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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You've got to love this bloke Charleton Green.

20 investors, oops I really meant to say "five or six". Is this guy arithmetically challenged?! Which is it? 5 OR 6? These are not difficult numbers to keep tabs on!

I reckon ra peepul better hit the panic button again soon. So far he has only spent £2 as far as I can see. St Johnstone will have comped him into the game as well, so he's quids-in so far!

"And when I said £8.5 million, I meant... err, erm... RUN AWAY!"

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Way back in the day Celtic and Rangers colluded to fix draws in cup games between them meaning more money from replays - hence the 'Old Firm'.

They conned their own fans for money.

They've conned their own fans for money throughout their history. They've had spells of huge crowds and the money went to the owners. Up to the 80's they operated, at best, at only a marginally higher cost base than other scottish clubs, trousering the bulk of the gate money for themselves, and that enabled AFC (and the Arabs) to cash in on their pisstaking of their own fans to beat them for a few years. That was part of the perfect storm that AFC surfed in on from 80-86ish.

The reaction from the OF was to raise their investment level in alignment with their revenue, including the whole Souness/SDM era, and that has put the diddy teams back in their place. To their credit this coincided with a huge increase in revenue gap between eoro qualifiers/TV money and us lesser mortals. Unfortunately, being the biggest was not enough, like a lot of big fish in small ponds they had to have total control and phuck the rest.

They have always phucked scottish fitba and the fans, particularly their own. This mannie Green looks as though he will keep up that fine tradition.

By the way. What a disaster if they "pull out" of the Scottish Cup, imagine a cup final without rangers, unthinkable!

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Doncaster, though, believes that the newco option has become unfairly discredited in the media since Rangers were plunged into administration over three months ago.

“Whenever I speak to people about the distinction between a Company Voluntary Agreement and a newco what I keep being told is that it’s simply wrong that any club should be able to create a newco and shed debt - as if a CVA doesn’t lead to the shedding of debt,” he said.

“Administration is the protection the court gives you when you can’t pay your debts. There are two ways out of that; one is a newco, one is a CVA.”

The man is a fucking rodent.

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It seems that our chums at Rangers Media have taken to cobbling together some Churchill-type rhetoric to bolster their petulent, it's-no-fair tantrum.

Here's a real Winston Churchill quote that they might wish to consider;

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

Edited by Milo
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It's about protecting the potential for OF in-house tv selling home games as pay per view, one of the first negotiations around the 11 to 1 vote at the start of SPL. That's all.

Never thought about that tbh.

I don't have Sky but if I were to then it would simply be down to Sky Sports, 90% of all the stuff I'd watch otherwise I can get on Freeview. Therefore I can totally imagine Rangers fans having no need for it if they only have Sky to get their side's games.

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I was watching Newsnight last night, it focussed on the situation in Greece. A Greek politician was asked why the people had voted the way they did in the elections and he said "They feel they are being punished for something that is not of their making". Have Andy Kerr or Mark Dingwall been feeding shyte to the Grekes as well? An the real reason Greece is in the broon stuff? Cos naebody wis payin their taxes. They were living beyond their earnings. My mate, Tommy, was in Greece on business a few years ago, waiter gave him a bill for 25 euros. Cos he was on businees trip, Tommy asked for an official receipt. Waiter took the bill away and returned with an official one for 32 euros, cos with the first tehy wouldn't have paid tax on it. See Greece, see Ibrox, see tax evasion, see the shyte it gets you into.

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Never thought about that tbh.

I don't have Sky but if I were to then it would simply be down to Sky Sports, 90% of all the stuff I'd watch otherwise I can get on Freeview. Therefore I can totally imagine Rangers fans having no need for it if they only have Sky to get their side's games.

I'm not saying that it's practical now but a mate, who was at Sky, explained it to me and it made sense. Not criticising the OF on this either, they went for what they thought was the best deal for them, it's our own clubs who let them do this and all the rest.

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It seems that our chums at Rangers Media have taken to cobbling together some Churchill-type rhetoric to bolster their petulent, it's-no-fair tantrum.

Here's a real Winston Churchill quote that they might wish to consider;

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

Mair like it!

Ya fannies!

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Rangers are hit by another couple of body-blows at the conclusion of the BTC and the SPL double contracts investigation. Rangers, despite having played the "Scottish Football is nothing without us" card as hard as they can, jump before they are pushed and resign from the SFA/SPL. Rangers attempt to set up a European/Atlantis/Orange League from scratch, it all turns to shit in short order and everyone gets to point and laugh.

Meanwhile, back in Scotland, Celtic realise that it makes no commercial sense to piss money away on a one-horse race of a league. They cut back their spending accordingly. The differential between Celtic and the rest of the league, in terms of both player quality and wages, narrows.

Suddenly, the league is more competitive and the other clubs realise that with a run of decent results, just about any club could be challenging for top 3 finishes. The league becomes much tighter and more competitive, racking up wider local support, interest, and spectator numbers.

The sectarian nonsense that has plagued Scottish football is reduced to the sound of one hand clapping now that one half of the problem has left the building. As it fizzles out and stops, Scottish Football becomes a much more attractive option for a Saturday afternoon family outing. Clubs aren't slow in taking advantage of the marketing opportunities. Average spectator numbers double.

There's a real buzz around Scottish Football. Clubs increase their local involvement by encouraging their players to obtain coaching qualifications, and running football coaching sessions with local schools and community groups. All the kids in the coaching groups are offered discounted family tickets to the club. Local interest rises to an all time high. Spectator numbers treble. Club Chairmen look at the figures and see that they are getting three times the spectator income for no more expenditure on the park. They thank their lucky stars that Rangers walked, because they know in their heart of hearts that this wouldn't have happened if they had voted to keep them in.

Nobody misses Rangers.

wow remind never to read anything posted by u again you are a compleat nutcase :blink:

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Just as a by-the-by can someone explain why presumably intelligent people feel that if they cant flush their shite they fill the lavvy with toilet roll.

This isn't a euphemism for the rangers by the way!!

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Yup - today's Daily Record:

"CHARLES GREEN last night admitted only “five or six” investors have pumped cash into his 20-strong Rangers consortium – but then insisted he has already raised £20million."


Why are the Blue Bigots slabbering over this guy so much?

He sounds full of shit.

He has £20 million already but will only hand over £8million for a CVA?

Yeah sounds legit.

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Why are the Blue Bigots slabbering over this guy so much?

He sounds full of shit.

He has £20 million already but will only hand over £8million for a CVA?

Yeah sounds legit.

He's their only hope - much like the a number of Livi fans with Massone.

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Decision time for the three in the Scotland squad, obey the orcs or play the patriotic card on their way out the door to a new club. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/spl/2012/05/18/rangers-fans-group-pile-pressure-on-ibrox-trio-to-pull-out-of-scotland-squad-in-protest-over-sfa-sanctions-86908-23864040/

It is an absolute nonsense...I am sure McCabe played for the U21s shortly after the original judgement was made. Rangers actually sell the Scottish Football strips in their club shop!!

Rangers have had disputes with the SFA before and especially through the Souness era and never withdrew players..We wont be withdrawing any players this time. I have little interest in any International football but i am sure the players consider it a massive honour to represent their country.

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