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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Kingsman - The Golden Circle

Fuckin loved every minute of it. From the very start, the action scenes are tremendous and some of the lines that were in it had me howling. Didnt know about Elton John having a part but it looked like he thoroughly enjoyed his role. If you are a fan of the first, then the second will be right up your street

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Kingsman - The Golden Circle

Fuckin loved every minute of it. From the very start, the action scenes are tremendous and some of the lines that were in it had me howling. Didnt know about Elton John having a part but it looked like he thoroughly enjoyed his role. If you are a fan of the first, then the second will be right up your street

Save the world and you’ll get back stage passes. [emoji6]
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Detroit 6.5/10

Proper brutal film this, classic Bigelow all handheld shaky cams and that, very good performances and quite believable BUT could have done without the #notallpolice stuff presumably just shoved in there to make sure whites don't feel too uncomfortable, and definitely could have shaved about half an hour off to make it a better film. (cinema)

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Guardians of the Galaxy 2

The first film is my second favourite MCU film so far (after Winter Soldier, although I still have Homecoming to see) so I was excited to finally see the sequel.  Overall the film wasn't that bad, I enjoyed the first two acts of it, although the ending was a bit meh and some of the jokes don't really work as well compared to the first film.




I am a big fan of Andy Samberg and I especially like his work in the Lonely Island. Just like GoftG 2, the first two acts were actually quite funny, whilst the ending, although good, just wasn't as good as the start of it. Although, I still have half the songs stuck in my head and its been five days since I seen it. 


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Wind River 7/10 

Solid enough. Jeremy Renner is the strong, silent type, Elizabeth Olsen the fresh faced FBI agent with big doe eyes. A wee bit like The KIlling with less rain and more snow. Wasn't too sold on the final act but overall a decent way to kill the time. 

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Wind River 4/10

Don't believe the hype, this was just a bog standard fairly predictable thriller with everyone except the main protaganist pretty one-dimensional (especially all the red indians) whilst dressing it all up as some kind of social justice film. Another fairly obvious sop to white audiences to make the main character a white for no obvious reason when he lives in a native community, works as a hunter, has native ex-wife etc. Getting  bit tired of that shit in 2017. (cinema)

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Mother 5/10

Enjoyed the first half of this. and was settling in for a claustrophobic home invasion horror movie,  but it quickly degenerated into heavy-handed allegorical guff. What could have been a decent genre flick morphed into a self-indulgent fable. It's hard to resist the conclusion  that Aronofsky takes himself far too seriously: investing the well-worn archetype of the tortured artist (assailed by, and dependent upon, his adoring public) with unsubtle Old Testament overtones came off as self-aggrandising. Michelle Pfeiffer is absolutely wonderful in this though. 

Edited by Frankie S
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The Grand Budapest Hotel

Few years since I watched it, remains a minor masterpiece. Brilliant performances, excellent dialogue, and beautifully shot. Wes Anderson's best work, IMO, and I'm a big fan of the vast majority of his films.

Ralph Fiennes, Jeff Goldblum and Bill Murray [emoji7]

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Son of Saul - 8/10

Anyone attempting to touch the holocaust via film is taking massive risk by trying not to come across grotesque and crass. This is a film that conveys the utter horrifying situation in the best way I can imagine. An absolutely grim, harrowing and stunning peice. Not going to give any of the plot away but definitely watch it, unless feeling down or anything as will definitely send you over the edge.

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Blade Runner. 5/10.
Will probably get slaughtered for this as it seems to be a P&B favourite, but it was just not my cup of tea. Found it to be too slow and the characters weren't interesting enough. Looks amazing though.

The story is complete gash.
Acting, visuals and music are good.

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Mother! Came out thinking it was pretentious, self indulgent pish but the more I think about it the more I think I liked it.
I'm still not sure though. A couple of folk walked out in disgust about ten minutes from the end.

A few folk walked out of the showing I was at too, and those were just the ones near me who I saw in quite a large theatre.
There was also a middle-aged gent a couple of seats away from me pishing himself laughing at a lot of the violent scenes. It was all a rather weird experience, and even though a week has passed since I saw it, I keep thinking about it.
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