things Rangers.

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I'd like to respond or ask a question related to each of your first 6 paragraphs.

1. If the fans are so skeptical then why have they handed over hundreds of pounds to the man, which has gone to pay of the loan he got to buy the club?

2. On this we agree.

3. Again, true.

4. What other clubs do still isn't an excuse for what OldCo/SevCo did.

5. & 6. If not, he'll be gone. True, but so will your club. He was the only one that took a gamble on the club. A gamble that still may not come off. I admire your passion for your club, but passion alone and 50,000 fans turning up once a fortnight doesn't keep a club going. You may or may not like the suits but if they pack up their briefcases and walk out the door, then the club folds. Game Over.

If I was a SevCo fan (God forbid) I would be demanding all my questions answered before I even gave money for a programme. And I wouldn't even pay any attention to Ally now telling us how pally he is with Green and that we can all trust him. Wasn't this the same thing he and Watty were both saying about Sir Dave? Yet now if you ask them about him they aren't so complimentary , claiming they didn't understand the ins and outs of the business at the time. "We was duped!!!"

How long do you plan on giving Green, and at what point will you truly trust him?

As far as I can see he has done absolutely nothing since the days of the fans trying to hound him out of the club, to prove he is trustworthy.

1. Because the desire to support the club transcends the suits.

4. I wasn't suggesting that - I'm pointing a finger at the rank hypocrisy of the self-appointed neo-moralista.

5&6. If he goes - even if it's another nightmare event - then someone else will be there to take his place. The Rangers wont be folding any time soon.

And, aye, Murray - he's a special one. There's more chance I'll see the Loch Ness monster before Murray ludicrous 'duped' claim is accepted as truth.

I'll trust Green when he leaves and the Rangers are still moving forward. I'm deeply skeptical about him - but he wont stop me following my club.

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Oh my, having been gone for a few hours I see this thread has taken off again! Celtic fans everywhere! The creepy obsession continues. I for one welcome them and feel my fellow Rangers fans on this website should do too. Honestly, I know it's hard to believe, but we DO share a common interest and that is that we all share a profound obsession towards all things Rangers. I could talk about Rangers all day myself, I mean perhaps not to the standards of "Celtic supporters", but certainly a lot.

However, to the Falkirk fan earlier on who replied to my post - perhaps I did become a bit excited in writing in the thread fella! Having said that it was merely the point rather than the phrasing that you should look at. Kicking us out, not letting us in, new company name for the club etc, all that shenanigans that this lot have been dissecting like the full-time lawyers they are! If you did read my post properly however you will see that I said I have been having some really good banter with people re: our situation. I don't mind it, I enjoy it, I know i'd certainly be the same, although I was a bit angered at the treatment Dundee FC were getting and wished them well when going into administration. Also, yes, Scottish football is horrific. It is simply ignored by everyone outside of the country and people that run it seem hell bent on making it worse at every possible turn. Woeful stadiums, woeful football, pathetic crowds and generally the S"P"L is most certainly one of the worst 'top' leagues in European and World football. It's bad yes, and you will be wondering why am I still watching Scottish football then? Well as a Rangers fan, I simply love watching us and no matter what league, what stadium and in what capacity we are I will always go and cheer on my team. Oh, speaking of which, good game tonight, I felt we controlled the majority of the game barring the first 15 minutes of the 2nd half.

Now, sorry for interrupting chaps, what were we talking about?

Oh yes, Rangers. Let's talk more about us :)

Is that why your mob were trying every trick in the book to get re-selection to it?????

In your posts you ask why everyone is talking about rangers and obssessed with their predicament.

The title of this thread is "Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here! "

What would you expect them to chat about on this thread? Fecking UFO sightings or what??

The thread started life in the SPL section and was moved to SFL3 because that's where you lot live now!

And because you're not out of the woods yet some of us are still interested in the banter/opinions from other supporters.

Also, your "supporter's" deflections from giving a straight answer, the "we still don't trust Green", the "we love it here in SFL3" and "we're still the best" bollox is absolutely brilliant!

Keep putting a brave face on things, your term in the lower leagues is in it's infancy.

I hope you can last the full journey back to where you're not wanted and don't belong!

