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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Look the only way the long term stability of Scottish football doesn't end with Rangers and Celtic on top is if one of those clubs ceases to exist. This will not happen. Airdrie died but didn't stay dead, Rangers have an even greater financial incentive to be alive and nothing you, me or even the authorities can do that will change that.

I want to know why relegation to SFL1 with a whole load of concessions to the SFL isn't enough for some people to accept. For years of match-fixing Juventus received relegation to Serie B and a 9 point deduction. I know it isn't exactly the same situation as a Newco but it is a punishment for a much more serious offence.

And if people want to talk about rewriting rules to suit Rangers, rules were rewritten to the detriment of Rangers when they entered administration. Transfer of shares were moved from a board power to a general Meeting power, points deductions were increased and specific penalties were brought in for Newcos.

This is an extra-ordinary circumstance that calls for commensurate action. And at the same time positive changes can be made for the whole of the game.

Sorry but that reeks of battered wife syndrome ...ahd be nothing without him...when rfc were midtable in the seventies and eighties and Aberdeen n Dundee utd were the dominant sides no clubs went into admin the world didn't fall off its axis the national team qualified for world cups and teams made up of Scottish players won European trophies...its only since the cheating started with sdm that the long term decline of our national game began. In amidst the rhetoric I haven't seen one single factual detailed representation of financial benefit from newco!editted due to predictive feckin text. Doh

Edited by Highland Dogma
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Darlington are No Marks though, I'm sure if a big club had been in trouble the result might have been different.

You're making our point for us, then. That shouldn't matter.

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Oh, aye. I imagine Peter Lawell fixed the chairmen of Killie, United and the rest in his hypnotic gaze then used his magical bigot-beams to control their minds.

"Look into my eyes and repeat after me...", he'll have said. "We will save The Rangers... We will save the Rangers..."

And then, he flew back to Parkhead on a pillar of flame shooting out of his erse.

Not altogether unfeasible. Certainly the "we will save The Rangers" bit has a ring of truth about it.

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the other backer that link gives us is Mazen Housami

found this on ran*ers media


Rangers investor Mazen Houssami linked to Al-Qaeda

By James Traynor and Keith Jackson

In a RecordSport exclusive, we can reveal that the Middle Eastern lawyer has connections with the notorious terrorist group responsible for numerous atrocities against the West. In fact, sources tell us that he is the new head of Al-Qaeda, following the killing of Osama Bin Laden.ph34r.gifph34r.gif

Oh i so hope thats true. Maybe the yanks wil go after them and finish them off. :lol:

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Today's document, released at 6pm by the SPL to the SFL highlighting why SevCo should be allowed into the First has all but confirmed the ball is burst. These corrupt arseholes are basically threatening the SFL to accept SevCo into SFL1 under the threat of financial meltdown.

Well folks, if this DOES go ahead, and SMFC decide to stay within the confines of the SPL, I can unconditionally say that it will be the end of going to games for me. I can't support my club in a league which makes Serie A look like a bastion of fair play. The document sent out is akin to a written threat. And what does it teach us? That SevCo, NewCo, Rangers.....whatever, are simply to big to fail. Why support a club in a league which will do everything it can to predetermine the outcome of it's championship race? We, as supporters spend a lot of hard-earned money every single week to watch our club 'compete' in a league that is always going to hold everyone down who isn't part of the cash generating cow. I love my club, it's not about winning things, if it was I'd have been an OF supporter, but the odds are so heavily stacked in favour of corruption and financial mismanagement, that it's simply a losing battle.

Well, I'm afraid they can have their sky money, they can propose all their absolute bullshit jargon of 'exciting opportunities' 'positive media outcomes' 'increased revenue', but they have sold the sport and it's very soul, straight down the river in search of making a quick buck. All of this without providing a single shard of hard evidence to back up their claims of how up the shitter Scottish football would be. Not a shard! Nothing! I don't feel I'm the only supporter (actual supporter, not an imbecile who plants his fat arse in front of his telly every weekend and shouts at it, proclaiming his 'love' for a club he never actually goes to see) who is totally dumbfounded by all of this.

For me, the jigs up, if I want to watch a sport where the outcome is pre-determined, I'll stick to the WWE. At least it embraces what it is.

So congratulations everyone involved. This is that day Scottish football committed public suicide.

Rant over.

Excellent post.

These 'proposals' are absolutely outrageous. The SFL 30 need to find some nuts and tell the SPL to piss off.

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Totaly agree! I'm hopeing Kenny comes forward too and mirrors Stewarts comments. What's the point in saying yo've listened to the fans an youve publicly said no but yet a short while later you stick two fingers up at the very fans you jsut listened too! WTF is that about?!

There must be away us as fans can go to hampden and basicly say to the SFA/SPL/SFL you are destroying the game and if you put these arseholes in to the first there will be NO football cos we aint going to any games. Theres little point in sitting pissin and moaning about it on here. we need to take more action. Sending emails is a good way but they can just delete them without even opening them. They can't ignore thousands of pissed off people outside making their feelings known.

Don't get me wrong, no violance should be used. We are not arseholes like the gers!

Just got this from the fans trust in response to my email:

This information is as new to us (Supporters Trust) as it is to those reading the article on the BBC this morning....

I also suspect, having spoken to Kenny Cameron last night, that it is news to the SPL Chairmen as well. As such we are unable to offer any view or opinion at this stage, but will pass your comments on to the club.

Sounds like Cockwomble may have gone rogue?

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Darlington just tried to pull the 'Newco' stunt the other week. The FA forced them to change their name and punted them down four divisions!

