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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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see those videos at first sight are cool. cause they is slagging off the gers. but then that thought is diminished when one considers that such videos is most likely put together by some annoying celtic fan. furthermore, the sycophantic celtic posts on this forum and elsewhere where they have reconstructed themselves as fellow diddy clubs is vomit inducing. but i guess the comfort to be drawn is that they are fucked once this thing plays itself out and consequently we can enjoy these videos created by celtic fans eulogising rangers, for they are likewise euoligising their own vile club.


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see those videos at first sight are cool. cause they is slagging off the gers. but then that thought is diminished when one considers that such videos is most likely put together by some annoying celtic fan. furthermore, the sycophantic celtic posts on this forum and elsewhere where they have reconstructed themselves as fellow diddy clubs is vomit inducing. but i guess the comfort to be drawn is that they are fucked once this thing plays itself out and consequently we can enjoy these videos created by celtic fans eulogising rangers, for they are likewise euoligising their own vile club.


can't you tell from the slow-motion Stephane Adam footage it was a jambo?

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whats vlad been saying about this whole situation. like him or loathe him hes always been someone able to stick it to the old firm like they deserve. bet hes loving the events as they run :)

Oh yes the Fit and proper person Rules were Designed with Vlad in mind Pleased I bet he is.

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the BBC are notoriously bad for bias, im sure they have been reported to ofcom on various occasions in regards to other matters, outwith football of course. but i agree with what you are saying about the review, they need to undertake a mass cull and start again, they have shown no impartiality throughout this whole saga. chick young should be the first shot out of a big canon over the clyde.


a canon


A cannon.

I don't normally do 'spelling nazi' but the image of Chic being shot out of a priest is too much to keep in.

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This had likely been mentioned about 40 pages ago but I can't be arsed checking. Jim Traynor on Sportsound podcast = fud. Should hang his head in shame for coming out with such utter drivel about Rangers, probably to protect paper sales.

That whole radio show / Rangers appreciation group needs to get pulled from air. It's become nothing more than a propoganda machine for the succulant lamb brigade.

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I really really hope that the Edinburghers day out at Hampden isn't just turned into Bigotfest by the Bears.

If the Polis let them anywhere near the ground they are kidding.

Think this will turn into a blood fest. Feel sorry for anyone taking kids.

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Personally, I think the man who is currently sitting in his luxury abode, changing his diary to come over and bless Scotland with his glorious presence should have his appreciation club started early.

Afterall, He's always maintained that this sort of Succulent Lamb journalism from the media monkeys in Rangers ever working PR machine was rife. He always maintained there was something corrupt right to the very core of Scottish football. The SPL have proved this by taking no action whatsoever against RFC and allegedly the two donkeys that are Neil Doncaster and Stewart Reagan have been meeting Craig Whyte for lovely wee dinner dates.

He maintained this all throughout the xenophobic campaign against him and his countrymen that he brought here. See: Celtic have least homegrown squad in Europe and the Daily Record brand them "Cosmopolitan" whereas Hearts had a few foreigners and Eggert Jonsson made his debut to "Yet another in mad vlads cast of faceless thousands". Also see: Miko being bullied out of the country.

Alas, Our Glorious leader was right all along. The Mafia (SFA, Old Firm & Succulent lamb munchers) is falling to bits.

Don't be fooled by his silence, he's judging his moment to fine tuned perfection. He'll come storming in with Rangers at their weakest and Swipe their last hope, their SPL prize money, right out from under their noses. It'll be akin to pulling the plug on the life support machine and it'll be fucking epic.

All Hail King Vlad


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Well said Mr Leckie. It's just a pity you didn't come out with such sentiments and statements 5 or 10 years ago when Murray was actually running his corrupt regime.

Mind you, I expect everyone else knew what was going on except your good self. I'm sure you never knew a thing.

Agree completely - there is currently a bit of an unseemly scramble to rewrite history and vilify Murray amongst the very hacks who were happy to unquestioningly regurgitate every line that Rangers put out over the years. There are a number of groups who come out of this debacle with their credibility in tatters and the Scottish sportswriters are near the front. The childish over-reaction to Alex Thomson having a look into the situation spoke volumes to me.

Stick to writing puff pieces about Coisty and Naisy lads - it's proven to be all that you're capable of.

