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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Most of what you posted here is both genuine and heartfelt. I agree with many of your views and I applaud your honesty.

The part that I have highlighted in bold however, I believe, shows that BBC Scotland are being very successful in their their work on you.

For a 43yr old father of three children, your naivety, I find astonishing.

Myself, I question why for radio Scotland it is deemed the top story of the day that 'someone from' Strathclyde police offered advice to some SFA persons about how to phone the polis IF they should receive a suspect package in the post .

Much more important ( to BBC Scotland) to have another free kick in the balls at Rangers ( take that you working class protestant scum) than to elaborate on Salmond sooking Murdoch dick, double dip recession, or even - 112 people died in protests in Syria this week!

Something is very, very, wrong at BBC Radio Scotland/U.K. media. Too many fckwits with too many personal axes to grind.

Firstly i have not listened to Radio Scotland or seen any BBC Scotland TV today.

I read the thread on Follow Follow last night which was 10-12 pages long at the time. The first 2 or 3 pages were fine and most agreed with myself regarding the panel of 3. Then we got the Proddy Supremacy front...Post after post saying they deserve all they get etc etc. Please don't tell me you believe these were all Timposters.

I have received 3 text messages today telling me the address of 1 of the panel members. Honestly WTF are these people thinking?

Radio Scotland report mostly on local issues and although the ongoing Syrian problem is a worry and it is tragic for those living in Homs i really wouldn't expect to hear too much about that on Radio Scotland news.

I have absolutely no doubt there are people in this country with an agenda against Rangers...FFS i know i am a little slow at times but after postng on P&B for the amount of time i have it eventually sunk in even to my thick skull.

If you want to go on covering up for a certain element within our support you knock yourself out...I would rather just be honest with myself.

A wee treat for yourself..Radio Clyde have Graham Speirs AND Mark Guidi on tonights phone in :lol:

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Bottom of Forsyth's article now amended - with extra paragraph:

However, Strathclyde Police found no evidence to support Thomson’s complaint. “Frankly, it was laughable,” a source told Telegraph Sport.

A Channel 4 News spokesperson said: “Strathclyde Police have confirmed to us today that the investigation is ongoing and has not been dropped. We take threats to our journalists incredibly seriously, and are satisfied that Strathclyde Police are doing the same.”

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“It wasn’t Rangers Football Club, it was Craig Whyte who put us in this situation,” Jardine said.

“I’m still at the club, I worked under Craig Whyte and I have to say that nobody knew that he wasn’t paying bills. It was as big a shock to us as to everybody in Scottish football.

“The players did nothing wrong, the management of the club did nothing wrong, the supporters did nothing wrong and the staff did nothing wrong."

It's like listening to Germans in 1946. Nobody knew or did nuffing apart from the big baddie... blink.gif

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I have received 3 text messages today telling me the address of 1 of the panel members. Honestly WTF are these people thinking?

They are the people adore.gif

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"Rangers are a special case because of the size of the club and what it delivers within scottish football...."

I always thought Sandy Jardine came across as a decent, smart respectful guy... then you read arrogant self centred shite like that... in other words 'we are the rangers so f**k your rule book we should not face any sanctions because, well because we are the rangers'

Typical of the stuck up arrogance that has put them in this mess..

f**k the lot of them... die rangers die

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Bottom of Forsyth's article now amended - with extra paragraph:

Something stinks about that story. I'm just not sure how one source can say "it was laughable" and one other source says enquiries have not been dropped.

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It'd be quite pleasing if Whyte took the same way out as their boss.

Oh, and Godwins Law has been invoked. Does that mean we can close this thread now?

Not until Rangers are dead, I'm afraid. Hopefully soon though. wink.gif

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Sandy Jardine was a good player, even as part of an obnoxious Hearts '86 side, he was far from the biggest bawbag in a side full of bawbags, and he could still play a bit.

However, he is patently talking out of his arse, and is yet another meltdown in the making.

Can we make this perfectly clear - Rangers are not, repeat NOT a 'special case' simply because they are Rangers. It's as simple as that. Wake up and smell the coffee, apologist bawbags everywhere.

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Didn't realise they were connected with "The Rangers"

Brora's one of these strange places that seems to have an above average affiliation with Rangers. A guy that used to work for me who lived up there was part of some "Supporters Club" or some pish up there and used to wander around wearing the t-shirt every single day.

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It'd be quite pleasing if Whyte took the same way out as their boss.

Oh, and Godwins Law has been invoked. Does that mean we can close this thread now?

uhm did you miss the whole German bidder thing?

Godwin cannot save you now :lol:

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