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SFA have written to all member clubs asking for full release of details on payments to players. Obviously re the dual contracts situation. On BBC Sportsound right now.

According to STV it was 11 days ago they sent the letters to all clubs.

I find it rather funny that Alex Thomson doing an investigation and the David Murray/Stewart Regan have done interviews to the media yesterday/today!!!.

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According to STV it was 11 days ago they sent the letters to all clubs.

I find it rather funny that Alex Thomson doing an investigation and the David Murray/Stewart Regan have done interviews to the media yesterday/today!!!.

You can imagine the thought process within the SFA "Let's hope a couple of other clubs admit something, ANYTHING! That way when we let Rangers off it won't look so bad".

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SFA have written to all member clubs asking for full release of details on payments to players. Obviously re the dual contracts situation. On BBC Sportsound right now.

SFA - 'Lets find out who else looks guilty, and if anyone does say 'f**k it, no ones getting punished this time but NEXT time, oh if there's a next time you're all in trouble! Maybe!''

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I don't know. Whilst Adam's allegations re Rangers have already been made, the explicit linking of this crisis with a profound failure of governance on a programme like C4 news will set the cat amongst the pigeons somewhat.

Not only will there be lots of "but but but" whataboutery from the authorities' shambolically poor press operation, questions will also be asked of why the Scottish media has kept its mouth shut about such matters, for so long.

I think Adam is going to have to provide something more than he's already said... and seen refuted (perhaps wrongly)... or it'll be put down as 'recycling old news'. I think C4 + Alex Thomson will know this too however, so they'll either have more relevations, or at least more incendiary quotes from Adam.

I still think it unlikely that Rangers will disappear completely as a result of all this. However, collateral damage from this scandal- i.e. the sweeping away of the empty blazers, incompetents, petty minded empire-builders, disastrous lack-of-visionaries, sawdust Caesars and numbskulls that have been left in charge of the Scottish game, would be extremely welcome. A sustained week of scandal-stricken coverage on national news would leave a lot of positions in the hierarchy untenable.

If Rangers are demoted to SFL 3 then it may even call into question the point of a separate SPL with separate governance. The whole experiment has been a disaster from the very start and has helped entrench the money driven-dominated-byt-the-bigot-brothers model of football that many people have become so heartily sick of.

We'll see.

Regarding blazers - the bonfire of the blazers has already happened tbh. Since last summer's reforms, if you look at the Main Board and Professional Board of the SFA, the only 'blazers' left are Ogilvie; the bloke from Cove who's first VP and his successor; and Rod Petrie who is fairly well respected (and his second VP position will be abolished and replaced by another Independent Director when he vacates it). All the other positions are now filled by CEOs, Chairmen or Secretaries of Leagues, with the exception of the SPL who have a 3rd slot which Peter Lawell occupies. SPL's never really had blazers. Ogilvie/Cove bloke aside, all are quite recent entrants.

There might be calls for Regan/Doncaster to go - but they're both fairly new to their posts in the context of Rangers alleged misdemeanours (Regan moreso). Everyone else are direct club reps/independents.

Only Ogilvie and perhaps the Cove bloke are realistically in the firing line to resign over historical practices, IMO.

Regarding the independent status of SPL... there's already a desire from SFA to merge SPL + SFL back together. I'd doubt many people would disagree with the principle. The problem comes in agreeing the detail.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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"Rangers have always prided themself as the British / Scottish club or vice versa and we take great pride in that. This is the reason we will fly our countries flag."

The utter arrogance of that as a statement says it all for me really, who decided to proclaim you that?? That is right up there with your ugly sisters "TGFITW" !!

That was the get out clause they used to excuse their sectarianism.

Wnhat No8 refuses to see is that none of us have any dislike of the Union Flag, what we do have is a deep hatred of those who use it for their own agendas.

To deflect criticism by throwing back the old "it's the flag of your country" excuse is the retort of an unmitigated bigot who sees himself as right and anyone who complains as a traitor to the cause.

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I wonder if that is seriously being considered? If they can re-negotiate the SPL's inequalities in finance and voting they won't be interested in re-joining the SFL. Celtic, whatever else they may be, aren't stupid so would surely negotiate in the event of a Rangers-free SPL.

Only if Celtic pig-headedly insisted on the status quo being maintained would collapsing the SPL become a real prospect IMO.

Sadly, it's all about £££££££££££££ and self interest for the laughably named "gang of ten", just as much as it is for the gruesome twosome.

They can't resign from SPL and leave Celtic (and Rangers if they still exist) marooned in a wasteland anyway. In practical terms OF would readily see 8 or 10 SFL clubs willing to take-over lapsed SPL places - even if they didn't, there'd be little prospect of the Old Firm losing appeals to SFA, UEFA, FIFA, CAS or the law courts over the legitimacy of the "Other 10" having conspired to destroy them.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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They can't resign from SPL and leave Celtic (and Rangers if they still exist) marooned in a wasteland anyway. In practical terms OF would readily see 8 or 10 SFL clubs willing to take-over lapsed SPL places - even if they didn't, there'd be little prospect of the Old Firm losing appeals to SFA, UEFA, FIFA, CAS or the law courts over the legitimacy of the "Other 10" having conspired to destroy them.

Ironically, something that pair have openly contrived to do to the rest of the clubs over a number of years.

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But far far more important is that they sort out the governance of Scottish clubs and Scottish football.

If the SFA had any sense they would be taking the moral high ground and putting things in place NOW. The door is open, all they have to do is walk through.

Fit and proper test for those involved. Insisting clubs operate within the law like any business in the UK and meet their obligations (tax etc).

Ultimatelty the SFA is a collective of its constituent members (basically - clubs). In policy terms the SFA = the clubs, + a couple of elected officials, all of whom originate from clubs, except for Regan who is an employee. In rule terms the SFA = the clubs and that's it.

It's up to the clubs to approve reforms. By definition, that means it's up to the clubs to want reforms.

Hopefully they do, or at least a sufficient majority do.

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Spiers on twitter indicating that Haudit & Daudit continue to drop strong hints that HMRC are minded to cut a deal.


He tried the same thing on Newsnicht last night, only for the supposed expert on administration go 'err, not sure what you're talking about, really.'

It's a shame to see Spiers fall into ranks with the rest of the Scottish media, swallowing the wish upon a star drivel fed to them by Duff and Phelps. Erm yes, we'll let Rangers - a club with no major income generating stream as things stand, and a track record of failing to pay taxes - pay back £19 million plus the inevitable £49 million second bill in 5,000 easy monthly payments.

Her Majesty couldn't possibly say no to that. But if they do, presumably they're off to Wonga to apply for £63 million until their next pay day, which thanks to Ticketus, is currently, what, 2015?

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