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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And more from the Youngster,

Alistair Johnston was pointing out the worst case scenario as regarding Rangers going out of business if the HMRC case goes against them and any payment is afforded to the club in it's entirety instead of being met by MIH. However the clubs tax advisors are very confident that the Tribunal will be found in Rangers favour as regards re-payment of monies direct from the club.

Would Craig Whyte or anyone else go this far down the procedure to takeover a business,football club or otherwise, if there was a significant danger of the club going under? Rangers are comfortable with the tax issue and you would assume that Craig Whyte is also.

David Murray has accepted and agreed a deal to sell the club to Whyte with the debt cleared in it's entirety subject to ratification with Rangers board of directors. The deal all told is worth £50million.

Whyte has guaranteed £25 million,£10 million going into next season and £5 million per season after that. That makes it a four year investment,school i went to anyway. As for conflicting soundbites,does it really matter,the main thing is the club is coming out of debt which is the main thing.


For the 7 guests who are following me around the forum looking at old threads. WTF ? who are you ?. :lol:

That's three old threads I have visited to find Youngsy's foot in his mouth frothing at the bit for nothing other than he got conned by Murray and I have followers ???? :lol: Fucking Ragers fans what are they like ? :lol:

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And a poll from early 2012 re still trusting Sir Craigy....

Almost 50/50 :D


Now that's the zoo, but I am sure the swamp had one too at the same time. I'll try and dig that out later ;)

Nice to see that RM included an option for Mhonkey

Youngsy your just like the rest of the bears on here, thick and stupid at times and will swallow anything that came from Gestapo HQ in Govan.

Not everyone can be as a smart you are, us little people can only dream.

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Classic from Youngsy. :lol:

This man Whyte turns unprofitable business' into profitable ones. In other words if a business that is showing a clear deficit his expertise is to make that business solvent and self sufficient. This expertise is why he is so successful.

Now as much as you hope Rangers remain in a state of insolvency with the threat of administration hanging over the club it is not going to happen. As for HMRC Whyte is very comfortable with that situation or he wouldn't be taking the club on. It is obvious that many Celtic fans were hoping for the worst case scenario about Rangers but unfortunately for the detractors of the club that is not going to happen.


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Many a negative post on poor Craig, A man for all we know is innocent. Maybe misunderstood, just so desperate to keep the lights on at Ibrox that with a heavy heart he had to default on tax.

Let's not think of him as this broken husk, but remember him as the man who brought joy and laughter to countless millions, The man that put rangers out of it's misery.

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Was that Youngsy defending Whyte .. that would not be around the time everyone was scoffing and warning them he didn't really have a pot to piss in?

It couldn't be ... could it?

Youngsy ... dearie me you auld git .. those quotes are Tediesque in stature.

Not only that Dhenny !, if you search through the archives of Youngsy's posts before Whyte took over you'll find posters telling Youngsy the club is in dire straits financially. What does Youngsy do ?, he puts his fingers in his ears and goes la la la and replies with £50 million pound take over and war chests and Champions League qualification.

So Youngsy blames Whyte BUT ?, over 3 years ago Youngsy was told the club under Murray before the sale to Whyte was in financial soapy BUT ?, this is somehow Whyte's fault the club went tits up even though Murray categorically stated the club would be sold on to someone Murray would veto as having the best interests of the club at heart. Did Murray sell the club on to someone who had the best interests of the club ?, he said he would and you'd think Murray had done due diligence and made sure Whyte had the cash first and more so would have found out Whyte was a banned director at the time.

I'll bet Youngsy reading these posts feels like a prize turd now.

eta, Murray could have just asked Whyte to show him Whyte's bank account status showing Whyte had the funds, that is the simplest way to find out if Whyte had the cash before the sale. If Murray did ask then he would have found out Whyte had no fucking money.

Edited by hellbhoy
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Not only that Dhenny !, if you search through the archives of Youngsy's posts before Whyte took over you'll find posters telling Youngsy the club is in dire straits financially. What does Youngsy do ?, he puts his fingers in his ears and goes la la la and replies with £50 million pound take over and war chests and Champions League qualification.

