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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Tbh, I think his statement... delivered despite Broadfoot/Mini-Broadfoot's telephone rant to Thomson that 'there would be no statement', btw... effectively closes this aspect of the affair.

He's not going to resign or take gardening leave; he works closely with Regan on a daily basis and he isn't going to try to order it; the SFA Board sure as hell isn't going to order it; the media here isn't minded towards pursuing it; the enquiry by Lord Nimmo into Whyte's fit-n-proper-ness has already reported; etc.

Neither the mechanism nor the will to pursue exists, seemingly.

There's no concrete evidence of guilt, either. No smoking gun. Infact nothing notable or incriminating.

Ultimately the only things being pointed at Ogilvie are supposition (perhaps innuendo too), and those aren't going to be sufficient reasons for him to step aside - or face quizzing from SFA into their President - of themselves. As his statement on SFA's website says:

Are you seriously suggesting that Ogilvie can simply come out and say "I had nothing to do with contracts" and everyone should just shrug and say "Oh well then" and leave it at that? :o

What happens if Rangers are found guilty of incorrectly registering players, at a time when Ogilvie was secretary and on the Board of Directors?

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If he was even slightly involved in illegal contract issues, then his position at the SFA should be untenable. That includes the highly likely scenario that his own EBT was administered illegally.

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Are you seriously suggesting that Ogilvie can simply come out and say "I had nothing to do with contracts" and everyone should just shrug and say "Oh well then" and leave it at that? :o

What happens if Rangers are found guilty of incorrectly registering players, at a time when Ogilvie was secretary and on the Board of Directors?

By the same token perhaps until there are specific allegations of wrongdoing there is no requirement for him to step aside. I would hope though that given his positions during the time in question, that the SPL inquiry question him to gather all the facts. Once all evidence is gathered then that may change.

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By the same token perhaps until there are specific allegations of wrongdoing there is no requirement for him to step aside. I would hope though that given his positions during the time in question, that the SPL inquiry question him to gather all the facts. Once all evidence is gathered then that may change.

Im not, necessarily, saying he should step down. However, I also dont think we should simply take his word for it and continue with business as usual.

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If he was even slightly involved in illegal contract issues, then his position at the SFA should be untenable. That includes the highly likely scenario that his own EBT was administered illegally.

His own EBT would presumably have been administered differently from the players given his role. They may not have paid (enough) tax on his EBT, but if that is ruled then they get a tax bill. I don't really see how him having an EBT should affect his position regardless of how it was administered.

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Im not, necessarily, saying he should step down. However, I also dont think we should simply take his word for it and continue with business as usual.

Oh agreed, I remain sceptical. Given the allegations made the inquiry should be a matter of urgency.

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I'm losing track of all the dates.

Now that there has to be an extra meeting to check whether they're actually in administration at all, have all the other dates such as when a buyer is required been pushed back?

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I'm losing track of all the dates.

Now that there has to be an extra meeting to check whether they're actually in administration at all, have all the other dates such as when a buyer is required been pushed back?

Even if there was no FSA administration 'cock up', the chances of tomorrow being a 'deadline day' for bids was absolutely zero. Haudit & Daudit are just trying to hurry certain people along (Paul Murray), and trying to flush out any oversees (sic) interest. It'll be just like the 'deadline days' for talks with the first team squad - each new day brought a new deadline and more talks, while our popcorn wilted. Tomorrow will be no different. This administration will rumble on, and on, and on...

...and on....

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Even if there was no FSA administration 'cock up', the chances of tomorrow being a 'deadline day' for bids was absolutely zero. Haudit & Daudit are just trying to hurry certain people along (Paul Murray), and trying to flush out any oversees (sic) interest. It'll be just like the 'deadline days' for talks with the first team squad - each new day brought a new deadline and more talks, while our popcorn wilted. Tomorrow will be no different. This administration will rumble on, and on, and on...

...and on....

Just shows what a shambles the whole thing is.

Anybody says this is going to end quickly or cleanly is insane.

Every other day there is another cupboard opened a more crap falls out.

Hugh Adam today basically called Murray (David) & Ogilvie liars – EBTs + Double contracts existed and as he knew about then so did that pair.

How are you supposed to close definite bids tomorrow if the Admin is sorted till next week and there are 2 court cases pending this month

Next week in Edinburgh into Ticketus status as creditor (which would also question Ticketus status as part of consortium buying club),

and end of the month in London into who’s the £3.6Mill is.

Also verdicts due on,

SFA – Lord Nimmo investigation that is to go to a Judicial Panel,

SFA into none payment of Dundee Utd for cup game,

SPL into double contracts,

And that’s before anybody mentions HMRC – Its insane.

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Indeed. Nothing has been clarified, all it raises is the question of how didn't he know anything?

Topic: Cambell Ogilvie and the use of EBTs at Rangers, including his own.

The difficulty is that unless the facts are made public the rumours and snide comments will continue.sad.gif

I would guess that people will know what salary Ogilvie was on at Rangers.

The whole EBT thing could just be something that has grown arms and legs, so the obvious thing to do would be for Ogilvie to let us all know how much was paid into his EBT while at Rangers, and how much remains. If he received a couple of hundred quid in total it would just be a bit of a storm in a teacup.

Curious as to who made the decisions regarding these discretionary payments into the Rangers EBTs. Was it the board? What was the basis? Who made the decision on the amount for board members?

Unless of course they had a dart board and are claiming it was a game of chance? Next name out of the hat is Ogilvie. Throw the dart Chic! (he must be useful for something). Great biggrin.gifdouble tops. 40 grand for you Campbell.

