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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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1 hour ago, Swordfishtrombone said:

A fictionalised tv series has just been made about Glow, I heard Marc Maron talking about it on the Adam Buxton podcast, he is in it,  I think he said it was going on Netflix. The main bit that caught my attention was that Alison Brie is also in it.

Yeah, goes up on Netflix next month I think. Not sure how that's gonna work but I'll give it a go!

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Battle of Ardennes - Hitler's Last Stand


Film is set in Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge. Starts off ok and turns in to a love story between one of the American officers and one of the locals.


The Longest Day 



One of if not the greatest war films ever made 

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What Is A Group? 6.5/10

Short comic documentary from Ian Svenonius ostensibly to promote his band but ends up being an actual funny Marxist unpacking/analysis of the role of the musical group and the industry as a formentation of late capitalism. Nods to Godard and the 60s new wave, which means its in turns stylish and a bit insufferable (YouTube)

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Alien Covenant (or Alien(s) vs Prometheus) 6.5/10

So I quite like the Alien franchise in all of its latterly flawed glory and yet and yet and yet I had not really looked into this film or known it was even coming out so I have managed to get to the point of a new release (+ a few weeks) without knowing anything about who is in it, what the story is, when it is set, yadda x3

Without being arsed with spoiler tags I think I'm ok saying that it progresses where we left off at the end of Prometheus but also incorporates a hefty dollop of story devices and plot from the earlier films.

It's...fine. Solid. I think that I like the story and the atmosphere a lot more than I like the action set-pieces, which are humdrum, or the characters, who feel somewhat sketched. There's also a lot more tell than show, characters do big monologues and yet you end up knowing and caring less about them somehow because they become fairly one-dimensional.

Not read much feedback on it, though I have a feeling that purists will moan and action film fetishists will moan but I can't see any major holes in it. (cinema)


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T2 - I got the feeling from other viewers that those who liked it and those that didn't based their opinions on it basically being the same film as the first one. I have to say I was disappointed to find that this was, for the most part, true. A decent watch, but once you'd had "first an opportunity, then a betrayal" drilled into you like some more honest Tory PPB, you kinda knew where it was going. 5, just for the nostalgia of the whole thing.

Get Out - Really enjoyed this, although I'm not sure too many would have enjoyed the whole piece. The turnaround, while not as abrupt as "Dusk til Dawn", for example, was still a crashing change of gear, and may well have a lost a few. Conversely, those who enjoyed the last act may not have made it that far. I thought it was a cracking watch, and a solid 8.

It's a week of nights for me this week, so looking forward to a lot of new (to me at least) movies, and revisiting some old favourites - starting tonight with Heat. I'm a massive fan of both De Niro and Pacino, so even Val Kilmer can't drag this one down for me.

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Man of Steel 3/10

Didnt enjoy this at the cinema but sort of felt like I ought to give it another whirl at some stage, if for no reason reason other than I was fascinated by how atrocious Batman Vs Superman and Suicide Squad were and wanted to give this story a fair crack of the whip in comparison.

This is just as boring as I remembered though. And it's too much of a spaceship fantasy movie. Literally the only interesting bit of Superman's story is his coming to terms with his identity as an alien on earth and his role as a protector, but all that stuff gets bogged down by the Planet Krypton story. And they tell the story twice, once at the extensive opening sequence and then when Russell Crowe's hologram recaps for Supes. And it gets recapped again in chunks through Zod's monologues and stuff. It's such hard work. And so there's nowhere near enough of Superman being Superman, and the action is SO BORING, it's just a series of sequences of people being blasted long distances through the scenery (DVD)

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Watched J. Edgar last night. Enjoyed it and thought Di Caprio was very good as per usual. 

Started watching Chinatown starring Jack Nickelson but my laptop shutdown and won't reboot! 

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Suicide Squad (sky)

after giving BvS a go and liking it I wondered if this would be the same . Love it when the critics get it wrong,sadly they got this one right, it's not a complete disaster and it is watchable but disappointing is an understatement, some of the characters had and to be fair still have the potential to top marvel , the scenes jump from one to another so quickly that you never get to know any of them .I think Leto's joker could be great especially given the talent of the actor but he was so criminally underused he was just an advert for his next outing. As i said watchable so I'll go 4.5/10


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Guardians of the Galaxy 2: We're Guardianing Again 8/10

Good fun this, but not quite as good as the first one. Felt that the funny bits were funnier, but it got a bit bogged down in exposition in the middle segment. That bit dragged a tad. Other than that, I really enjoyed it. Characters were developed more, some great action sequences. Yeah! Go see it! (cinema)

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Get Me Roger Stone 9/10

Basically a real life, American Malcolm Tucker, invented the nasty campaign, the attack ad, and has cosied up with some properly rum characters (Nixon, Alex Jones, Trump, foreign dictators, Paul Manafort, Roy Cohn). Proper slimeball. (Netflix)

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