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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ok, so you have proved that in certain context the word is not offensive, the same argument can be used for many other words that are deemed offensive.

TBH, was more about how to fund the climb, now that the journey is nearly over....

Old Chinese proverb say:

7 days before the mountain becomes visible.

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So have I got this right. You want TBB banned because it contains a word that you claim is a sectarian term for Catholics....even though you know the word is not a term to describe RCs. But more a term to describe Irish Nationalists whatever their religion might be. Yet you want to continue to be allowed to be a bigot and spend hours on end defending your right to be a bigot by using a term that has been proven beyond any doubt to be a derogatory word for Protestants...or maybe the churches where KAH is painted on are just full of Rangers supporters?

It is easy enough. Anybody could be mistaken into believing it was a term solely used against Rangers fans. That is fine but if you continue to use the term after it has been pointed out that is a complete nonsense which is only defended by sectarian bigots like yourself. Then I am afraid that would make anyone still using it no better than the idiots that still sing TBB.

As you're very well aware, I've repeatedly said that people should stop using that particular word, for public order reasons, even though your attempt to kid us all on about it is ridiculous.

Since you know that and are pretending that you don't, for some bizarre reason, I don't really see any point debating it further, especially not when I'd have to respond to e.g. "a word that you claim is a sectarian term for Catholics".

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Except you have no such thing. Dunfermline and Ayr fans called me a Dirty Or@nge b*****d last season, I suppose that was ok just because they were not celtic fans then?

You beat me to it lol.....The lad from Dunfermline was called Mitchell. A Dunfermline lad told me through PM all about him

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Except you have no such thing. Dunfermline and Ayr fans called me a Dirty Or@nge b*****d last season, I suppose that was ok just because they were not celtic fans then?

Does it strike you as even slightly likely that Dunfermline or Ayr fans singing e.g. "Go home ya ****" at you are really, really singing "Go home ya Protestants"? That seems utterly ridiculous on its face to me, an absolutely hilarious assertion.

Bear in mind that, if you really do think they're singing GHYP and you also agree with your fans' statement today, you're calling for those people to be banned and/or arrested.

Edited by flyingrodent
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It would strike me as probably ignorant, but ignorance is not an excuse for being a bigot, they should be punished accordingly, the Dunfermline fan happened to use the term in front of plod and was rightly arrested.

So you think fans of all other football teams should be banned or arrested if they use a term that none of them believe to be sectarian, just because you and a wee gaggle of other zoomers have suddenly decided that it is.

It's good to get that clarified, because it'll make it easier for folk to decide whether they agree or not.

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Utter bollix ... and invalidates the rest of your pish. The word is used derogatorily towards Rangers fans and now Sevco fans ... plastic ****.

To be fair the modern usage of the "other F word" is far closer to being synonymous with "Celtic minded arsehole" than it is with "Roman Catholic"

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Except you have no such thing. Dunfermline and Ayr fans called me a Dirty Or@nge b*****d last season, I suppose that was ok just because they were not celtic fans then?

Where does that put the mob of Rangers fans who called me an orange b*****d because I was wearing a Dundee United top?

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You have no idea what they really believe, they can claim anything they want, the term is sectarian anyone that uses it is a bigot.

There has already been a conviction for it.

^^^^this bigots other aliases have been banned ...when oh when will his main one be?

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No doubt it's really boring for most people but, when you've got a supporters' group actively petitioning the First Minister to prosecute other football fans for taking the piss out of them, it becomes a more pressing issue for everyone else than it was.

Not boring at all. These threads are great for outing bigots.

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As riveting and fascinating as this debate is, yet again, the site rules are very clear.

That includes changing other words to include banned words.

Having not read the forum rules. I thought I would have a quick read and see what they actually state.

With immediate effect the use of religiously prejudicial terms including but not limited to terms like "***", "tim", "*****", "*****", "******" and the like will not be tolerated on these forums. We will use a filter to catch most of these terms before they are posted however we are aware that a large number of ways exist to circumvent that filter so for clarification any posts made that include these sorts of terms, and any posts made which indicate a religious prejudice on the forum will be removed by the moderators and the posters issued with warnings.

So going by the rules, we are not allowed to use terms like three asterisk in a row or 5 or 6. Nor tim (even though this doesn't get caught by the filter????)


ETA: Mr X, I think the rules fail to cover the h word as has been shown by legal opinion that such a work ain't based on any religion.

Edited by strichener
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Forgive me asking but what's wrong with them?

Plastics is just a reference to the pretend Irish stuff.

The other is merely a reference to the colour you play in?

If there is more to it I apologise in advance.

You are spot on with the plastic bit. It is not even mildly racist to call somebody a plastic. Calling them a Paddy might be with the MOPE on here.

Greenyins is a bit more controversial. It rhymes with a banned word so ,imo, best left alone.

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