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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I watched Blood Diamond on DVD last night and think it was even better than when I saw it in the cinema. I now watch it about once a week. The whole plot is fantastic and Di Caprio turns in a good performance with his accent, which was dodgy the first time I heard it. The ending is very good as well and doesn't travel down the cliched one I expected it to. Refreshing yet still moving at the same time.

I'll need to give it about 9/10.

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Eastern Promises.

David Cronenbergs new film, starring Viggo Mortensen and Naomi Watts. Watts plays a midwife who delivers a baby by 14 year old Eastern European girl on her shift, only for the girl to die in childbirth. She find the girls diary in her handbag and finds that the girl was involved in prostitution. Her investigations leads her into the world of the vory v zakone, an old style branch of the Russian Mafia.

I am a fan of Cronenbergs previous film with Mortensten, A History of Violence, and I think that this is a similar piece of work - the 'hook' of the film is the character of Nikolai, Mortensens character. Is he what he seems, is his character changing? The brutality of the world the characters inhabit is unflinchingly portrayed - there are several murders but no guns appear in the film, everything is done with razors, linolum knives or fists. The opening scene sets the pace for the violence and there is a stunning fight sequence with a naked Mortensen taking on two assasins in a Turkish bath. Like in A History of Violence, there isn't that much actual violence but the impact of the scenes is much more pronounced than in your usual action sequeuence. Cronenberg has said that he didn't think that your average Hollywood film conveys what violence actually must be like and that he wanted to portray the brutality of what it must be like to stab someone in the eye, cut their throat, break their arm. He certainly does that here.

I think that the cast was excellent, the old Russian godfather is particulary well played. Overall, excellent film, well worth seeing.

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Eastern Promises.

I turned into a BNP supporting white van driver for the day and was listening to Talk Sport. George Galloway was on about this film and said it was overly gruesome and should be banned without exception. Apparently it's films like this that are the cause of all of life's problems. Makes me more intrigued to see it :)

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I turned into a BNP supporting white van driver for the day and was listening to Talk Sport. George Galloway was on about this film and said it was overly gruesome and should be banned without exception. Apparently it's films like this that are the cause of all of life's problems. Makes me more intrigued to see it :)

Seriously? :lol:

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Seriously? :lol:

Oh yeah. It was only a few days ago he was on about it. You should have heard him. He was ranting and raving at the British Film Board or whatever they're called and asking why they could allow a film with such a high level of violence to be shown. Then every Terry from Chelmsford was phoning up, "Yeah I fink it's an utta disgwace" etc, etc and so on.

George then went on to question the people who employ the censors and was calling for them to be disciplined.

You really couldn't make it up :D

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Oh yeah. It was only a few days ago he was on about it. You should have heard him. He was ranting and raving at the British Film Board or whatever they're called and asking why they could allow a film with such a high level of violence to be shown. Then every Terry from Chelmsford was phoning up, "Yeah I fink it's an utta disgwace" etc, etc and so on.

George then went on to question the people who employ the censors and was calling for them to be disciplined.

You really couldn't make it up :D

There hasn't been a good Mary Whitehouse-esque outrage at a film in a while, surprised that Comrade Galloway is instigating it.

Hopefully it takes off and secures more publicity for this very good film.

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Guest tims 'r us

I went to see Control the other week... the film about Ian Curtis, and Joy Division. The film is a great adaption of the legends time in the music business

Defo a 9/10

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saw 4

really good just as if not better than the rest :)


Saw IV - 9/10, loses a mark for a couple if ill-timed flashbacks.
My daughter went to see it tonight and was scared shitless :lol::lol::lol:

All very encouraging. I'm planning on going to see it next weekend. :)

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Witchcraft starring Linda Blair and David Hasselhoff (aka Evil Dead 4 in Italy)

The Italians call this La Casa 4, and House II and The Horror Show, La Casa 5 and 6.

You can see why I hate Italian cinema... Albeit La Casa 5 and 6 were good...

I'd give it 5/10 for the Hoff's hilariously bad acting, the fantastically cliched jumping through window death for a film with Linda Blair in it, the dodgy scifi portal to the next realm which served no purpose whatsoever, the imaginative death of sewing an old woman's lips together and hanging for down the cinema...then making it really cold so they start a fire...and the brilliant reaction when she starts burning... "I wonder what that chair (that they broke to make the fire) was made out of" duh ya fud, surely the smell of burning flesh would stink enough to make you look up the fucking chimney!!!

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This is an Adam Sandler film, so you'd expect a not very funny comedy with zany antics and madcap goings on, but this was a bit different. It's about a family man with a busy job who is given a remote control to fast forward parts of his life he can't be bothered with, but before he knows it he has wasted his entire life. I was actually greeting at one point, but I put that down more to the fact I was ill rather than the film being all that sad really.

However, Sandler can actually act a bit, and it was quite a decent script and plot, so I would give it


Little Miss Sunshine

This is an indie film about a dysfunctional family who take a road trip in a VW bus to a beauty pageant in California for kids that their 8 year old daughter has qualified for. Greg Kinnear is very good as the neurotic self-improvement guru, Toni Collette (Muriels Wedding) as the harrassed wife, Steve Carell (40 year old virgin) as her suicidal scholar brother and Alan Arkin as the mental grandfather living on their couch after getting thrown out of his retirement home for taking heroin.

The film is as loopy as it promises to be, and the final scene at the beauty pageant very nearly made me pish myself it was so hilarious.

Well worth an hour and a half of anyones evening.


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This is an Adam Sandler film, so you'd expect a not very funny comedy with zany antics and madcap goings on, but this was a bit different. It's about a family man with a busy job who is given a remote control to fast forward parts of his life he can't be bothered with, but before he knows it he has wasted his entire life. I was actually greeting at one point, but I put that down more to the fact I was ill rather than the film being all that sad really.

However, Sandler can actually act a bit, and it was quite a decent script and plot, so I would give it


I watched Click on Saturday and really enjoyed it. Pissing myself laughing at some parts and close to tears at others.

First Adam Sandler film I've seen that made me think.


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