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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Room (Shudder)

Really enjoyed this. A couple buy a house, they find that a room that grants their every wish, with conditions of course and we take it from there. A weird and whacky film that gets brilliantly mental near the end.


Circle (Netflix)

Enjoyed this as well. 50 folk in a room standing on pads. Every couple of minutes someone is to die. The film focusses on how the machine is killing them and ultimately who deserves to live. Pretty impressive they made such a simple idea work. Cracking couple of twists near the end and really enjoyable with you questioning human behaviour throughout.


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Hunt For The Wilderpeople (2016)

Taika Waititi's offbeat comedy which I loved and just got funnier and funnier as it went on. Sam Neill as usual was great and full marks to the young actor playing the foster kid Ricky. It's a fun adventure and a stunning New Zealand landscape.


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23 hours ago, thefootballgambler said:

Watching some British crime movie called Going Off Big Time (2000)

It's got JEFF!!!! from Peep Show as the main gangster in it lol

Pissing myself.

Was hard to take this one seriously.



He also wrote the film. I quite enjoyed it although it's been a long time since I seen it.

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1 minute ago, thefootballgambler said:

Never realized he wrote the film too, interesting.

The film is actually not bad storyline/quality as far as British crime/gangster films, hadn't I known Neil as Jeff from peep show I might have been able to take it more seriously.

Quite funny the scene with Bob from Emmerdale

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30 minutes ago, thefootballgambler said:

Never realized he wrote the film too, interesting.

The film is actually not bad storyline/quality as far as British crime/gangster films, hadn't I known Neil as Jeff from peep show I might have been able to take it more seriously.

He also co-wrote Phoenix Nights. Doesn't Peter Kay have a wee cameo in the film too?

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Kick-Ass - American high-schooler decides to become a real-life superhero vigilante, only to discover that he isn't the first person to have that idea.

Hadn't seen this, but it's an enjoyable overblown action film in a very similar vein to director Matthew Vaughn's Kingsmen series. Bit odd that the central conceit is "superheroes, but without the powers", only for everyone to have standard action movie hero powers, but hey ho. Nicolas Cage is good value, as is wee Chloe thingy from the Carrie remake, and Vaughn's regular cast of supporting actors make a better-than-expected fist of pretending to be American. Screenwriter Jane Goldman definitely seems to have sympathies for the incel types who view women as objects to be won, but I guess marriage to Jonathan Ross will do that to a gal ho ho.

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On 05/05/2020 at 21:41, paranoid android said:

Watched a film called The Witch - not so much a horror (although it has it's moments), but a fairly accurate depiction of early-modern witchcraft lore, imo.

Very good, but eerie.

I said this film was eerie.

Fucking right it is!

There's a scene involving an apple, and another scene involving a crow,  and there is 'evil in the woods'! :unsure:

So, as I was walking through the woods the day, I came across a crow with an apple.

Near shat masel'. :(

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I've spent the last couple of days watching shite I had recorded and probably never would've watched if I hadn't made the effort to. Here are three of them (funnily enough, they all share the name with better received films):


Hush (2008)

I recorded this because I thought it was Hush from 2016 – which I actually liked.

Honestly, I thought Hush 2008 was absolutely appalling, and I was shocked to see it got OK reviews (a lot of 3/5s) across loads of different places. First of all, it’s almost incomprehensible visually. It starts in a car (and stays there for maybe 15 minutes or so) so I thought that maybe they just didn’t know how to shoot in a car – oh no, no, no. The editing and inappropriate closeups often left me with absolutely no idea where anything was and was disorienting when it didn’t need to be, but the worst sin of all was that they just could not keep the camera still. I’m sure that this was a stylistic choice, but see when you can’t concentrate on what the characters are saying (no matter how stupid) because the camera is moving like mad, I’d suggest that’s a problem. I don’t really like a lot of shaky cam at the best of times, but it seemed to serve no purpose here and was especially noticeable when it was just capturing a boring conversation. The two leads are really, really bad but are given a really, really bad script that does nothing to make you invest in them as all they do is moan at each other for the dullest of reasons. Do you like characters saying exactly how they feel in embarrassing ways? This might be the film for you.

Thankfully, we’re not just treated to two shit leads, we also get a few supporting characters who appear for five minutes because the plot requires them to before disappearing again because, you guessed it, the plot requires them to. Someone’s in cahoots with the bad guy for reasons that aren’t quite clear and then they just disappear. A police officer appears for some reason and arrests the protagonist for some reason and then he’s just written out of it. Someone appears in order to provide a twist that goes absolutely nowhere and makes absolutely no sense and then they’re just written out of it.

With some of these films, you can at least understand that they had a clever premise and just fell short, but the premise of this just… isn’t. A couple try to track down a truck driver because they think they see a woman in the back. To me, that just sounds boring, but it falls into the trap of so many ‘premise’ horrors in that it tries to pad out its idea with a series of loosely connected boring set pieces.

And then it just ends.


The Witches (1966)

Something that starts with a random puppet popping up is either going to be absolutely brilliant or absolutely terrible. Let’s find out which this is!

I find it quite annoying when a horror feels the need to open with a SCARY scene before going into its BORING dramatical stuff; it can feel cheap and suggests, to me, a lack of faith in its tone and drama. And oh boy is this drama boring! It actually plays a bit like The Wicker Man in that an outsider comes into some rural place and isn’t happy with their way of life, but the performances are pretty grating (especially the accents) and the characters are just a bit dull. It’s also quite funny how OTT its music is: it tries to tell you how you’re supposed to react to what’s on screen as opposed to enhancing an emotion.

