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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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They must have been slightly obsessed with the whole "gritty realism" thing.

Hence the no-name cast and the camcorders.

Given I haven't seen the film, I chose to take the Blair Witch thing mentioned earlier lightly... is it really that style of film?

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It's been mentioned in other places that it's done on camcorder. I read one review that the whole thing is "filmed from the ground from one perspective".

I can only assume either 1) the whole thing is done by camcorder or 2) a massive chunk of it is done by camcorder.

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Was quite enthusiastic when going to see Cloverfield last week after hearing good things about it. What a load of garbage. The handheld camera, in theory, was a good idea but the execution of it was terrible. Various things just generally pissed me off with it. Firstly, how the f**k did a Godzilla-esque creature get into New York undetected? Also, usually if a helicopter crashes, the passengers will either be dead or seriously injured, unless you're Bruce Willis. So how did these "normal" people survive a helicopter crash then continue running around like maniacs? Finally, if my mate had just been attacked by some extra-terristrial creature, I wouldn't go running back to the scene for a fucking camera! As you may detect, I'm still pretty pissed at how shit this film was after looking forward to it for a while. Let's hope Lost doesn't have an equally ridiculous finale.

Although Cloverfield was terrible, the worst film I've ever seen is Battlefield Earth. Utter, utter shite. Maybe it's something about films with "...field" in them.

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Double it's money in the States on opening weekend - usually a sign of either a great film, or extreme over-hype... can't say it was over-hyped so that at least is a good sign

It was all very well marketed and hyped up. From over a year ago, it started with just a blank screen, and cloverfield - coming soon. That got everyone thinking what the f**k it was (well by everyone, atleast me). Then they had small snippets of something happening. They never really went into what the film was about at all. However it would have got lots of peoples interest in the film, and that is why it made so much. Not really over-hype but well publicised.

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Let's hope Lost doesn't have an equally ridiculous finale.

Chances are it will mate, with the amount of completely mental things going on that've been left unexplained!

I too saw Cloverfield - 4/10

I was glad it was so short, I was getting bored. It gets a few points for the brief glimpse we got of the army fighting it, I wanted to see more of that!

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Alien v Predator 2 : Requiem -2/10

Absolutely THE WORST film ive seen in my puff. Fucking shocking film. Complete shite. Cant believe i wasted money on that pish :(

I don't think it was THAT bad. It was certainly better than the first one anyway, not that that's hard. :lol:

However, it wasn't great, they really should have focused more on a predator fighting aliens instead of having this teenage romance pish running through it, typical cliched bollocks. The alien on the maternity ward was a good scene though.


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no country for old men- worse ending ever and some of it left you confused

I thought it was a cracking ending. Makes a bit of a change from the usual hollywood pishy endings(spoiler)

That the good guy doesnt always win!!! Makes a change!!

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Oh and I saw Sweeney Todd at the cinema instead of AVP2, bad decision...ST was shite.

I'll tell you now that AVP2 is garbage.

This has to be the movie that has polarised the most opinions in the last ten years. Personally I thought it was utterly dire, and offered nothing new. The characters were annoying and had pretty much no redeeming features.

All the reviews that I've seen in this thread have either been "utter shite" or "brilliant". Nothing in between :huh:

I completely agree. It was the same with Blair Witch as well I think. People in the cinema when I saw that were either saying brilliant or shite. Same with Cloverfield. I really enjoyed it and might be seeing it again this weekend.

Firstly, how the f**k did a Godzilla-esque creature get into New York undetected?

Were you watching at the end when you see Beth and Rob on the Big Wheel?

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I thought it was a cracking ending. Makes a bit of a change from the usual hollywood pishy endings(spoiler)

That the good guy doesnt always win!!! Makes a change!!

That's the ending in the book. I thought it was pish personally, but I blame the author.

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I thought it was a cracking ending. Makes a bit of a change from the usual hollywood pishy endings(spoiler)

That the good guy doesnt always win!!! Makes a change!!

some of it was confusing like why did he go back with the water and why did that guy not go and get the cash if he knew where it was :huh: , strange film.

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An Inconvenient Truth

Pretty amazing stuff. I didn't think Al Gore would be able to keep my attention on this, but the subject is pretty vital.

Agreed. I must admit I didn't fancy the idea of listening to an American politician waffling for 90 minutes but the film very interesting.

I watched Sahara on DVD last night. An action movie set in the desert that does get a little silly at times but it's an enjoyable romp.

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