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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I only watch them for the cars tbh. Have a right thing from muscle cars just now so the Charger is delightful.

Mental how dated the styles are though, neon lights under your car FFS

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T2 Trainspotting -- 6/10

Enjoyed it well enough, just felt a little pointless. Like having Diane in one scene ... why bother? Loved the reason why Spud was an hour late for everything, got a bit homesick with the motorway sign for Stirling, and the Proddy sing-song stuff and Begbie firing back the Viagras had me chuckling. Quick question for others on here who've seen it ... in the version you saw, was there weird partial subtitles during the first five minutes, like they were providing a key for the accents?

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On 4/13/2017 at 16:37, Richey Edwards said:

The Fast and Furious films are vacuous shite.

I dnon't think they're actually as good as that :lol: 


Flight back from LA yesterday I watched Hacksaw Ridge, The Accountant, Allied and Hell Or High Water. 

All very enjoyable. 

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8 hours ago, Trackdaybob said:

I dnon't think they're actually as good as that :lol:  

These films are the antithesis of what film making should be. All flashy cars with absolutely zero substance along with a plot and script that a six year old could have came up with in five minutes. 

Also these films have given birth to countless fuckwits who soup up their shitey cars to make them sound like lawnmowers so they can pretend to be in these films by driving like fannies.

Also that shite tribute song made me wish that Paul Walker had kept his seatbelt on.

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11 hours ago, MSU said:

T2 Trainspotting -- 6/10

Enjoyed it well enough, just felt a little pointless. Like having Diane in one scene ... why bother? Loved the reason why Spud was an hour late for everything, got a bit homesick with the motorway sign for Stirling, and the Proddy sing-song stuff and Begbie firing back the Viagras had me chuckling. Quick question for others on here who've seen it ... in the version you saw, was there weird partial subtitles during the first five minutes, like they were providing a key for the accents?

The correct positioning of your comma here is absolutely vital!

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Pitch Black 8/10 Chronicles of Riddick 6/10

Brilliant wee low budget sci-fi horror, i actually seen the second film in the series prior to this one and i've yet to see the last. Its rather bizarre how much the universe blows up and becomes fantasy like when compared to this one. Simple little story about survivors of a crashed ship have to deal with a desert planet that has long nights and monsters that only come out at night. I much prefer this film to the second, it becomes way too over the top and mindless stylish action(which can be great when done well). Second one isnt a bad film but its too over the top when compared to the more subtle original. Tho i will say the best part of the second film is Cremotoria, the planet that burns hot in sunlight and cools during the night. Some good action sequences during that. All the stuff with the "necro's" bores me unfortunately. Second film gets a 6 because when its good its great, but all the shite with the necros causes it to lose points. 

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On ‎13‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 17:07, Twinkle said:

Whoa, whoa!!! Anyone that doesnt rate Rocky IV as the best in the series is definitely OFTW. Absolute sacrilege of the highest order. Should be at least a 9/10

Definitely. IV is absolutely the best. Rocky stops the Cold War! Best soundtrack as well. The training montage in Russia is incredible

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Making my way through the Police Academy franchise

Police Academy - 8/10
Police Academy 2 -6/10
Police Academy 3 - 6/10
Police Academy 4 - 6/10
Police Academy 5 - 5/10
Police Academy 6 - 7/10
Police Academy 7 - 2/10

Admittedly a large part of my enjoyment of these films is due to Tackleberry, Zed, Harris and Proctor. Absolutely mindless fun, juvenile at times and not particularly clever. They did become more cartoonish and slapstick as the series progressed but i've got a soft spot for them.


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Escape from Alcatraz 


Clint Eastwood and Patrick McGoohan as jailed and jailer. Seen this three times now and never gets old. 

Really into 1970s films like this. Slow paced, no special effects and a proper storyline you can follow.


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The Most Hated Woman in America.

Netflix original tells the story of Madalyn Murray O'Hair who led the Atheist movement in America and had the school prayer banned in the US. It's a pretty poor film to be honest, but it's my introduction to this crazy story in which her, her youngest son and her granddaughter were murdered, mutilated and dismembered. The film doesn't really have a point to it other than an extremely brief chronicle through her life then ends with the death scene.

The reality is more interesting than the film. Her other son, who was coincidentally the granddaughters father published this scathing letter, just a few year ago: http://www.religiousfreedomcoalition.org/the-madalyn-murray-o%E2%80%99hair-murder/

Unbelievable! And he's an ordained Baptist!

The film gets a 7/10. Not because it's good (it's poor, average at best) but because it introduced me to this crazy story.

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Beavis & Butthead Do America - 9/10

Not watched this in years, Absolutely amazing film, utterly comical at times with a outstanding soundtrack. When Beavis gets himself stoned on Peyote and imagines the music video is definitely a highlight, Cornholio in the whitehouse is hilarious too.


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Young Frankenstein 9.5/10

I know I must've seen bits of this before but sat down with the family to watch it the other day. Now I can't stop making a loud MMMMM noise instead of speaking.

Madeline Kahn (also spotted as Lili von Shtupp in Blazing Saddles) was such a minx.



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