There were some good things in the first half or so, though. It does have the peculiarity that these kinds of films do (again, like The Wicker Man), it uses the camera pretty well when filming conversations and such, and there are things that would’ve been pretty creepy in more capable hands (which I’ll get onto).

It was weird that exactly when I thought that they could’ve done something more interesting (albeit cliched) with the film, it moved in a kind of shite direction that served as a means of doing something for the sake of it and ultimately didn’t contribute to the overall storyline. It was like the anti-Parasite; really struggles with moving between threads/tones/genres. Funnily enough, there’s a memory loss and regain that’s even quicker and cheaper than C3PO’s in TROS.

The ending becomes comical, overlong and uninteresting and I felt that that was almost all to do with how it was filmed: no intensity, just flat shots of boring sets. The shite characters didn’t help either.


Frozen (2010)

I actually thought this was mostly fine, although I got big early-2000s vibes from its characters and opening song on the soundtrack and you should be wary of anything that gives off early-2000s vibes. Another premise-heavy one: three people (a couple and the third wheel) get trapped on a ski lift. Maybe it was just because the premise was pretty scary to me, but I did actually feel a bit uneasy at times at how helpless they were and that was, at times, enough to be invested in it, even if it creaked quite a bit towards the end. It was also quite funny too, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. Some of my favourite lines were: “Naked chicks are hot”, “I have to pee really bad”, and “if you pull your junk out in front of me, I might puke”.

I would’ve quite liked more of an interaction between them that a premise like this kind of promises, but firstly, that wouldn’t have been in keeping with the characters, and secondly, they weren’t really interesting enough to have good enough back-and-forths for the duration.

The budgetary limitations (I’d guess) meant for some technical issues like the fact they never really did a good enough job of establishing their height from the ground, there was an obvious disconnect between the ski lift scenes and the ground scenes, and there were loooooaaaaaads of establishing/incredibly wide shots without the characters in them. 

It does kind of fall flat towards the end. They chuck in an outside element that kind of makes sense but diminishes the initial premise, and I feel like I’ve seen variations of its ending tonnes of times.

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Chernobyl Diaries - bunch of tourists take a trip to Pripyat and bad things happen.

I’d forgotten how cheap this film looks. The first half is OK for what it is, but the second half is literally a load of running through gloomy abandoned factories and corridors, with very little in the way of effects. There’s hardly any story and there’s barely any attempt made to resolve what little there is. Definitely one of the lowest-effort films I’ve seen that was widely released into cinemas.

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The Incredible Melting Man - some laddie goes on a space mission and comes back with a terrible skin condition.

Whoa, this was some terrible B-movie schlock! I’d been expecting a bit of fun in space, but that’s dealt with via some obvious stock footage within the first few minutes and our hero wakes up in an earthbound hospital with a Troma-grade clay face and ketchup/mustard facial. After chasing a nurse through a warehouse for some reason (complete with lengthy slow-mo to hide the fact that the actress couldn’t run), it all goes downhill and turns into a turgid bore with everyone killed off camera, long scenes of aimless dialogue, and a general air that everybody’s just waiting around for the film to end. Completely missing any of the spark that makes these kind of things fun.

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The American on Amazon. Low key Euro thriller with George Clooney playing serious, not a smile to be seen, and some gorgeous women who are probably in his contract. Really liked it in a not one of the greats way, but a decent way to spend a couple of hours. 7/10. 

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Upload (Amazon prime) 9/10

Binge watched this yesterday, absolutely brilliant very funny and 5 hours flew past.

Set in 2033 where when you die there is a VR heaven for you to live for eternity (if you can pay) and wait for your loved ones.

The main dead (uploaded) character is in a love triangle with his rich spoiled girlfriend and Technical Support Angel.

Throw in plenty of jokes and a murder mystery and clever special effects, what’s not to like.... anyway check it out.

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Uncut Gems.

Had an ominous feeling all the way through the film. I get that that's the intention and as brilliant a film as it is, I didn't enjoy that horrible anxiousness.


Never watching it again.

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Uncut Gems.
Had an ominous feeling all the way through the film. I get that that's the intention and as brilliant a film as it is, I didn't enjoy that horrible anxiousness.
Never watching it again.
I was exactly the same but I loved it. From the opening 10 minutes with everybody talking over each other right to the end and that finish - just hectic.

Thought my wife would hate it but she also thought it was great. Sandler badly overlooked for awards.
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In the realm of the senses

Sexually explicit movie where some guy with impressive sideburns does a power of shagging in pre war Japan. Plenty of tits, ass and pubic hair on display but it did get pretty boring pretty quickly. There must have been a storyline in there somewhere but I couldn't see it.


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Since it was VE day recently, I watched an old war film.  Seemed more appropriate than watching it at Christmas time.

Actually it wasn't that old.  I remember seeing it at the cinema and man had already been to the moon before it was made!


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15 hours ago, thefootballgambler said:

The Terminator (1984)


One of my favorite movies of all time and one of the first films I owned growing up. I know most movie fans seem to prefer T2: Judgement Day, but the dark 80s atmosphere of T1 is amazing. More like a slasher film lol



Agreed. The Terminator is a perfect cyberpunk 80s film. T2 is just big budget action fodder, albeit very good.

Most of the later sequels are just pish.

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10 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Since it was VE day recently, I watched an old war film.  Seemed more appropriate than watching it at Christmas time.

Actually it wasn't that old.  I remember seeing it at the cinema and man had already been to the moon before it was made!


How much time needs to pass before a film becomes an "old film"?

I remember being a kid watching  the "Road to..." films with my grandparents. Those films had been made in the 40s, and at the time, they were 40-odd years old. Like you, I wouldn't class something made in 1976 as an "old film", but it's now 44 years old!

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