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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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...and I thought Al Jazeera posted the most horrific videos .... biggrin.gif

What are you talking about, that was pure class. The jiggly shoulders were genius. I thought it was Ivor Cutler for a sec.. thumbup2.gif

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In my opinion, Murray knew exactly what was going on when he sold the club to Craig Whyte.

He knew the reputation of the man being an asset stripper and that he would take Rangers into administration as this was the only possible way Rangers could clear the serious debt Murray had plunged the club into during his years as chairman.

I don't think for one minute Murray had no idea about the type of person Craig Whyte was. No 'true' fan or businessman would surely enter a deal without prior knowledge as to who they are selling the club to.

Journalists were able to get the scoop on Whyte so surely Murray could have performed extensive background checks on the man, certainly more extensive than 'Is he Scottish?', 'Is he a foreigner?', 'Does he have money?' and 'Is he a Rangers fan?'.

Murray knew about Craig Whyte and allowed him to buy the club as he was the perfect foil to keep his legacy in tact. Either that or Murray is the most incompetent businessman on the planet.

Correct me if Im wrong, but the debt at the time of takeover was £18m to Lloyds + whatever came out of the big tax case. Part of the takeover deal was that the £18m was paid off. Why would Murray then expect the new owner to put the club into administration?

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Luvvin Murray's denials in the media.

Duped, I tells ye, duped.

Aye, right-o. Perhaps someone might want to ask how Chraig Whhyte knew of 'previously involved with Renegers' Ticketus?

Before he bought the club.

My guess is that someone told him. I wonder who that could have been.

Also: Murray's been quoted as saying that there was little turned up about Chraig Whhyte during the due diligence period and build up to the takeover. What the heck was going on for all that time? Anyone else think that Murray has the current world record on Angry Birds?

And the media?

Motherwell Born Billionaire. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Correct me if Im wrong, but the debt at the time of takeover was £18m to Lloyds + whatever came out of the big tax case. Part of the takeover deal was that the £18m was paid off. Why would Murray then expect the new owner to put the club into administration?

Massive shortfall in meeting operating costs?

I agree with you - I just don't buy the notion that Murray needed a lackey to run Rangers into the ground. That's crazy stuff.

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Correct me if Im wrong, but the debt at the time of takeover was £18m to Lloyds + whatever came out of the big tax case. Part of the takeover deal was that the £18m was paid off. Why would Murray then expect the new owner to put the club into administration?

Because Rangers have been essentially run at a loss of around £15-20m per season where significant external resources aren't available?

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Massive shortfall in meeting operating costs?

I agree with you - I just don't buy the notion that Murray needed a lackey to run Rangers into the ground. That's crazy stuff.

Because Rangers have been essentially run at a loss of around £15-20m per season where significant external resources aren't available?

Good points. But plenty of other business manage to cut costs without going into administration. Arguably, it should be easier for a football club, given that the vast majority of its expenditure is on player salaries, who all have short term contracts. Some even have resell value.

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Good points. But plenty of other business manage to cut costs without going into administration. Arguably, it should be easier for a football club, given that the vast majority of its expenditure is on player salaries, who all have short term contracts. Some even have resell value.

Yeah I bet Rangers wage bill wasnt a kick in the arse off what the losses were each year, they could accept second every year and still have a squad on a fraction of the cost with maybe a single marquee signing and still put up a decent fight, lets face it, if you picked the best 11 players outside of Rangers or Celtic in the SPL you would probably be able to give Celtic a good game most weeks.

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Good points. But plenty of other business manage to cut costs without going into administration. Arguably, it should be easier for a football club, given that the vast majority of its expenditure is on player salaries, who all have short term contracts. Some even have resell value.

That's true and many of the rest of us have had to live with that reality. So why not Rangers?

That is a question for Murray himself though, and Alastair Johnston. If it was that easy then why had they never done it successfully? Importance of winning and stopping the natives getting too restless seems to be the answer.

Of course none of that really explains Whyte's apparent business practices! :lol:

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***rrrring-rin, rrrrring-ring***

Sir Beams of Moon: Hello?

Business Partner: Awe right, big man.

SBoM: Haw credit-line, that you?

BP: Aye, it's me. Quick question for you.

SBoM: Shoot.

BP: Ah've got some chancer on the other line trying tae sell me 100,000 of your tickets from the next four years.

SBoM: Sounds legit.

BP: So I can buy them.

SBoM: Well, aye, of course you can buy them. Erm, haud on though. Whit's the guy's name?

BP: Chraig Whhite Whhyte (born 1969 or was it 1971?)

SBoM: Chraig Whhyte, eh? Seems to ring a bell. Wait til a check the pippers, see whit they say.

***two second pause***

SBoM: Aye, chap on, get them tickets aff ma haunds, they're nothing but trouble. **mutters** Stinkin orcs.

