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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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But But But Ticketus cant withdraw!!! Mark Dingwall promised us they were right behind TBKs. He promised this was the way to the promised land..The only way forward for the club. Surely Mark Dingwall cannot have got it so wrong............Again.

I'm still waiting for his Scottish Unionist Party to emerge as a force to be reckoned with on the political scene. He is clearly guided by his heart rather than his head sometimes. Dave King was blunt in his assessment of what would happen i.e. liquidation and you don't get to be as rich as he is if you are not rational in forming opinions and making decisions. Not necessarily game over for Rangers but the whole circus of the administrators exploring every possibility on behalf of the creditors has to be got out of the way first until this process will reach its end game. The key is gaining control of the key asset that the club holds which any newco will need to start to put humpty dumpty back together again (i.e. Ibrox) and I suspect Ticketus may be maneouvering to get into poll position for that.

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I fully expect the Ibrox faithful to be vigorously lobbying the SFA to vet all those who are looking to buy Rangers, having so vociferously condemned said organisation for failing to do this in respect of Craigy Stand-up Guy Whyte.

Can you imagine the uproar if the SFA had dared to block Whyte's takeover because they thought he was unfit? He was the messiah, FFS!

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So with Ticketus are now the largest creditor? What happens if they don't agree with the bk Hibs offer or any other CVA proposition?

Restart the Doomsday clock....

Ticketus tock, Ticketus tock......

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So with Ticketus are now the largest creditor? What happens if they don't agree with the bk Hibs offer or any other CVA proposition?

Restart the Doomsday clock....

Ticketus tock, Ticketus tock......

Liquidate, gain control of main assets, form the newco gaining league entry then sell in a manner that recoups their money would be the obvious strategy. Nobody wants to be seen as the villian that kills off Rangers because it would mean spending the rest of their life looking over their shoulder so the TBK thing had to seen to be tried first.

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McCoist is the man who referred to other clubs running the rule over current Rangers players as 'vultures'. The man has an even less developed sense of irony than he has class.

A cretinous bawbag.

Here here....if Rangers had paid every club in Scotland a realistic price for the players they lured to Ibrox over the past ten years they'd be in even deeper shit than they are at present. Reap what you sow and all that......

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So lets get this right

- Rangers don't want the actions of one man to result in the club being punished yet are suing Collyer Bristow for the actions of one man (Withey)?

- Rangers signed up for the rules regarding anonymous panel members but when it is them in the dock they want their identity known

- Rangers want their punishment dished out quickly for the sake of clarity yet are displeased by the timing of these decisions

- Rangers are complaining that the punishment will deprive them of much needed European money, completely ignoring the fact that European football is a prize and not a right (38 other Scottish teams could argue they are being deprived of much needed Euro money by not being put forward for entry)

Finally, why do they think 2nd place exists in a vacuum? If they are kicked out, someone else will fill the void. Granted they won't bring as many fans but they seem to think that no Rangers = empty stadium twice a year.

Complete idiots - the sooner we are rid of them the better


You couldn't make that up.

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Rangers Fans Unite! - March to Hampden - Saturday 28th April

Rangers Fans Unite call on all Rangers fans to support a march to Hampden Park to be held Saturday 28th April. At Hampden Park Rangers legend Sandy Jardine will address the fans.

The assembly point for is the Victoria Road entrance of Queens Park. March off is 1.30pm to Hampden where a short rally will be held.

The march and rally are against the unfair, draconian and unsporting punishments meted out to Rangers FC and it’s fans because of the behaviour of Craig Whyte.

We urge fans of all ages to come along and make this a day of protest for the whole Rangers Family, everyone must rally around at this time of great crisis.

Rangers Fans Unite is an initiative created by fans inspired by the colourful displays of the Union Bears and the Blue Order who have spearheaded the organisation of the march. The march and rally is supported by every fans organisation and website.



Rangers Fans Unite - Protest Guidelines

Assembly Point: Queens Park, Glasgow – Victoria Road

1. Marshals: There will be protest marshals/stewards clearly identified by their high visibility vests. These are fellow fans; please follow their instructions at all times. They are there to help you and ensure our ultimate aim is achieved successfully.

2. Self Policing: Ensure you uphold the Rangers traditions set by the gallant pioneers, through to Mr. Struth and more recently by our manager Mr. McCoist. Follow any police directions and assist each other to ensure that this is a peaceful protest.

3. Flags and Banners: If your banner would be deemed welcome inside Ibrox Stadium, then it is welcome at the protest. Hard hitting slogans which get our message across are very welcome. Be mindful that any offensive banners/placards could result in their removal, your arrest and the protest halted.

4. Songs: Please stick to clean anti-SFA songs and Rangers songs. Again, if the song is welcome at Ibrox then it is welcome on the march. Be mindful that there will be families in attendance, supporting our club; therefore be mindful of the language used.

5. The March: Please move quickly along the route to our ultimate destination outside the main doors of Hampden. The protest will be dynamic and may obstruct ordinary people going about their normal business – we must do our best not to disrupt them.

6. Be wary of rival fans, should they be in attendance – do not react to provocation, allow the police to deal with any trouble should it arise. The police presence will be there to ensure that the protest passes off safely and peacefully.

7. Alcohol: All participants must strictly follow Glasgow’s alcohol rules – no alcohol allowed within Queens Park, en route to Hampden, or within the stadium grounds.

8. Safety: Please do not bring flares, fireworks or other such devices to the protest as this would jeopardise the march, as well as the safety of your fellow supporters.

9. Dispersal: Upon completion of our protest, please leave the protest area in and around Hampden promptly and safely once instructed by the marshals.

10. The very best of behaviour is expected from all participants, there will be many families with small children in attendance, so please be mindful of that at all times and show respect and due consideration for those around you.

Edited by Islay
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I can't wait to see the end result of this 'peaceful protest' tomorrw afternoon, if indeed it goes ahead :lol:

I wonder how the shower that follow that c**t of a Club will embarrass themselves further :)

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Equally, can anyone explain how a guy who has said he really doesn't want to buy Rangers, but will think about it if no-one else steps up, is in any way, shape, or form, a fit and proper person to be involved in taking on a club who are already in the shite, with the possibility of drowning in the stuff come the result of the BTC?

The answer is that neither of them are. No-one else will touch the fcukers with a 100 foot bargepole, never mind a 10 foot one.

Bullet between the eyes FFS - for everyone's sake, theirs included.

Here was me thinking you had went all soft in your old age.........
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I hope it pisses down tomorrow :lol:

Nice to see the blue cheats adding to the strain on the police budget and hence the Glasgow Council budget.

Utter f**k-nuggets.

No doubt there will be ambulances required for the fatties amongst the waddlers suffering varying degrees of heart problems and breathing problems......

Edited by jagfox
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Have the police actually sanctioned this hair brain march?

Perhaps they fear Rangers fans will boycott police stations if they refuse their demands, then all police overtime would be cancelled as they'd have no money.

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