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Are you seriously suggesting that Ogilvie can simply come out and say "I had nothing to do with contracts" and everyone should just shrug and say "Oh well then" and leave it at that? :o

What happens if Rangers are found guilty of incorrectly registering players, at a time when Ogilvie was secretary and on the Board of Directors?

No, for clarity I'm just saying that this is probably what's going to happen. As it stands - unless Hugh Adam's claims can be substantiated - there's nothing at all to pin on him in a tangible sense, bar having an EBT, and that's not a footballing issue. Then couple that with apparently non-existant SFA/media desire to kick-up-a-fuss.

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Just shows what a shambles the whole thing is.

Anybody says this is going to end quickly or cleanly is insane.

Every other day there is another cupboard opened a more crap falls out.

Hugh Adam today basically called Murray (David) & Ogilvie liars – EBTs + Double contracts existed and as he knew about then so did that pair.

How are you supposed to close definite bids tomorrow if the Admin is sorted till next week and there are 2 court cases pending this month

Next week in Edinburgh into Ticketus status as creditor (which would also question Ticketus status as part of consortium buying club),

and end of the month in London into who's the £3.6Mill is.

Also verdicts due on,

SFA – Lord Nimmo investigation that is to go to a Judicial Panel,

SFA into none payment of Dundee Utd for cup game,

SPL into double contracts,

And that's before anybody mentions HMRC – Its insane.

Add into that the fact that the entire first team squad have just signed a big pay cut deal to keep things rumbling along for now - who knows for sure what they've signed, and what sort of squad anyone expressing an interest in buying Rangers will actually inherit. Reports suggest some players have stated 'Whyte must go, or I'm out of here in the summer' and have had that written into their new contracts. It is also reported that the players have merely signed cut-price deals now, and will be looking to go back up to their previous contract level in the summer. I simply cannot see how Rangers can go back to paying guys 20k - 28k a week - unless they dig up some Russian or Arab with more money than sense.

So there's all the uncertainty you listed, plus an uncertain future for the actual playing staff. You also never listed Whyte himself. What is he currently thinking/planning? It would be easier to second-guess Mad Vlad. He's been declared unfit for purpose, and is about as welcome at Ibrox as Ross Tokely would be at the annual St Mirren supporters dinner. He's another major uncertainty in all of this.

I'm sure there's more - I mean, does anyone even know a list of creditors yet, and exactly how much is owed, and to who? How much will Haudit & Daudit's final bill be? I think that anyone who says they know how this will actually end up is telling porkies. As an interested observer, my main focus is still on the SPL, the SFA, and the chairmen of all other SPL clubs (including Celtic, not just the gang of 10). So far, as far as I can tell, there's been nothing untoward from any of them. A few soundbites about 'sympathy for Rangers' as you would expect, but very little otherwise. Behind the scenes, they must be talking and whispering to each other, but so far, they've done nothing. They obviously cannot do anything until they know Rangers' final situation - but as a football fan, they're the key players in my book. They are the custodians of our game - and to be frank, they don't fill me with any confidence whatsoever. Doncaster especially.

Still, cannot jump to conclusions. Tick tock.

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No, for clarity I'm just saying that this is probably what's going to happen. As it stands - unless Hugh Adam's claims can be substantiated - there's nothing at all to pin on him in a tangible sense, bar having an EBT, and that's not a footballing issue. Then couple that with apparently non-existant SFA/media desire to kick-up-a-fuss.

Many would argue, rightly in my opinion, that the very fact the club he was secretary of is being investigated for such a serious allegation would be enough for some action to be taken - even if its only for him to take gardening leave so that his non-involvment is transparent. Simply lurking around behind the scenes claiming he is taking no part in an investigation about something he didnt know anything about at the time, leaves the SFA open to all sorts of accusations.

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Many would argue, rightly in my opinion, that the very fact the club he was secretary of is being investigated for such a serious allegation would be enough for some action to be taken - even if its only for him to take gardening leave so that his non-involvment is transparent. Simply lurking around behind the scenes claiming he is taking no part in an investigation about something he didnt know anything about at the time, leaves the SFA open to all sorts of accusations.

Keevins said last night that CO had offered to step back from his position until a resolution was complete but the SFA declined the offer.

He went on to say that he thought he shouldn't step back as that would be 'tantamount to an admission of guilt'. You said it, Shug.

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Looks like Jim Spence pushed Chick Young into a corner tonight.

Last night Young stated words along the lines of that he did not think that Campbell Ogilvie had an EBT.

Then tonight he said that he knew Campbell Ogilvie had taken payments from an EBT and that it was not a lot.

Is it ok for a BBC employee to lie on air, then retract his statement 24 hours later?

They then had a discussion on why no one believes half the news that comes out in the press etc. Well Chick people like you are the reason this is

Retire before your sacked.

Haven't had a chance to listen to podcast as the BBC have yet to put the podcast online

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16malex_thomson_d_normal.jpgalex thomson @alextomo

And despite what many are saying, Rangers fans have been thoughtful, constructive and supportive - they get their say online today

16malex_thomson_d_normal.jpgalex thomson @alextomo

Possibly even the 'succulent lamb' 'fine red' culture might need examination....

18malex_thomson_d_normal.jpgalex thomson @alextomo

Our investigation's gong to be wide - not just Rangers but governance of the Scottish game ....

19malex_thomson_d_normal.jpgalex thomson @alextomo

Making progress on Rangers/SFA/ SPL. Coming to Glasgow Monday to begin filming.....

<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">

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