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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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If you don't stop it.... you'll go blind.

Cheesy 70s comedy. A series of sketches rather than one storyline with plenty of gratuitous nudity and crude, juvenile humour. About as subtle as a boot in the steens but amusing in places. Any film starting Uschi Digatd gets a thumbs up from me.


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Dave Made a Maze

A guy called Dave builds a maze from cardboard and gets lost in it. People go in to get him, not realising just what he's built.

It's a great movie with a massive WTF feeling the whole way through, but in a good way. I loved it.



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Last movie I watched was on yesterday. The name of the movie - Apocalypto and director is Mel Gibson. A great movie that I saw after a long time and really loved watching the end part especially. Great actors, great direction, fight sequences and set. Really loved it!

Edited by Ronish Baxter
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Say what you like about Mel Gibson, there's a fair few things you can beat him with, but he's a fucking excellent director. Braveheart, Apocalypto and Hacksaw Ridge are cracking films. I must confess, I've never seen Passion of the Christ, but it seems to have a decent reputation (Tarred by Gibson's actions in real life. The Man Without a Face is one I've not seen either and haven't really heard of, but even if it is a dud, it's not a bad track record.

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A Quiet Place - 8/10 (cinema) - One of the best horrors I've seen in a long time. Tense as f**k throughout, and actually has a consistently excellent storyline rather than falling to pieces towards the end like most other similar sort of films do. John Krasinski is excellent, as is the girl playing his daughter.


Journeyman - 7/10 (cinema) - Pretty bleak watch. Hardly a boxing film and more a story of how the person affected and those around him struggle to deal with a brain injury. Paddy Considine and Jodie Whittaker are both great in the lead roles.

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Spiderman homecoming (SKY)

Tom Holland is good in the Peter Parker role and being a Marvel Universe film it's a fun watch, not sure if it's particularly better than any of the previous Spidey films and their is that conveyer belt feeling to the marvel stuff now but yeah it's good. 7/10


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Ready Player One 5/10

A lot to like about this tbf, especially the Shining segment. TJ Miller is great as the MMPORG troll character, Ben Mendelsohn very enjoyable as the cartoon villain irl, Finchy plays Future American Redneck Finchy. Iron Giant. Loads of things to look out for. Spielberg’s sure eye for visual spectacle.

A lot to be pretty fucking meh about though: the story, the clues, the completely unsurprising twists, everything outside the VR world (apart from the “stacks” which are a great concept). Spielberg’s trademark schmaltz ending totally killing the mood of the whole film, really old school video game references that surely only about 10 people in the world will get or care about, and none of them will have watched the film, even though they’re absolutely central to the plot. 

Worth a watch for the visuals alone and will probably go and see it again since it’s free and there’s loads I know I missed in the clusterfuck battle scenes. (cinema)

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Ready Player One

Not perfect but very entertaining in a mindless way. Excellent visuals and I'm glad I paid the couple of extra quid for 3d. It was good fun spotting the pop culture references. I would say the film is better than the book, the action scenes are more exciting and the references are slightly less geeky.


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Say what you like about Mel Gibson, there's a fair few things you can beat him with, but he's a fucking excellent director. Braveheart, Apocalypto and Hacksaw Ridge are cracking films. I must confess, I've never seen Passion of the Christ, but it seems to have a decent reputation (Tarred by Gibson's actions in real life. The Man Without a Face is one I've not seen either and haven't really heard of, but even if it is a dud, it's not a bad track record.

Oddly enough I was thinking exactly this yesterday. No idea why it crossed my mind but I was thinking if he wasn't such a nutcase he could be making more terrific films. I have seen all his films and every one of them I've loved. The Man without a Face isn't as good as his other works but it was a really good film and again well directed. For me, every one of his films has been a success.
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In the last week I've seen:

Wonder Woman (2/10) - pretty dreadful, never really built up the character of Diana Prince herself, some details just made no sense (she knows where babies come from and can speak however many languages but doesn't know what marriage is?), seemed to confuse World War 1 with World War 2 (World War 1 certainly wasn't anywhere near as clear a good v evil fight), and the fights made no sense. Why didn't any of the Germans try shooting her in the leg where she has no armour and can't reach with her wristbands? The big reveals were pretty obvious.

