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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Jesus H. Christ........I wandered over to RM for a couple of minutes just to see what the Soon-To-Be-Dead Peepul were saying and I think my retinas have been burned out. Never seen so much bile and hatred on a footie forum before.

They are not happy.

Och well, fukkum.

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Is it possible that the thinking behind Haudit & Daudit going to the courts is that the SFA had 2 options open to them: fines or expulsion. The first had already been done and remains open to them if Rangers continue in admin. The 2nd option, expulsion, was deemed too harsh. So they came up with a new punishment - a transfer embargo, which no one was expecting. It's a bit like going to court on a charge of shoplifting and expecting a fine or the jail only for the judge to say "Nah, we're gonna paint you bright pink and superglue you to Vikington's sheets for a laugh" instead.

H&D may take the line that the embargo is unprecedented and the SFA are making it up as they go along.

If the court agrees that the SFA acted outwith their own rules, they can't then use the nuclear option of expulsion because the original hearing AND the appeal both said this was too harsh.

All the SFA would be left with is fines and with Rangers trying to screw everyone over for pennies in the pound they're hardly likely to care about another bill.

The point is by going to court and putting themselves in breach of FIFA statute 64 the SFA don't need to go back to the original disrepute charge at all, they can raise a new disrepute charge for putting the SFA's position as a member association of FIFA in jeopardy and expel them for that. In an ideal world this is what will happen, everyone should get emailing the SFA to push this under the identity of concerned Scotland fans. FIFA threatened the Swiss FA over breaches of statute 64 with suspension it's possible they could do the same to us.

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Yes, we saw Sion take on their FA + UEFA + FIFA, in a wide spectrum of law courts... and lose, and get hammerred.

What we see Rangers doing is an outrage against the fundemental tenets of sport.

Why should they be afforded even that degree of succour?

What's tennis got to do with it?................

Oh tenets............got you. Carry on.

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Fuckin' hell! HJ is on board now.They really are fucked!

Their action is outrageous and appalling.

It was right and proper they be punished - and if desiring, submit appeals - through the democratic footballing processes. And be innocent until proven guilty, etc. etc.

Now they have discarded that route. They have cast it aside and gone to the law. In doing so they are advocating and practising a policy which... taken to its conclusion... puts at risk Scottish football as we know it. They are playing effectively with fire in Scottish football's powderstore.

It is an affrontry to all that we hold most dear, and frankly, it disgusts me.

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Just sent my tuppence worth to the FIFA site, I now have the opposite of a guilty conscience :D

It's a 2 minute job, if you ain't done it, do so now fellow P&Bers.

The url is http://www.fifa.com/contact/form.html

BTW - does anybody else have the word Cockwomble buzzing through their heads to the tune of the B52s Rock Lobster? Cockwomble, Cockwomble........Cockwomble

I do now, you sinisterly persuasive monster you!

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Their action is outrageous and appalling.

It was right and proper they be punished - and if desiring, submit appeals - through the democratic footballing processes. And be innocent until proven guilty, etc. etc.

Now they have discarded that route. They have cast it aside and gone to the law. In doing so they are advocating and practising a policy which... taken to its conclusion... puts at risk Scottish football as we know it. They are playing effectively with fire in Scottish football's powderstore.

It is an affrontry to all that we hold most dear, and frankly, it disgusts me.


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Nothing would surprise me in this drama but it's hard to believe that Bungcaster, Regan, Ogilvie et al are playing a game of "Let's see who blinks first....."

Interesting scenario though. If true, Hadit, Daudit & Whyte will have to go into the Witness Protection Programme. :ph34r:

I think it's more a case of "let's hold it in and then see who shites the most.". If they get out of this alive it will be the greatest escape since Jesus rose from the dead.

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I'm not even gloating any more, I'm genuinely gobsmacked that this turn has been taken.

I was going to decribe it as RFC committing suicide, but it's actually a euthanasia - H&D have taken steps that will see Rangers killed off.

I'm afraid this hardens my attitude to the whole affair quite massively.

What Rangers are doing is affront to decency. They'd not even exhausted all the sporting avenues.

They should be opposed most vigorously, mercilessly, and without quarter.

Yes, we saw Sion take on their FA + UEFA + FIFA, in a wide spectrum of law courts... and lose, and get hammerred.

What we see Rangers doing is an outrage against the fundemental tenets of sport.

Why should they be afforded even that degree of succour?

Their action is outrageous and appalling.

It was right and proper they be punished - and if desiring, submit appeals - through the democratic footballing processes. And be innocent until proven guilty, etc. etc.

Now they have discarded that route. They have cast it aside and gone to the law. In doing so they are advocating and practising a policy which... taken to its conclusion... puts at risk Scottish football as we know it. They are playing effectively with fire in Scottish football's powderstore.

It is an affrontry to all that we hold most dear, and frankly, it disgusts me.

I know you've probably been asked this before, but which century do you actually live in? No need to answer, keep the thread on topic! ;)

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Prediction for Tuesday's Court of Session hearing :-

"The Court of Session is now in order.

Please rise for the honourable Judge Glennie.

Please be seated."

Judge Glennie: "Will the counsel for the plaintiff state the grounds for the complaint ?"

Richard Keen QC: "We are the people."

Judge Glennie: "Case dismissed."

you forgot all the funny handshakes as they were having a coffee before entering the courtroom

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Jesus H. Christ........I wandered over to RM for a couple of minutes just to see what the Soon-To-Be-Dead Peepul were saying and I think my retinas have been burned out. Never seen so much bile and hatred on a footie forum before.

They are not happy.

Och well, fukkum.

You ain't wrong. Just been on for 10 mins. One guy saying if this was in Belfast they'd be rioting and setting cars alight by now. Another saying it was time to get the ta^^^^s out of Hampden. Another saying Daly wasn't releasing stuff til midnight as he'd be in midnight mass.

Another - somewhat ironic nobber - wailing about the waste of licence payers money this BBC investigation was. Pishing away the readies of the good folk of the country is indeed a shitty thing to do so look in the mirror you fanny.

What the f**k kind of lives do these people lead - i couldn't care less what religious background my mates came from, and for most of my acquaintences I don't know their religious persuasion. Poisonous, vile cretins - seriously, our society would take a massive forward step if the outlet for these p***ks was killed off. I'm guessing 99.99% of Scottish people do not look at the troubles in Northern Ireland and think 'I wish we could have that over here'.

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Hibbeejibbee - isn't it the case if a club goes to the civil courts that the entire association faces expulsion UNLESS they boot the offending club thefuck out of said association or at least apply penalties of such draconian levels that the club will wish they had been kick ed thefuck out?


arseholeb*****dcunts doesn't even come close to describe how stupid these fuckers are

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I'm afraid this hardens my attitude to the whole affair quite massively.

What Rangers are doing is affront to decency. They'd not even exhausted all the sporting avenues.

They should be opposed most vigorously, mercilessly, and without quarter.

Jeezo Hibee they havent half got your dander up!!:D

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This fukcwit makes Chick Young sound eloquent. He really is as thick as pigshit.

A source of shame for me is that I really though Gordon Smith, when he took over the SFA, was going to shake things up, provide a bit of business acumen and cheerful good sense to the organisation. In fact he went on to be one of the worst administrators in living memory, a delusional, biased stuffed suit with few, if any redeeming features. I was delighted when he stood down (although the circumstances around that were, of course, very regrettable.)

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