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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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After everything that has went in Rangers favour Ragers Media still don't get it and think everyone especially Celtic fans are out actively try to destroy Rangers :lol:

Swally on RM says ! and the ensuing back up posts are soooo fucking twisted there has to be aliases from P&B :lol:

There are clearly a considerable amount of Nonce FC supporters with absolutely nothing else in their lives than spending all day thinking up ways to undermine Rangers FC.

From the RTC to the complaints to UEFA to the Advertising Standards Authority they are completely obsessed with undermining us.

They will sit around on line and in bheasly slop houses thinking up ever more ridiculous ways of spreading rumours and misinformation about our club.

Now if they are prepared to go to these lengths and even to the lengths of attending PSV to record us then it's fair to say they wouldn't think twice about signing up here, with no checks, posting a few positive posts, maybe even a few thousand posts before starting their cancerous campaign from the inside.

It seems to be now coming to fruition with poster after poster, backed up by other random posters, adding negative rumour and speculation on here day after day.

Lets not beat about the bush - the paedo's did their best to sink us last year and failed. Only a lunatic would think that they would just leave it at that and walk away.

They are here day in day out posting negativity and some of our gullible supporters are falling for it.

The timing of the latest drive is clearly aimed at season ticket renewal time.

Don't fall for their bheastly propoganda.

Admin - I know it's nice having a busy board and you can give lots of money to charity but if the cancer isn't cut out it will spread and you will lose lots of good Rangers posters, many have gone already.

It's maybe time to have a serious rethink about the membership policy on here as there is nothing to stop bheast after bheast signing up and undermining your board.

I joined RM to get news about Rangers - now all you seem to get is constant lies, rumours, innuendo and downright shite misinformation.

Even when excellent posters like Boss shoot their shite down in flames it apparently gets ignored.

No surrender to the bheasts and their apologists.


RM the gift that keeps giving :)

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After everything that has went in Rangers favour Ragers Media still don't get it and think everyone especially Celtic fans are out actively try to destroy Rangers :lol:

Swally on RM says ! and the ensuing back up posts are soooo fucking twisted there has to be aliases from P&B :lol:


RM the gift that keeps giving :)

Nothing wrong with that thread the op had a point.

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Are you agreeing to the daft element with derogative gestures towards Celtic or the fact that there are possibly tic & P&B aliases and deep under cover ones at that ?

You don't need to tell me there's Celtic fans and other posters from on here that have aliases on there some posters are just too obvious to me I can spot one out a mile. I don't really post on there anyway so it doesn't bother me.

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Which means "armed" in German you thick c**t. Big bloody difference between that & having a swastika avatar.You have wunfellaff as your name but I doubt you had any to fall off to begin with. Twat.


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He is right. Depending on the context. It can also mean Weapon.

Unless the hunting shop around the corner from my house is really some sort of Nazi cover up.

In a German speaking part of Switzerland - surely not!

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But les not pretend Charlie didn't have a clue what he was doing when coming out with "no surrender"

Any sign of that promised Orange away kit yet? :1eye

Let's not even pretend Charlie knew what "no surrender" meant this time last year.

Those ultra maliable Rangers fans are lapping up his confidence tricks though. One cry of "no surrendur" and they will all forget that Charlie is in the employ of Mr Whyte.

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You would have to be a complete loon to suggest No Surrender is in anyway sectarian.

Ultra offended brigade.

You would have to be a complete loon to suggest No Surrender was used by Green in any way other than to stir up hatred.

Easily conned brigade.

Edited by stonedsailor
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But les not pretend Charlie didn't have a clue what he was doing when coming out with "no surrender"

Any sign of that promised Orange away kit yet? :1eye

Rico has his letters of complaint all ready to post :)

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