Dr Strange (7/10) - surprisingly good. I knew nothing about the character besides one episode of an Avengers cartoon my son watched one time. It was well acted, I have no idea how faithful it was to the source material, but ultimately suffered from the usual problem of half the film covering the hero's origin and his biggest foe (because you've got to sell it somehow) being defeated relatively quickly in the latter half.

Justice League (5/10) - again, better than I expected. Flash was good. Aquaman seemed a bit unnecessary. I kept forgetting he was there. He didn't do anything particularly related to his water-based powers. Batman seemed a bit out of his league (see what I did there?) as well as old and out of shape. Wonder Woman was OK. Cyborg wasn't really explained. Steppenwolf was....there. Fairly generic stuff but a decent enough way to while away a couple of hours on a child-free evening.

Downfall (10/10) - horrible to watch but utterly riveting. I think it was made to try and dispel the myth that the Nazi leaders were some sort of mystical demonic force, and also the myth that they were just misunderstood Germanic heroes. They're portrayed as just a bunch of ordinary people who were nevertheless very sick and depraved and had almost entirely lost their grip on reality, or were just in too deep or too scared of the Russians to pull out and surrender. Magda Goebbels was beyond chilling.

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The Hitman's Bodyguard (Netflix)

A very over the top film and another dodgy Russian (Belarusian) accent from Gary Oldman but more than enough laughs to keep me entertained. Some of the back and forth between Ryan Reynolds and Samuel Lee Jackson was golden as well, even is the latter seems to be becoming a parody of himself in some of his more recent films!

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10 hours ago, young_bairn said:

No fucking way did you rate justice league above Wonder Woman emoji68.png

I did. Justice League was nothing special, generic superhero plop trying to copy the Avengers, not worth a second viewing. But Wonder Woman was just terrible, not even worth the first viewing.

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Justice League must be absolutely honking if it's worse than Wonder Woman! Worst film I've seen all year.

Saw Ready Player One tonight - was ok I suppose and it mostly reminded me of the alien battle game on Wreck it Ralph.  6/10

Also took the kids to see Peter Rabbit at the weekend.  Was expecting it to be awful so was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't.  7/10 for me 9/10 for the kids.

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A Quiet Place - 8/10 (cinema) - One of the best horrors I've seen in a long time. Tense as f**k throughout, and actually has a consistently excellent storyline rather than falling to pieces towards the end like most other similar sort of films do. John Krasinski is excellent, as is the girl playing his daughter.
Journeyman - 7/10 (cinema) - Pretty bleak watch. Hardly a boxing film and more a story of how the person affected and those around him struggle to deal with a brain injury. Paddy Considine and Jodie Whittaker are both great in the lead roles.
Went to see A Quiet Place tonight and enjoyed it. I was surprised when the wife picked it as she doesn't usually like horror movies.
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Wonder Woman is easily the best DC film (despite the horrible CHI end boss fight) and is immeasurably better than Justice League 

Not seen it but if it beats the Batman films (it won't B)) it must be a cracker.

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Ugh. I heard only good things about this and was expecting a good few laughs. I enjoyed Central Intelligence amd was expecting a similar kind of nonsensical comedy. I think I laughed once. I love Jumanji but was went in with an open mind as I knew it wasn't supposed to be a remake. It just didn't do it for me at all though. I found it cheesy for the most part, the CGI was laughably bad and I really didn't warm to the characters. It was another big blockbuster film that had all the funny bits in the trailer so nothing was fresh. I thought Hart and Johnson bounced off each other really well in CI but there was none of that in this film and for all I'm a big Jack Black fan, the novelty of him acting like a teenage girl wore off pretty fast. The ginger lassie was nice to look at and I had no idea she was from Inverness. I liked the nod to Alan Parish in the jungle. I'm well into double figures of views for Jumanji but I highly doubt I'll give this one a second view. The best thing about the film for me was literally the end credits. That is just a belter of a tune (from the world's best band B)).

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