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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The club must lose out with some supporters turning up 10 minutes late and others leaving 15 minutes early. If only they could increase their attention spans and keep them there the full 90 minutes, it could only be of benefit. Maybe some sort of concentration camp to help keep them focussed for the full match.

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Daily Rangers

Anyone know why? Or indeed what the first hurdle is?

Easy to speculate that since they've not been in the process up to now that they are most likely to be the first to be pushed aside.

More interestingly, from that article...

"Fans want a CVA as quickly as possible because it gives certainty and it also means you have time to ensure all players' contracts are renegotiated and the bulk of the playing staff are kept on the books for next season.

Still living in cloud cuckoo land I see!

They really expect to be able to afford to keep the current playing squad largely intact? Do they expect the players to continue to accept their currently massively reduced wages, or are Rangers somehow going to miraculously start bringing in more money than they have in recent years to be able to actually afford to pay all their bills this time around?

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Poland traditionally.


Funnily enough, there are a few intriguing parallels to be drawn in the Teutonic context.

Hitler whipped the German people into a frenzy of indignation in response to the crippling reparations imposed upon their state after WW1. Clearly, The Peepul have been similarly wronged, and their righteous indigation, as so poignantly manifest on RangersMedia, will surely serve as a galvanising factor in another glorious historical chapter akin to that spawned by good ol' Adolf.

The biggest question is, will Ally ultimately turn a gun on himself in the dug-out?

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"I think the fans at least know what they are getting into and this, at the end of the day, appears to be supported by a broad universe of the Rangers fans and that's really important.

What the fcuk is a broad universe?

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