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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Pain and Gain (2013).

A Michael Bay movie "based on a book" about the activities of the Sun Gym gang in 1990s Miami.

The Rock, Wahlburgers co-owner Mark, Falcon from the Marvel and Ed Harris all make an appearance.
It's just as manly as you'd expect with that lineup. Steroid fueled bodybuilding, explosions, hot chicks, cars and guns.

I showed it to my cat and he's now a lion.

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11 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Starship Troopers - Paul Verhoeven (1997)

Roundly panned sci-fi fluff re-evaluated in later years as a cult classic satire of fascist myth making. Another movie like Children of Men that manages to speak more to the moment more than anything made in the moment.

Funniest moments that somehow managed to go over critic’s heads when it was initially dismissed:
The child saying “I’m doing my part!” in the opening scene
Buenos Aires being suspiciously full of white Americans
The Nazi logo of the Federation
All the shots of scientists penetrating the vaginal looking aliens being covered with a censored sign
And finally
Neil Patrick Harris wearing a fucking censored SS uniform at the end of the movie.

Good movie despite it being more viscerally repulsive than anything else I remember watching recently.

I saw this in the pictures on its release. I of course loved the visceral content but my laughter on the satire seemed lost on the other patrons...

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7 hours ago, sfha said:

I saw this in the pictures on its release. I of course loved the visceral content but my laughter on the satire seemed lost on the other patrons...

I got dragged out to see it by a guy who was obsessed with military stuff. One of those folk who wears an army beret and camo gear, despite being the size of a house. For some reason, he'd got it into his head that it was going to be a serious festival of hoo-rah soldier ass-kissery. The kind of guy who missed that the macho arrogance in Aliens didn't work out so well for them.

He hated it, and was furious with the rest of the group for laughing throughout. Afterwards it turned out that his main gripe was that everyone was "too pretty"; if it'd been filled with stern-faced middle-aged British thesps, he'd have loved it. Not only is satire dead, I think we may have been imagining its existence in the first place.

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My favourite little tidbit about the movie is apparently the studio executives complaining to Verhoeven that the Federation logo looked too much like a Nazi symbol and he reassured them by saying “no, it’s totally different colours.”

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Can't believe I actually sat through all of this and didn't turn it off after half an hour. Two cosmonauts return from space during which something goes wrong and one of them apparently doesn't survive. The other one is taken to a secret military base for examination where some weird shit starts to happen. Can't describe it further without spoilers.

5/10 in a weird way that I couldn't stop watching.

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Midnight Run (1988)

Yeah it's a bit silly and full of plot holes but it's a cracking buddy/road movie and De Niro, Grodin and Kotto all put in tremendous performances.

Apparently the dialogue in the freight car was improvised and when Grodin asks De Niro " have you ever had sex with an animal?" you can see RDN doing all can not to corpse.

ETA it's on Netflix at the moment.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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30 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

Midnight Run (1988)

Yeah it's a bit silly and full of plot holes but it's a cracking buddy/road movie and De Niro, Grodin and Kotto all put in tremendous performances.

Apparently the dialogue in the freight car was improvised and when Grodin asks De Niro " have you ever had sex with an animal?" you can see RDN doing all can not to corpse.

ETA it's on Netflix at the moment.

Train conductor: "He said his name was Mosely... "

Alonzo: "I'M MOSELY!!!" 

The cast are brilliant in it. Dennis Farina and Joe pantoliano are also brilliant in addition to the three you mention above.

It's one of my favourite films, funny, a bit of action, a bit of heart and a great saxaphone soundtrack, what's not to like.

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Love Starship Troopers but crazy how many folk didn't get it was satire. It isn't exactly subtle about it.
The only good bug is a dead bug!

Two other points I’m amazed people didn’t pick up on:
That the humans are badly losing the war
That Neil Patrick Harris’s character isn’t psychic
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22 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Two other points I’m amazed people didn’t pick up on:
That the humans are badly losing the war
That Neil Patrick Harris’s character isn’t psychic


A war that humans almost certainly started.

Haha, aye, he just says very obvious things, like at the end when they capture the brain bug he declares "It's afraid!". Of course it fucking is, its just been dragged out of its hiding place whilst its pals/family have been gunned down and is in a net surrounded by folk with guns!

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Blood Diamond (2006)

An insight into Africa's  'conflict diamond' trade, civil war, mass murder, child soldiers, corruption & mercenaries.

Watched this again the other night, a great turn from Leonardo DiCaprio as Danny, it also has the lovely Jennifer Connelly too.

Great movie 9/10

Edited by Silverton End
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That's the film idea I had in high school, years before it was released. I can remember being at the pictures with my pals for another film and the trailer for this film came on. I sat watching open mouthed and when the trailer finished my pals commented and said "you came up with that plot about 2 years ago!". I was fizzing [emoji38]


Be Aware: Hollywood can steal your thoughts!




Not just Hollywood, many years ago as a young teen I sent a letter to the Nintendo magazine (what a dork) with an idea for a game, Mario Kombat, where the characters of Mario, satirising Mortal Kombat, fight each other in a cartoon manner. A few years later, out comes Super Smash Bros. The fuckers never sent me penny one for my brilliance. c***s.


Anyway, watched Guardians of the Galaxy for approximately the 764th time whilst hungover on Sunday and I become more convinced with every watch that it’s the best fun you can possibly have watching a film without Tommy Wiseau appearing. Glorious stuff.

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9 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Two other points I’m amazed people didn’t pick up on:
That the humans are badly losing the war
That Neil Patrick Harris’s character isn’t psychic


The meteor that destroyed Buenos Aires came from Klendathu.

Then we meet the bugs, and it's painfully obvious they'd nothing to do with chucking a targeted ball of rock across the galaxy. Like blaming primitive tribes on the Amazon for Tunguska.

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The meteor that destroyed Buenos Aires came from Klendathu.
Then we meet the bugs, and it's painfully obvious they'd nothing to do with chucking a targeted ball of rock across the galaxy. Like blaming primitive tribes on the Amazon for Tunguska.

In fairness when the fleet arrives they immediately start getting wiped from the planet’s surface in the “wrong intel” scene.

That also reminds me of another class moment: when the news reporter just starts getting ripped to shreds, the cameraman is stood there two yards away filming it all attentively until the bug turns and starts ripping him to bits as well.
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