Edited by Bookies Love Me
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With no actual new information coming to light in recent days concerning the Ibrox club's situation, this thread was very slow. However, thanks to the arrival of some new posters it has taken on a new lease of life. Much like the 3rd Division has, in fact. We should be forever grateful to them. Our saviours.

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Steady now ......I think you`ll find we were cheated out of our very own moment of glory as Pre - Sevco cheated and robbed us by fielding 9 out of 11 who were on bent contracts at a recent ( ish ) Hampden final. Soon the trophy will be ours and the celebrations, open top bus etc can commence ;) You`ll be pleased with that right? A wee team seeing justice being done... you wouldn`t want to see cheats prosper, your not cheering for them to keep that trophy.....surely ?

One of the things this thread has shown me is just how fans of rival clubs (Ayr and Ki**ie, Morton and St Mirren etc) can actually unite around a common topic. This is not blind hatred of Rangers/ Sevco etc, although I do concede that many Celtic fans may really detest Rangers/ Sevco. What we have found is that the scale of the corruption at Rangers/ Sevco has been on a level not seen before in Scottish football. Some Rangers/ Sevco fans will say that only Whyte is to blame and that no-one else could see what he was doing. Then what exactly were the board of directors doing to earn their high salaries? Serious questions need to be asked by the Rangers/ Sevco fans.

Onto Minty, the exact same questions needs to be asked of his directors. Was no-one aware of what was going on? surely someone would have been aware that something untowards was going on, or am I being thick? Can it be an excuse that since the EBTs were in the published accounts then thats OK, as some Rangers fans plead? To clarify, again, EBTs are not illegal it is how they are used that is in question. The tax man has said they were illegally used and asked Rangers to pay, this is not in question, it is the amount that Rangers wanted to pay which is being appealed. It is astonishing that they continued to be used even after Celtic paid the Junhino EBT (and they should not be allowed any titles that this was in operation), and after Arsenal paid the taxman back. Minty would have been aware of this, and yet he chose to ignore the warning signs.

Now Green comes in and spouts some crap about 'bigotry', claps his hands at some song and shales hands with the fans buying season tickets. As far as I am aware he has not answered many questions that sensible fans are asking (see Bendarroch or Bennetts posts). He has (and continues to) spend very big in a very small division. True he is hampered by having to keep Sally (the worst manager in Rangers/Sevco history). Who knows what will follow but I cannot see it being good.

This summer has been the most fractious and devisive summer of football in my 45 years on this planet and I suspect next will be equally as bad.

And as an Ayr fan can I say that the reason I am so annoyed with Rangers/ Sevco is the number of players Rangers had employed in the 2002 cup final on EBTs, nine of the starting eleven and two of the five subs, means that Ayr were cheated that day. This is only the one final I had an interest in (as WhiteRoseKillie will acknowledge, we were not in any others, so far). The other finals I leave to other fans to look up.

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By the time you go into administration there will quite likely be claims by the liquidators on assets belonging to the creditors such as Murray Park, Ibrok3s

More financial wizardry from the DhenseBhore laugh.gif

I trust you're battering your keyboard into oblivion demanding that fattestbhoy liewell intends to return any tainted prize money from the SPL? Think of poor hector and, my oh my, the integrity.

I think it might be best if you (having firstly removed your tongue from his arse) check with your ubertim before posting thoughts you aren't in full control of.

Happy to help smile.gif

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1. Because the desire to support the club transcends the suits.

4. I wasn't suggesting that - I'm pointing a finger at the rank hypocrisy of the self-appointed neo-moralista.

5&6. If he goes - even if it's another nightmare event - then someone else will be there to take his place. The Rangers wont be folding any time soon.

And, aye, Murray - he's a special one. There's more chance I'll see the Loch Ness monster before Murray ludicrous 'duped' claim is accepted as truth.

I'll trust Green when he leaves and the Rangers are still moving forward. I'm deeply skeptical about him - but he wont stop me following my club.

But that's the whole point. There is no-one else that would come in.

What the club ended up with was the best of a bad bunch. If Green hadn't come in with someone else's money do you seriously believe that TBK or Watty would have taken over the club? Hell no. All they were doing was pandering to the fans who would have accused them of doing nothing if the club had folded. So they made a token gesture just to appease the fans.

