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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I'm watching RockNRolla for the first time in a long time. Certainly not as good as Snatch or Lock Stock but still a belter of a film. If the other two didn't exist it would be much better.

Snatch - 9.5

Lock Stock- 9

RockNRolla - 8

Edit - I didn't realise how this film makes such a big joke about one of them being gay, definitely could be up for a cancellation at some point, crazy how the other two are much older yet don't really have anything similar but this one certainly seems to be overdoing it. 

Edited by Stormzy
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6 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I do really like They Live, but at the risk of upsetting all its many fans I feel that the fight scene (if you've seen it, you know which one I'm on about) goes on far too long and is boring as f**k. 

It's a metaphor about racial hatred in America. I think it's supposed to be interminable. 

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Mission Impossible  (6)  Fallout . Ethan Hunt and his team are back saving the world again. Non stop action with plenty car, motor bike and even a helicopter chase as the IMF team try  to find three bombs before they're detonated, there's plenty twists and double crosses along way as the film heads towards its finale . Tom Cruise is excellent again as Hunt , if slightly unbelievable at times and there's great back up from the regular members of the cast . Pure escapism, Top notch stuff  8/10 

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10 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I've never seen a Mission Impossible film and I don't remember anything of the series other than the self-destructing letter at the start. Have I missed much?

They're ok I guess if action movies and car chases are your kind of thing, they won't exactly test your brain that much as the good guys are always going to win . Plenty non stop action with no sign of the franchise slowing down 7 th film made and due for release sometime this year and an 8th film on the way so they're certainly still popular enough .the films seem to have gotten bigger and more spectacular as the series has went along and the effects and CGI are excellent if you can believe that Tom Cruise is Jack Reacher then it's not a problem to see him as Ethan Hunt . 

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Death Wish 4: The Crackdown - Paul Kersey (Chuckles Bronson) returns to wreak rewengie on the people he deems responsible for the death of someone else close to him.

After the batshit race-fuelled street war that ended the third film, this is a very by-the-numbers cheapo Eighties Cannon action film, the first without director Michael "do you know who I am?" Winner. There's still an element of hysterical tabloid overreaction though, as the plot revolves around Bronson murdering drug dealers after his girlfriend's daughter overdoses on coke - the film explicitly states that anybody involved in the sale of drugs is a murderer; very Reagan-era War on Drugs.

It's all a bit mediocre, unfortunately - if I'm going to watch a fascist superhero fantasy, I'd like it to be as hysterical and overblown as possible, and the series had become almost level-headed by this point. Not to mention the fact that Kersey comes across as pretty dense when the plot twist kicks in, and he survives several times due to the incompetence of his enemies.

(if they ever make another of these, I quite fancy a spoof where Paul Kersey subconsciously puts people in harm's way so that he has an excuse to avenge them...could be fun)

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Death Wish 3 is one of the greatest movies ever made, alongside Hard To Kill. Death Wish 4 had some ridiculously staged deaths, remote controlled football bomb, and the explosion scene with Danny Trejo, where it appears they can't even be bothered to hide the fact it is dummies in disguise.

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12 minutes ago, UpInTheAyr said:

Death Wish 3 is one of the greatest movies ever made, alongside Hard To Kill. Death Wish 4 had some ridiculously staged deaths, remote controlled football bomb, and the explosion scene with Danny Trejo, where it appears they can't even be bothered to hide the fact it is dummies in disguise.

There are a couple of tremendous quick-cut-to-dummy explosion scenes in that film, actually  :lol:  You don't see too many of those anymore; they used to be all the rage. Last I can remember was the beginning of Casino.

I mind seeing an old interview with Michael Winner on the set of Death Wish 3, where he was quite determined that the US was about to erupt into a race war, and seemed to be quite excited by the idea. What a bizarre little gnome that man was.

My mum's favourite film of all time is Death Wish 2, by the way, and she's not the only woman I've known who loved it. Very odd, considering it's pretty repulsive in some ways.

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Stan & Ollie (2018)

Really good biopic of Laurel and Hardy nearing the end of their careers as they undertake a UK tour with mixed success. Steve Coogan and John C Reilly are both brilliiant the way they portray the characters and show the obvious long standing friendship they had. Funny and at times bittersweet a thoroughly enjoyable watch.


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Catch me if you can.  A 2002 crime caper with Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks and Christopher Walken.

A sorry based on Frank Abagnale Jr who was a fraudster pretending to be a pilot, lawyer and doctor and the FBI’s numerous attempts to catch him. 

A solid 7 pon 10. Walken got an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Frank Abagnale Sr but lost out to Chris Cooper.


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It doesn't look like we have a thread for old TV shows that aren't American, so I'll stick this in here.
Alternative 3 - Anglia TV faux-documentary about an investigative news programme that seems to uncover a devastating global conspiracy while researching a show on the "brain drain" of British talent to other countries.
This is one of the rare TV experiences that presented itself as factual and wound up a whole bunch of credulous people, similar to Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio play, or later on, Ghostwatch. It's pretty well done, and about as plausible as something like this can be, but the really surprising thing is how pertinent certain aspects are more than forty years on. The possible conspiracy theory, with world governments withholding a devastating truth from the public, is perfect for the modern internet age, and the central conceit couldn't be more relevant to the 21st century. I don't think too many people would be surprised if the end goal is being worked on right now either.
I've been pretty vague in case anyone else fancies seeing it - it's probably more satisfying to go in blind.

Where did you watch
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I think boxing has lent itself well to films over the years. As for the rest, as you say, the less actual sport there is in the film the better it tends to be.
I would definitely watch a Neasden FC film, though.

Boxing and wrestling have loads of ready-made individual focused narratives in them like the fading legend refusing to throw in the towel or a talent refusing to throw a fight on top of all the violence and degradation.

My god I’ve just thought of a big budget Oscar-baiting dramatisation of the Montreal Screwjob. Let’s make it happen.
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6 minutes ago, jimmy boo said:
2 hours ago, Merkland Red said:
I didn't feel it was insulting my intelligence but it was cliche ridden. Won't watch again. It's ok.

I thought it was pish. But then I can't stand Gerrard Butler.

Weirdly they chose to let you think he was American until about half way in to the film where they confirmed he was Scottish.

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On 20/02/2021 at 13:09, tongue_tied_danny said:

Green Street is embarrassing pish.

The Football Factory is marginally less pish.

Of all the hooligan films that I've seen ID is probably the best.

Awaydays could have been good but the fight scenes were unrealistic. It had a bunch of teenagers twatting and then slashing grown men. If they'd shown more accurate "pavement dancing" then it would have been much better. 

None are good, neither are any books, fiction or non fiction. It's just not a subject that translates well to any medium.

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Death of Me

Wickerman-esque, but ultimately a bit meh. There was a lot of running around. Some things didnt make much sense; she was dragged to a walled garden and left outside and when she woke up she went in through the gate instead of turning on her heels and making a break for it, and then she was tied to a post with lots of rope and easily got free. I only kept watching it to see where it led.

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