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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Love the way you call Rangers "my club"

Why anyone would associated with something as toxic and disgusting as Rangers is beyond any right thinking human and reflects really badly on you.

You are certainly not the people. You are a laughing stock who don't understand the meaning of embarrassing.

Which just proves the point Gaz, 'My Club' is/are the football team I support, its your bitterness in that post alone that speaks volumes, don't you see that?

You don't know nothing about me at all, yet willing to judge solely on where I watch a game of football !?

Again don't you see that?

Edited by RedRob72
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Hate and bile? Laughing at the death of an ethereal idea that is a football club does not even come close to hate or bile. Laughing at the death of an ethereal idea does not even come close to extinguishing the very real life of even an insect. Laughing at people who invest so much emotion into an ethereal idea that they believe it actually matters so much that they attach strong emotions such as hate and love to it is.... well it's just hilarious.

Get a grip, people live and die every day, football is just a game, football clubs are just a common interest with no real significance in comparison to real life, something to kill time. You are taking comedy far too seriously. This is not a problem, we love how seriously you and others take it, it gives us something to laugh at. Thank you for making our lives a little better, thank you for being a fool. On second thoughts, don't get a grip. You are far too valuable as entertainment for us. What would we do, what would we laugh at if it were not for the likes of you and your melodrama?

Well over my head that mate, I've read your post 3 times now and still it doesn't make sense, cheers anyway

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Which just proves the point Gaz, 'My Club' is/are the football team I support, its your bitterness in that post alone that speaks volumes, don't you see that?

You don't know nothing about me at all, yet willing to judge solely on where I watch a game of football !?

Again don't you see that?

I read in a newspaper today that UKIP fully support the retention of a totally free NHS. Possibly one of the greatest policies I think any political party could hold.

If all other parties came out and said they would privatise the NHS I still would not give UKIP any support. Why? Because of what they stand for!

I don't think you will have the intelligence to understand my point but most on here will.

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Well over my head that mate, I've read your post 3 times now and still it doesn't make sense, cheers anyway

That's fine, at least I now understand why you support Rangers.

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I read in a newspaper today that UKIP fully support the retention of a totally free NHS. Possibly one of the greatest policies I think any political party could hold.

If all other parties came out and said they would privatise the NHS I still would not give UKIP any support. Why? Because of what they stand for!

I don't think you will have the intelligence to understand my point but most on here will.

Finish your bottle and go to bed!

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Finish your bottle and go to bed!

Bottle? I wish! I am on a dry ship, I shall not be imbibing alcohol until I am in the airport in Douglas awaiting my flight back to the EU.

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Is the end of all this fun nigh; or is it all just about to properly start?

Rangers fans will.certainly bill it as the former, but I don't think anyone can really be sure.

The authorities now have the twin headaches of ruling on Ashley's influence and on King's fitness and propriety.

It'll be interesting, but I can actually see the short term picture at least, looking rosier for Rangers.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Is the end of all this fun nigh; or is it all just about to properly start?

Rangers fans will.certainly bill it as the former, but I don't think anyone can really be sure.

The authorities now have the twin headaches of ruling on Ashley's influence and on King's fitness and propriety.

It'll be interesting, but I can actually see the short term picture at least, looking rosier for Rangers.

Only one Easedale? Hmmmm.

Wonder if there are "negotiations" being conducted. ?

More fun to come maybe...

ETA: James is the one with the ownership of the singular family brain cell... May indeed be Mr Glib and Shameless' turn to put up or shut up ?

You've heard this before berrz but needs saying....

Wallets OOT!!...:lol:

ETA 2: Welcoming back people who were responsible for the first liquidation..... Only Rangers :lol:

Edited by GreenockRover
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Ha! Rangers went down the shitter due to alleged tax fiddling. Now their fans are wanking themselves dry at the thought of a convicted tax fraudster (who was part of the previous fiddling regime) taking over.

Do you c***s have "mug" written through you like a stick of rock?

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I can go with the pisstake AB I don't really have a choice given what's happened to my club do I ?, but the undercurrent of hate and bile exists beyond that!

Do I care? No not really, just accept that it works both ways, that's all

The difference is that hatred of Rangers is not based on irrational prejudice. It's been earned.

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