Possibly a reasonable punishment after being in administration three times in 9 years then liquidated.

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I still cannot believe the SPL are trying to tell us without Rangers (and Celtic basically) that cities like Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Perth could not support football teams.

If the jig really would be up without Rangers then maybe we would be better starting again with a new set-up - totally new and nothing suggested so far by SPL/SFA.

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SPL fans need to email/contact their clubs to let them know that they find the 'blackmailing' of SFL clubs with the 'SPL2' proposal simply unacceptable.

If true it has completely over-ridden the seemingly great work of voting against Sevco getting SPL status. If anything its worse.

'We dont want to do it, but we'll blackmail the other clubs into doing it.'

Disgusting. Get emailing your clubs folks.

You know the worst punishment for us and best from an SPL perspective would have been keeping Rangers in the SPL and massive points and financial deductions for 3 or 4 years, which i believe was orginal SPL plan until the no to newco mob saved us from that fate.

Going to the 1st division is a cop ouut and the only feasible option is the 3rd division where we're seen to be punished and have to earn respect as well as league progression.

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Look the only way the long term stability of Scottish football doesn't end with Rangers and Celtic on top is if one of those clubs ceases to exist. This will not happen. Airdrie died but didn't stay dead, Rangers have an even greater financial incentive to be alive and nothing you, me or even the authorities can do that will change that.

I want to know why relegation to SFL1 with a whole load of concessions to the SFL isn't enough for some people to accept. For years of match-fixing Juventus received relegation to Serie B and a 9 point deduction. I know it isn't exactly the same situation as a Newco but it is a punishment for a much more serious offence.

And if people want to talk about rewriting rules to suit Rangers, rules were rewritten to the detriment of Rangers when they entered administration. Transfer of shares were moved from a board power to a general Meeting power, points deductions were increased and specific penalties were brought in for Newcos.

This is an extra-ordinary circumstance that calls for commensurate action. And at the same time positive changes can be made for the whole of the game.

Juventus should have had a much greater punishment. The Italian football authorities should have done to them what was done to Fiorentina. They went bust owing less than Rangers, with their newco being admitted to the fourth tier of Italian football. The only thing that the Italians got wrong with them was that they were eventually allowed to purchase their original name and history.

I'm not being naive about the situation in Scottish football. My team is never going to be in the Premier League. However, I can remember a period when Scotland had genuine competition in the top division, with two teams outside the Old Firm winning the League, and there would have been a third if Hearts hadn't bottled it. That was a great period for Scottish football. For part of it I lived in London and took quiet pride in the positive things said about Scottish football. I even remember attending a game between Aldershot and Aberdeen where I was stunned to hear an Aldershot fan say to his young son that he was lucky to be seeing the best team in Europe.

This period ended not with Rangers fighting back through nurturing youth, excellent management etc but by starting the chain of events that led to the current sorry state of Scottish football. We have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make things better. Today's news suggests that the SPL Chairman (except Aberdeen) are bottling it. Clearly they can't think big. They are obviously desperate to get things back to the cosy position before Rangers' financial mismanagement was exposed. Far better to be fighting for third in the League and the occasional cup win than be genuine title challengers in a much more open competition. But they may change their minds when their stadia are nearly empty next season.

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Just sent this to the Falkirk Chairman

Dear Mr Ritchie

I note from the website that early bird seasons are going well. I was about to buy mine tomorrow. In view of the latest nonsensical statement regarding reconstruction and the threat from the SPL reported on STV that the Rangers newco must be accepted into Division 1 or they will break away is the final straw for me. I have no choice now to turn my back on Scottish Football. If I had already purchased a season ticket I would have been mailing the club tomorrow requesting a refund. I know from looking at a a number of websites that fans of all clubs are absolutely furious about what they see as nothing better than a contrived stitch up.

If this goes ahead Scottish Football is finished and quite frankly it is a fate that it deserves. What is so special about allowing a club that has never existed to jump the queue ahead of far more deserving clubs straight into the second tier. For you and all the other club Chairmen's information Rangers no longer exist, they have been liquidated so there is no club to relegate a fact that seems to escape all at a high level in Scottish football. The money they have failed to pay the taxpayer which could, for example, have made a significant contribution to building a fully equipped hospital. All this is conveniently ignored in this pathetic attempt to let the reincarnation of this cheating dishonest organisation a quick route back to the top table.

I have no idea if Falkirk have been directly involved in discussions on this but this matters little as the organisation that they belong to is directly involved in this disgraceful episode.

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Excellent post.

These 'proposals' are absolutely outrageous. The SFL 30 need to find some nuts and tell the SPL to piss off.

They do. I can honestly say that I've never been ashamed of my club until today. I'm actually embarrassed for them. It's fucking pathetic, bullying and morally bankrupt.

I know emotions are still raw over this and I expect, in fact, fucking demand SG makes an official statement tomorrow. But regardless of how the SFL 30 vote, if St. Mirren ARE involved in this, then the damage is done for me. :(

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The people who will go to division 3 and work our way back up.

not the ones who vote a team out but because some clubs 'may' go bust try and get us into the first division to save sponsorships etc and then threaten to leave the sfl if they dont get there own way and create spl and spl 2

any true rangers fan we dont want any 'so' called favours. we want division 3 work our way up which is only good for our young players and if other clubs cut there cloth accordingly will be good for the scottish game.

it is the only way. the spl vote is irrelevant now as we are out. trying to put us in division 1 is a joke

It's gratifying to realise that there are some real Rangers fans out there that put sporting integrity above money. I would happily welcome you to my ground next season.

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