I'm not a big fan of the suits running the game either, but the fact of the matter is these guys DO run the clubs. If you are on a sound financial footing then sure another suit will turn up to replace the old suit, but only because he thinks he can make money. This is definitely not the case with SevCo. The club is still bleeding money.

Not a single "Rangers man" would touch the club, if that's what you are waiting for. Green is only now realising what others were smart enough to work out months ago.

I still think he is planning a way out sooner rather than later, but one thing is for sure, the next guy that would come in isn't going to do it for the love of the club.

What us diddy fans can't get our heads around is the SevCo fans attitude of "there will always be a rangers." That is exactly the kind of thinking that got you into this mess in the first place!!! If they lose the EBT case and Green has been up to something in the background and then walks away, there will be NO rangers.

If Billy Connolly turned up at Ibrox with £100 million the fans wouldn't trust him, but if Watty turned up with promises of investors in his cardigan pockets the fans would welcome him with open arms.

That's the attitude that will eventually kill your club.

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I see that the Sevco Franchise had those ubiquitous 5 stars on their shirt last night. Is it correct that each star resembles 10 league titles? In that case I would like to quote tomtom on Scottish Football Monitor:

If a Michelin starred restaurant goes bust (let’s call it Ramsay’s for talking sake) and you then buy the premises re-opening it as The Ramsay’s you don’t get to keep the Michelin star. If the customers are stupid enough to believe it is the same restaurant then more fool them.


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I see that the Sevco Franchise had those ubiquitous 5 stars on their shirt last night. Is it correct that each star resembles 10 league titles? In that case I would like to quote tomtom on Scottish Football Monitor:


Are they not still awaiting new shirts that they can fleece the fans out of more money?

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The creepy obsession continues.

Oh yes, Rangers. Let's talk more about us :)

This thread is far less about Rangers and far more about long term cheating in a sport we love. Rangers are simply the chalice from which the cheating overflows. Of course it is going to be a large thread with many people contributing, much in the same way that the great train robbery would get more interest than some junky nicking a can of baked beans out of the local corner store.

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Steady now ......I think you`ll find we were cheated out of our very own moment of glory as Pre - Sevco cheated and robbed us by fielding 9 out of 11 who were on bent contracts at a recent ( ish ) Hampden final. Soon the trophy will be ours and the celebrations, open top bus etc can commence ;) You`ll be pleased with that right? A wee team seeing justice being done... you wouldn`t want to see cheats prosper, your not cheering for them to keep that trophy.....surely ?

Fair Play. I remember that day - conflicting emotions, but I'd rather have had to bin "WFAANW" than see their knuckledragging oafs fail to celebrate a trophy win that they saw as beneath them. Felt proper grubby afterwards, mindwink.gif.

On the subject of trophy re-allocation, the leagues they stole are much easier to give to whichever team would have won without their results - in the cups, any team they played on their way to stealing the trophy would have a claim. My preference is for all honours they "won" by criminal behaviour to stand in the records as "withheld" to serve as a reminder to them and others of the consequences of their behaviour.

Now, get some local lads playing better football, get promoted a couple of times and be PROPER local rivals. That league cup semi reminded me how sweet it is to hand your mob their arses on a regular basis!

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Oh yes, Rangers. Let's talk more about us :)

Let's continue talking about Rangers, the SFA, SPL, SFL until we get to the root of the corruption, know that it has been properly dealt with and that clubs live within their means and understand that they are part of an association, which means they have respect for each other and see sport as more important than money. Let's.

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1. Insult and deflection

Please, dhensest, there's adults about who are laughing at you. Imagine you, of all people, crying about insults being bandied about.

And, for future reference, you wont require to mention deflection again - no matter how fancifully you choose to employ the word. That's because you can barely string a coherent sentence together amongst the idiotic mince you seem intent on boring me to death with.

I'll just default back to the first word of yours that I quoted - that's the measure of you. Expect nothing else from me and so it's entirely up to you if you wish to ping insults back and forth.

Hope that helps smile.gif

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But that's the whole point. There is no-one else that would come in.

We'll have to disagree.

Whilst I'm far from impressed with the actions of many of the rich Rangers 'supporters' over recent times, but I'm certain there will always be The Rangers for me to follow.

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