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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Slighty ironic when you consider you have come out with these belters:

Total speculation, laughable

if you say something (even if it is dressed up as a question) and don't have the facts to back it up then expect to be ripped for it.

The whole point of this thread is and has been speculation, you're acting like a dick here.

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I am speculating based on some of their fans moralistic values, I have come across a few.

You are a hibs fan yes?

Forgetting the argument about who's fans have the lowest morals (although at this very moment I'm struggling with the images and text that is clogging up my mind of the many and varied indiscretions of Rangers fans - Dear God, where to even begin!), I wasn't aware that any of our fans had access to the Hibs F.C. bank account, or signed the cheques.

In fact, they don't.

Objection sustained - irrelevant.

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Hiya Ben. How's Earl? :)

Still banned.

Free the Stirling one.

And you didn't invest in your own club (or company or holding company) - if you don't put your hands in your own pockets, don't criticise those that do.

All you've put into the Tribute Act is your (discount )ST money - and that is investing in the rangers the same way as a cinema ticket is investing in Meryl Streep.

He does, he goes to the games and supports his team unlike a certain person i could mention.

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Regarding the arrests at Ayebokes the other night the Orcs are claiming (yet again) that it was ''ra fault all o e polis so it wiz ,,,''.

So much for making new friends, eh?

Launching coins at opposition fans, bigoted songs, arrests.

New club. Same old fans :rolleyes:

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Good point made on twitter

To those arguing club and company were separate, wouldn't they agree that the company debts were run up by the club? If same club, pay up!”

Happy to take the good and no responsibility for the past

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Glad to see all that peace and goodwill, football in no mans land pish had been nipped in the bud. Apparently a colonel was charged in 1915 with fraternisation and conduct unbecoming for allowing the football stuff. Quite right too, I'd have shot him in a ditch, treason, no other word for it.

These cheating, thieving b*****ds are gloating over the millions raised in the IPO when not so long ago they suicided themselves, did the Shanghai shuffle and skipped town on a debt worth 6.5 times the amount they have just raised. Since Charles Green is so keen on climbing the moral high ground and magnanimous charity gestures (see Utd in February) lets see him give back every penny to the creditors and HM Treasury who the dead club screwed. Perhaps a chunk should go to the SPL clubs for all the prize money they received while fielding ineligible players for a decade. Just a thought.

If you want the history fine, it'll cost you £140,000,000 worth of abandoned debt. You want the titles, fine they come free when you settle the debt, except the ones that will be removed when you are inevitably found guilty of cheating of course.

Don't let me see any warm, fuzzy, festive feelings of goodwill break out again. These two clubs (one dead / one undead) were and are a national embarrassment , a constant shame to our sport, our country and themselves. The sooner Chucky skips town having emptied the safe and padlocked the gate forever the better.

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I believe you have many Hibs fans working at board level

I have only spoken to 2 hibs fans, 1 in real life, 1 on a forum, neither had any moral fibre

Guilty by association

You've spoken to two Hibs fans in your whole life, and only one in person?

With that you are happy to deduce that we, or at least a fair whack of us, have low moral values and from that you leap to the conclusion that it is fair to speculate that Hibs don't pay their bills?

Without the merest whiff of a column inch, any court records, a clean and (un-qualified) set of accounts, and an accountant at the helm?

You should feign injury today and get a sub on.

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If you want the history fine, it'll cost you £140,000,000 worth of abandoned debt. You want the titles, fine they come free when you settle the debt, except the ones that will be removed when you are inevitably found guilty of cheating of course.

That's it in a nutshell for me. If they want to keep their history they'll need to settle their historic debts. You can't pick and choose your history based on all the good bits whilst ignoring all those naughty moments.

If they don't want to settle their historic debts then accept it's a new club (albeit with the same majority of moronic support), accept Scottish Football bent over backwards to accomodate them through fast tracking to the 3rd division and let everyone get on with the football.

Two straight options: A or B. Take your pick.

Edited by Jordo1872
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Nah 1 lied his ass off on this thread, the other stole a sony walkman from Tandys in Castle Street where I was working (many years ago), I caught him and turned him over to plod, he had a hibs top on

Once again Tedi, if you are referring to me as the liar - I am happy for us to agree on a summation of the exchange and then put it to others to decide if I was lying.

And again, if I was lying then so were the BBC, the daily mail, the daily record and Charles Green.

Your confusing your description of lies, with actual lies.

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Those organisations don't have the chance to retract from their error (on this forum), they simply got the terminology wrong (as I proved)

You meanwhile were calculating in your wording, you know this, but still failed to admit you were wrong, the SFA simply did not use the words you quoted end of story

You Lied, intentionally

And you think the opinion of half a dozen anti rangers haters somehow indemnifies you?

Don't make me laugh :lol: :lol: :lol:

You want to continue that circle.

I gave you the police incident scenario (which you ignored) as an analogy.

It was one word Tedi. One word used to describe an action.

I could hit a man, some might say I struck him, some might say I leathered him. Not one would be a liar.

You latched onto it because it gives you a convenient get out from answering any relevant points that you don't like.

To my eternal credit, I rise above your nonsense. To use your own criteria, there are numerous times I could call you a liar. But there is so much more ammunition that there is no need.

You mention playing to the gallery. If you'd prefer, and I make this offer again, we can conduct any exchanges you would prefer to keep quiet by PM.

Failing that, maybe Internet forums are not for you.

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