BP: 'K. C'ya

***SBoM hangs up phone***

SBoM: Phew, thought that was mibbes some chancer trying to dupe me.

***some time later***

SBoM: Aww, furfuxake, I've been duped. Whaur's Jabba, the fat bassa and Action Jackson huv been tellin me porkies.


Does anyone actually believe that Chraig Whhyte was able to flog 100,000 tickets belonging to another business, a business in current partnership with the proposed buyer of said tickets, without the business' owner finding out?

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Good points. But plenty of other business manage to cut costs without going into administration. Arguably, it should be easier for a football club, given that the vast majority of its expenditure is on player salaries, who all have short term contracts. Some even have resell value.

Aye, but do these other businesses have 'customers' who deserve better?

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RANGERS Supporters Liaison Officer Jim Hannah has revealed he has had a staggering response from fans to the Fighting Fund where supporters can donate to help the club now.

Hannah and club legend Sandy Jardine are in Belfast tonight to explain the initiative to the Northern Ireland supporters after launching the money-spinning project yesterday.

There are 120 registered clubs in Ulster and most of them will have representation at the meeting tonight.

Hannah said: “We have had a phenomenal response from people and we already had single donations of £20,000 and £5000 before launch.

“On the other side of the scale one elderly lady came in last week and offered £20 from her pension. There are just fantastic stories developing all the time but the most important thing is to raise money for the club.

“It’s amazing what fans are willing to do. We have had offers from plumbers and painters that if work is needed at the club they will come in and do it for free.”

Evidently a grossly mismanaged club still employing millionaires earning thousands of pounds per week need the money more than her.

She should be comforted, though, that her £20 has paid Duff and Phelps for about 2 minutes of their time.

I wonder how far Mssrs Clark and Whitehouse are on Angry Birds?


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Aye, but do these other businesses have 'customers' who deserve better?

And herein lies the problem. I bet there are numerous businessmen who could have bought Rangers, cut costs and had the club operating within its means. But, why would they? Why would they subject themselves to the bile, and worse, from the supporters who wouldnt accept the changes?

In other words, the supporters of the club have no one to blame for themselves for this

Ok so bang goes the theory however I still don't buy Murrays claims that he knew nothing about Craig Whyte other than he basically had money. Murray jumped off a sinking ship and now is doing his best to shift more blame on to Craig Whyte without taking his fair share for his mis-management of the clubs finances.

No, I agree with you. Murrays claims today are on a par with "a big boy did it and ran away"

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Aplogies if already posted, made me laugh. WTF are that mob all about?

SUPPORTERS donating cash to save Rangers feared their dosh had gone to two CLOWNS following an email blunder.

It came after Ibrox legend Walter Smith yesterday launched the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund to help rescue his stricken club.

But followers were mistakenly told to email assembly@bluenose. co.uk — when the correct email is assembly@thebluenose.co.uk And punters who checked out the website www.bluenose.co.uk to find out what was happening discovered it belonged to kids' entertainers Mr and Mrs Custard.

Last night a club source said: "It was a wee hiccup which was sorted out within an hour.

"Everyone can see the funny side. No money could have been deposited in the clown accounts." Earlier former boss Smith joined ex-player Sandy Jardine in urging Gers punters to donate cash to help secure the club's future.

And Jardine said: "The fans' support will help safeguard the club's future."

Until they corrected the PayPal address, anyway...


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Hmm Brian Kennedy sounds like a man with plenty of experience of the situation Rangers find themselves in:


"The problems started when Mr Kennedy, for some reason, gave the club to the supporters' trust*, people who had no experience and no money."

Fan ownership you say... a shrewd strategy I think. :D


*small print in the deal was, he didnt give them the ground, just the "club". They had to pay him >200k

a year in rental (they were in League One ffs!) resulting in them going into admin for a year, and dropping two divisions,

leading to them dropping out of the league system for the first time in their 110 year history.

A Stockport fans spokeperson said yesterday:

I don't particularly like Rangers, and I don't particularly like Brian Kennedy, so they could be a good match."

Edited by Macshimmy
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Correct me if Im wrong, but the debt at the time of takeover was £18m to Lloyds + whatever came out of the big tax case. Part of the takeover deal was that the £18m was paid off. Why would Murray then expect the new owner to put the club into administration?

Because thats how a vulture makes his money , is anyone trying to suggest Murray didn't know about his previous companies and how they all went into administration or liquidation? The only two people who are laughing at the moment are Murray and whyte , one flogged of a dead horse with all it's debt and the other is waiting to sell his shares of a new debt free company.

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Because thats how a vulture makes his money , is anyone trying to suggest Murray didn't know about his previous companies and how they all went into administration or liquidation? The only two people who are laughing at the moment are Murray and whyte , one flogged of a dead horse with all it's debt and the other is waiting to sell his shares of a new debt free company.

Yes, David Murray is!

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