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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I love how you're trying so hard to appear reasonable here but deep you're desperate to join in with those well adjusted people on twitter/blogs..

Pressure getting to you.....


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Poor Benny has finally gone. I've always for the most part defended the Rangers fans on this thread, but I think it's all now starting to cave in on them. I fear that for them, this just might be "last orders". They may well stagger on in some format, but they are damaged goods with no sign of "brand" salvation!

Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Tavernier's tweet is a disgrace. The British Armed Forces are financed by taxes which the football club he plays for illegally avoided paying for almost a decade.

Taking your avatar into consideration, describing something as a disgrace is the ultimate example of people living in glass houses should not throw stones. What a hateful and totally repulsive individual.

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If Rangers had anything about them they wouldn't want to be linked to these titles. They're part of a blight on the club. If they really want football to move forward in this country they'd divorce themselves from these titles. But they're a completely desperate bunch who will stoop to any level.

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If Rangers had anything about them they wouldn't want to be linked to these titles. They're part of a blight on the club. If they really want football to move forward in this country they'd divorce themselves from these titles. But they're a completely desperate bunch who will stoop to any level.

Can you imagine how much they'd wrong foot us all, if they voluntarily relinquished their claim on these trophies?

Nothing is less likely to happen though.

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So Rangers winning is now for our fallen heroes? For f**k's sake. Someone have a word with Mr Tavernier please. As if Alloa winning would have made any difference to those who gave their lives.

Another example of how too many muddle headed people at Ibrox think rememberance day is somehow partly to do with Rangers FC. Insulting, tasteless nonsense. I shouldn't be surprised but I am.

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It also implies that Alloa were a team that were against those 'who fought for what we have'


I think tbf there was a nice sentiment in there somewhere that's been very poorly expressed - something along the lines of "A good, solid win over Alloa today, but it pales in signifcance next to all those who have lost their lives in needless conflict over the years. Great display of respect from our fans on the day #lestweforget #rulebritannia #timeforacheekynandosoutofrespect"

Well, maybe minus the hashtags, but you get the idea.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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What is different today, from what happened in those ten years. They are still fielding players they can't afford. In debt and living of loans, with no credit line because banks want nothing to do with them. Whatever happened to fair play. They may be paying their taxes(maybe) but it's still playing with with a stacked deck. Then they will just shed all that debt through another admin, start again, and act as if there's nothing to see here. But they'll say " it's a great Scottish institution, Scotland needs us."

Are they fck, they are an embarrassment to Scotland and a bunch of cheating b'stards to boot.

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If Rangers had anything about them they wouldn't want to be linked to these titles. They're part of a blight on the club. If they really want football to move forward in this country they'd divorce themselves from these titles. But they're a completely desperate bunch who will stoop to any level.

Good post. Now if they did that then that really would be them "being the bigger man" - as opposed to the statement that they did put out where they're acting like a child having a teary tantrum. And yet some rangers fans think the tantrum is being the bigger man!!

The mind boggles at these people........

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I have an idea that might satisfy those who wish to hold onto the sullied titles and those who wish them to be erased. Several years ago Barry Bonds broke the record for home runs in the MLB but there was always the hint that he had used Performance Enhancing Drugs (ebt's in Rangers case) to gain the record. When Barry hit his record breaking run it was caught by a fan who then sold it to a Mark Ecko. Ecko set up a website and asked fans what should happen to the ball, well 10 million fans voted that the ball should be branded with an asterisk and give to the Hall of Fame.

Why don't we allow Rangers to keep the titles they so desperately want but only on the condition that each and every one is marked with an asterisk with the following comment "We Rangers FC cheated to obtain this"

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Now the Russians have been caught cheating at sport. What do rangers fans think the punishment should be for an entire country. ? Should the powers that be just let them off or should we strip them of the medals? Or even better as has been suggested in the news is ban them from competing in the olympics? Imagine if Rangers got banned from all cup competitions for life

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Taking your avatar into consideration, describing something as a disgrace is the ultimate example of people living in glass houses should not throw stones. What a hateful and totally repulsive individual.

What's wrong with objecting to poppy fascism? People, particularly in public life, who decide not to wear the poppy are subjected to vile abuse, threats and intimidation from the poppy fascists.

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