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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Theres a general rule amongst cinema goers and that is, if the film has Colin Farrell in it then theres a more than decent chance that the film will be absolutely gash :)

Just a little advice for the future ;)

Was killing some time with a brutal hangover in Cardiff - it was starting at the time we staggered to the cinema, so it was not a concious choice! :P

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Theres a general rule amongst cinema goers and that is, if the film has Colin Farrell in it then theres a more than decent chance that the film will be absolutely gash :)

Just a little advice for the future ;)

Tigerland and Minority Report were good films.

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I watched 'Dead Man's Shoes' last night on Film4.

It was feckin excellent! I was totally glued to it.

I recommend everyone to watch it. B)

Cheyne Stoking ;)

Quality film, although you can kinda guess the twist at the end half way throught the film dont you think?

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The Ringer 7/10

a film about an able bodied guy fraudelently taking part in the Special Olympics. Quite funny and it was good to see it didn't tread on eggshells in order not to offend. That said, it does descend into schmaltz at times.

There are loads of laugh-out-loud moments, too.

'When the f**k did we get ice cream!'

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Guest Spanky Rodriguez

Tigerland and Minority Report were good films.

That was when hardly anyone knew who he was. Now he's a jumped Oirish p***k who thinks he's James Dean.

Nowadays everything he touches turns to poop :D

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Guest Hampden Ton

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest 7.5/10

Pretty much what has been said before; a good film but not as good as the first one. Certain scenes were either dragged out or pointless to the plot (which is a tad confusing at times!), but the film never loses its sense of fun. Johnny Depp looks like he's having ball again and Bill Nighy does a good job as the Scottish Davy Jones! Good ending, and unlike Matrix Reloaded, I want to see the third film!

Also started watching Shaun of the Dead a few nights ago, and I fell asleep after about half an hour. From what I saw, I don't think I missed anything. Hideously unfunny and very 'Office' like (likes to think its funny, but isn't!). I won't even force myself to watch the rest. 1/10 (and thats only for the clever play on words; changing Dawn to Shaun).

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Also started watching Shaun of the Dead a few nights ago, and I fell asleep after about half an hour. From what I saw, I don't think I missed anything. Hideously unfunny and very 'Office' like (likes to think its funny, but isn't!). I won't even force myself to watch the rest. 1/10 (and thats only for the clever play on words; changing Dawn to Shaun).

If you've got the DVD, fast forward to the scene in the Pub, where the zombies break in and "Don't Stop Me Now" is on the Jukebox.

Best part of the film.

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Superman -The Movie


The actual original one. Sheer class. From the opening credits which never fail to get you going, to the earthquake scene, this film, for all it's hammy acting and cheesy script, is BRILLIANT.

And watching Margot Kidder as Lois Lane makes you realise how woefully miscast Kate Bosworth was for the part in the new one. In Superman Returns, her part was poorly written, right enough, with a lack of humour compared to the original.

Edited by halfaperson
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Its shot in a kind of documentary styke, and it tries to convey the depths and complexity of a proper intricate drug bust. However its shit. Very little dialogue, and they try to be far too clever. Coming from the person that delivered a film as amazing as Heat, its utter dribble. Colin Farrell can not act. Not at any time you don't giev a flying f**k if either Crockett or Tubbs gets wasted. In fact you hope they do, for sitting through that boring shite.

However if you like fast cars, and explosions you`ll probably love it.

I concur. The conveluted plot was just ridiculous and implausible - I thought the main point of the whole operation was to catch the 'mole'. Did they ever find out who the fucking mole was? I think they did but I missed it laughing at the 'romance' between Colin Farrell and that Chinese burd. Oh and the Aryan Brotherhood - they show up at the start and the end, where do they go for the rest of the film? As Carlos says, you don't care about the main characters because there is no characterisaiton, unless you count them knocking off a couple of burds in the showers as charatercisation. The speedboat to Cuba bit is hilarious :lol:

Absolute shit, although the gun battles are well filmed.

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My Super Ex-Girlfriend.

What a film! Two hot birds (Uma Thurman and Anna Farris), a good comedy performance by Luke Wilson and a cheesy plot involving superheroes and supervillains all combine to make this a total fun, leave-your-brain-at-home film. Great!


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Superman -The Movie


The actual original one. Sheer class. From the opening credits which never fail to get you going, to the earthquake scene, this film, for all it's hammy acting and cheesy script, is BRILLIANT.

And watching Margot Kidder as Lois Lane makes you realise how woefully miscast Kate Bosworth was for the part in the new one. In Superman Returns, her part was poorly written, right enough, with a lack of humour compared to the original.

Thing is though, Superman can never really go wrong - if he fucks up he can just fly round the word backwards really fast and go back in time. That kinda takes the edge off his films for me :lol:

Except in Superman III where he goes bad, and that wee boy exclaims "look - Superman's drunk!". That's one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a film :P

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Guest Hampden Ton

Thing is though, Superman can never really go wrong - if he fucks up he can just fly round the word backwards really fast and go back in time. That kinda takes the edge off his films for me :lol:

Except in Superman III where he goes bad, and that wee boy exclaims "look - Superman's drunk!". That's one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a film :P

Movie Geek Trivia alert!

This was supposed to be the ending to Superman 2, but due to pressure from the Producers (mainly about the release date), Donner decided to use it as the ending for Superman: The Movie. The first film was supposed to end with the missile (originally aimed at New Jersey) exploding in space and releasing Zod & co. In Superman 2, after the villans are defeated, Superman turns back time so that the destruction they caused never happened (and Lois also never knows that Superman is Clark Kent).

There's a box set due out this Christmas with all 5 films and their special editions. The Superman 2 special edition will be Richard Donner's version, not Richard Lesters. The ending to be used is unknown, but an entirely different film is on the cards....

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Just sat through the near 4 hours of Once Upon A Time In America. First time I have watched it in, must be 10 - 15 years. Maybe I have a shorter attention span these days, maybe because I have just watched The Godfather (I & II) and Goodfellas, but I was disappointed. :huh:

I loved that film years ago as well!

Perhaps because De Niro has put in far better performances in two of the other movies I mentioned earlier, and his character in this one isn't as strong, I dunno.

Anyway, the score is fucking fantastic! ;)

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