So Youngsy blames Whyte BUT ?, over 3 years ago Youngsy was told the club under Murray before the sale to Whyte was in financial soapy BUT ?, this is somehow Whyte's fault the club went tits up even though Murray categorically stated the club would be sold on to someone Murray would veto as having the best interests of the club at heart. Did Murray sell the club on to someone who had the best interests of the club ?, he said he would and you'd think Murray had done due diligence and made sure Whyte had the cash first and more so would have found out Whyte was a banned director at the time.

I'll bet Youngsy reading these posts feels like a prize turd now.

eta, Murray could have just asked Whyte to show him Whyte's bank account status showing Whyte had the funds, that is the simplest way to find out if Whyte had the cash before the sale. If Murray did ask then he would have found out Whyte had no fucking money.

All this defence of the current boss....

Is Youngsy....................................... :blink:??

Could it possibly be............................... :o????

Youngsy..... is, in fact......................


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You really talk some amount of shite. Every Rangers fan knows the part Murray played in the financial breakdown, not one Rangers fan has denied it. As for your opinion, and that's all it is, you have no substantial proof when and if the club would have went into administration under Murray, it may well have happened, it may well not have, certainly if the EBT case had went against us it would have but that didn't happen. Read this and take it in; i blame Whyte for withholding the PAYE from HMRC which was the main cause of the liquidation of the PLC. Try and think who actually initiated the liquidation, it was HMRC, because of Whytes refusal to pay the PAYE and N.I. The fraud, as far as we are aware at this moment in time was initiated by Whyte and others, that's why they have been charged or can't you understand that. Like everyone else on this forum you keep covering old ground about the finances under Murray, that happened, Whyte took over, fraudulently according to the SFO, so try and focus on exactly where we are at this moment in time in all of this, instead of harping back to Murray, EBTs and such before Whyte came in, because we all know this, you're telling us nothing that we don't already know.
You really talk some amount of shite. Every Rangers fan knows the part Murray played in the financial breakdown, not one Rangers fan has denied it. As for your opinion, and that's all it is, you have no substantial proof when and if the club would have went into administration under Murray, it may well have happened, it may well not have, certainly if the EBT case had went against us it would have but that didn't happen. Read this and take it in; i blame Whyte for withholding the PAYE from HMRC which was the main cause of the liquidation of the PLC. Try and think who actually initiated the liquidation, it was HMRC, because of Whytes refusal to pay the PAYE and N.I. The fraud, as far as we are aware at this moment in time was initiated by Whyte and others, that's why they have been charged or can't you understand that. Like everyone else on this forum you keep covering old ground about the finances under Murray, that happened, Whyte took over, fraudulently according to the SFO, so try and focus on exactly where we are at this moment in time in all of this, instead of harping back to Murray, EBTs and such before Whyte came in, because we all know this, you're telling us nothing that we don't already kno
So basically you're all admitting you were living a lie under Murray. That's good to know.
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For info, the Companies Act sections he was charged under are 678 (3) and 680, which are basically read together:

678 (3) - (a)a person has acquired shares in a company, and

(b)a liability has been incurred (by that or another person) for the purpose of the acquisition,

it is not lawful for that company, or a company that is a subsidiary of that company, to give financial assistance directly or indirectly for the purpose of reducing or discharging the liability if, at the time the assistance is given, the company in which the shares were acquired is a public company.

(1)If a company contravenes section 678(1) or (3) or section 679(1) or (3) (prohibited financial assistance) an offence is committed by—

(a)the company, and

(b)every officer of the company who is in default.

The maximum sentence for that is two years upon conviction on indictment.

I'd suspect that will be secondary to a potential sentence on the fraud charge. You'd expect this to go to the High Court given the sums of money involved, as well as the undoubted complexity of the case, where there is no maximum sentence for the common law fraud charge.

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