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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You know I've never, ever hit the 'play button' on that. I'm kinda scared at what it'll reveal ;)

Save it for when you're really down... It'll be like coming up for air after being underwater for a week....

You'll never be so............. amazed.


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353 people joined the RST yesterday, not to bad that for one day.

Only 353 out of the gazillions of bears, on the day the shit hit the fan, bothered to sign up to RST?

More evidence of an inactive, indifferent "support" who are realising with increasing numbers, T3K's (The Three Knights aka Ashley, Green and Whyte) hold all the aces (and the deeds) and Sevco is a busted flush, and the games a bogey.

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I think he is about the only person involved who actually doesn't care how angry the fans are! He's not bothered as long as the cash rolls in and I doubt the fans can say or do anything to put him off, apart from actually withholding all their money.

That is why the Rangers Loyal hate him so much. He doesn't invite them in for a wee chat and a cup of tea, allowing them to call him Mr Ashley and generally kiss his ass. Nor does he bother feeding Jim Traynor, Chic Young and similar incompetents with grandiose stories of possible signings and great things ahead, failing which it will be a 'who do we hate this week' article written for the loyal scribes.

If everything goes badly wrong Ashley would have no problem in just shutting the whole thing down. OK he will have to suffer the anger of the loyal, but when you are running a company like http://www.sportsdirectplc.com/investor-relations/interactive-kpi-chart.aspx successfully,it would just be another business decision, and a small one at that. No more than an irritating pimple on his bum.

We have lived through ownership by 'fans with money', the 'of course I am a fan' with so much money you can't count it, to the 'I have always respected Rangers' with no money, to a guy who has the money and will support Rangers only if it successful as a business. I know which one i would prefer to see running the club to achieve a genuinely successful Rangers.

And the one it would not be would be Dave (“glib and shameless liar”) King. And the first step would be to wash out the legends who believe the club is there for their personal benefit.

We can talk all day long, but Ashley has everything covered. The wagons are circled. Guns loaded and people to fire them. So shout all you want, throw your stones, but be careful what you supporters wish for. :lol:

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Duff and Phelps. Now there's an unfortunate coincidence.And one dead organisation's assets bought by those who let it die for a knockdown price, then after running up debt in newco let it go to the wall too ,only for them to buy assets for another knockdown price. Deja vu.
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OK, I see what you mean now. You're right there is a difference

Theres varies degrees of both, though. Following someone round the forum simply disagreeing with everything they say, for example, is stalking but its hardly bothering anyone. Similarly, theres "abuse" going on all the time too, of varying degrees. If nobody is bothered and it doesnt cross a line then, generally, nothing happens.

What Im talking about is somewhere in between. Repeatedly posting "abuse" that doesnt quite cross the line, until it does

ok....fair enough. cheers.

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I think he is about the only person involved who actually doesn't care how angry the fans are! He's not bothered as long as the cash rolls in and I doubt the fans can say or do anything to put him off, apart from actually withholding all their money.

I think he's not minded to give a schtuff about fan opinion, too. All this strikes me as a move to get a deal with other shareholder blocs sorted out. One that's pretty much on his terms, meaning he has the share of the cake he wants and his partners can deal with everything else as long as business ticks over.

I sympathise with the fans. They must be dizzy trying to work out who the good guys and the bad guys in all this are.

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Duff and Phelps. Now there's an unfortunate coincidence.And one dead organisation's assets bought by those who let it die for a knockdown price, then after running up debt in newco let it go to the wall too ,only for them to buy assets for another knockdown price. Deja vu.

"Carry on trading ..."

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You know I've never, ever hit the 'play button' on that. I'm kinda scared at what it'll reveal ;)

I'll save you the grief. Imagine being hit by an electric shock so strong it breaks your toes as they curl.

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I think he's not minded to give a schtuff about fan opinion, too. All this strikes me as a move to get a deal with other shareholder blocs sorted out. One that's pretty much on his terms, meaning he has the share of the cake he wants and his partners can deal with everything else as long as business ticks over.

I sympathise with the fans. They must be dizzy trying to work out who the good guys and the bad guys in all this are.

It's easy as far as the fans are concerned.

Those who actually put their money in to save the "club", e.g. Ashley & the Easdales, are the bad guys.

Those who don't (but claim to be good Rangers men), e.g. King and the 3 Bears, are the good guys.

They deserve all they get.

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I sympathise with the fans. They must be dizzy trying to work out who the good guys and the bad guys in all this are.

I think that's because there aren't any good guys here. They all want their share of cash out of the club and whilst some care more than others about the club and fans, I doubt any of them would care about it beyond satisfying their own interests.

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I think that's because there aren't any good guys here. They all want their share of cash out of the club and whilst some care more than others about the club and fans, I doubt any of them would care about it beyond satisfying their own interests.

When it came to the crunch any real ranjurs men were found wanting. Pretending to be somewhere else, hiding or claiming they were duped. The actions of the cardigan and mccoist just goes to show that integrity just isn't in the list when it comes to the desired qualities in a theranjursmannn.

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It's Friday..............................that means it's..................................Shooders Time !!!!!!

This is undoubtedly one of the best and funniest things to have come of the whole saga from the Orc side.

Of course what's happened subsequently, with Ally, 'loyal' supporters and various Ranjurs men all walking away, suggests 'Wee Willie Bluenose' has the same prophetic lyrical insight as Billy Joel.

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This is undoubtedly one of the best and funniest things to have come of the whole saga from the Orc side.

Of course what's happened subsequently, with Ally, 'loyal' supporters and various Ranjurs men all walking away, suggests 'Wee Willie Bluenose' has the same prophetic lyrical insight as Billy Joel.

No..somebody find the one with they guy singing some rangers song to the tune of walk on.

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Duff and Phelps. Now there's an unfortunate coincidence. And one dead organisation's assets bought by those who let it die for a knockdown price, then after running up debt in newco let it go to the wall too ,only for them to buy assets for another knockdown price. Deja vu.
1st September 2015
Today Rangers announced that it had been bought as a going concern by Republic.com Retail Limited.
In taking this action, the stadium and training ground and staff working within them have been retained and are continuing to trade.
Duffy said: “Rangers Limited underwent a very successful financial restructuring process and sale; this leaves the business in a stronger position to carry on trading. We are pleased that following the process the company continues to trade. We are hoping to get a tenant for Ibrox Stadium signed up on a long term lease within the next few weeks. We are just carrying out the final stages of our due diligence on the potential tenant”
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