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Other that scaremongering by the media is there any proof that that Sky & Espn will or can pull out of the TV deal?

It's obvious it's liquidation now, do Dunfermline stay up or will Dundee be promoted.

With a TV Deal & Dundee in the league we (& Dundee Utd) will be better off. I'm sure we'll vote for what's best for us.

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Don't forget that all of Celtics power will be wiped the second Rangers go bust. It'll be 10 on 1.

Then 11 on 1 with the team that replaces them.

Can't fucking wait. It's running down my leg already. :D

Well start wiping :D

The only thing re the 10 to 1 thing is, it will go tits up for the 'diddies' as soon as 1,2,3 or 4 of them think they can replace Rangers in terms of power. The infighting that will happen will dilute any advantage that the loss of Rangers will bring.

ps, Wee Billy is a choont, his passionate rant on Sportsound was a cringe fest.

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Personally, I think the man who is currently sitting in his luxury abode, changing his diary to come over and bless Scotland with his glorious presence should have his appreciation club started early.

Afterall, He's always maintained that this sort of Succulent Lamb journalism from the media monkeys in Rangers ever working PR machine was rife. He always maintained there was something corrupt right to the very core of Scottish football. The SPL have proved this by taking no action whatsoever against RFC and allegedly the two donkeys that are Neil Doncaster and Stewart Reagan have been meeting Craig Whyte for lovely wee dinner dates.

He maintained this all throughout the xenophobic campaign against him and his countrymen that he brought here. See: Celtic have least homegrown squad in Europe and the Daily Record brand them "Cosmopolitan" whereas Hearts had a few foreigners and Eggert Jonsson made his debut to "Yet another in mad vlads cast of faceless thousands". Also see: Miko being bullied out of the country.

Alas, Our Glorious leader was right all along. The Mafia (SFA, Old Firm & Succulent lamb munchers) is falling to bits.

Don't be fooled by his silence, he's judging his moment to fine tuned perfection. He'll come storming in with Rangers at their weakest and Swipe their last hope, their SPL prize money, right out from under their noses. It'll be akin to pulling the plug on the life support machine and it'll be fucking epic.

All Hail King Vlad


in vlad we trust.

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I'm sure Doncaster said even if the famous Glasgow Rangers are liquidated the team of finishes bottom will still go down. But it's all up in the air. Even they go bust before the season ends and can't fulfill their remaining 3 fixtures I would doubt that. Plus there's the newco issue to solve.

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see those videos at first sight are cool. cause they is slagging off the gers. but then that thought is diminished when one considers that such videos is most likely put together by some annoying celtic fan. furthermore, the sycophantic celtic posts on this forum and elsewhere where they have reconstructed themselves as fellow diddy clubs is vomit inducing. but i guess the comfort to be drawn is that they are fucked once this thing plays itself out and consequently we can enjoy these videos created by celtic fans eulogising rangers, for they are likewise euoligising their own vile club.


Not so sure I thoroughly enjoyed it and spotted Hearts, Dundee Utd, St Johnsntone and a host of Euro-diddies. Excellent clip show.

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Agree completely - there is currently a bit of an unseemly scramble to rewrite history and vilify Murray amongst the very hacks who were happy to unquestioningly regurgitate every line that Rangers put out over the years. There are a number of groups who come out of this debacle with their credibility in tatters and the Scottish sportswriters are near the front. The childish over-reaction to Alex Thomson having a look into the situation spoke volumes to me.

Stick to writing puff pieces about Coisty and Naisy lads - it's proven to be all that you're capable of.

Couldn't agree more sports journalism in the Scottish lo-brow press is closer to Heat magazine - panting away at third rate 'stars' most of the time. You get the felling that some of these guys think they are big shots because they'e got Kirk Broadfoot's mobile phone number - deeply sad.

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in vlad we trust.

Vlad can put you out business tomorrow, if he wanted to. I'm not sure I'd want to trust him at all.

In fact, if I suspect he probably harbours regrets at not waiting a few years to buy Hearts. Now would have been an ideal time to invest in them, and the levels of spending from 2006 could easily have been enough to make Hearts the main challengers to Celtic on the park, or at least have given them the launch pad to grow further.

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