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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I watched The Laramie Project the other night. An insightful part-documentary, part-film about Matthew Sheppards murder in Wyoming, and the aftermath... Well worth watching, as it tells a very important story, but not one to watch if you fancy a laugh!


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Pursuit of Happyness - Dull, dull, dull. A boring film, spoiled further by a typically Hollywood schmaltzy ending. Will Smith's acting was fine, about as good as it could be given the material, but other than him, every other character was terribly one dimensional.

It's dross like this and the equally dull 'The Weather Man' that depresses me about modern American cinema.

2/10, purely for Smith's acting.

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Vacancy (2007)

Would have been 7/10, but for the cheesy let's look at the corpse, oh now he's alive scene. That and Kate Beckinsale going from a weepy drugged out on sleeping pills wannabe divorcee, turning into Selene in the course of an hour, and predictably so.


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The Assassination Of... was rubbish, I thought. Far too long, far too slow paced.

Its not meant to be a fast action paced western. Its all about the characters and watching how both Jesse James & Robert Ford evolve in different ways due to each other.

I suppose if you dont really like that kind of thing - it might not be for you and as I said in my review of it - the first hour or so can seem a little slow but the last hour is something special

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Last Film i watched was...

"Meet the spartans"

2/10 lot of Sh1te

I did :(


Meet the Spartans :o:angry:

2/10 <_<:lol:

People aren't learning from this thread it would appear!!

When someone gives a good rating, THEN you go and see it, surely as hell no-one will see it now after 3 bad ratings in a row???

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When someone gives a good rating, THEN you go and see it, surely as hell no-one will see it now after 3 bad ratings in a row???

I hope the day never comes where P & B ratings actually have any effect on what I watch.

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Watched that Never Back Down (think the mma version of Karate Kid) it was ok, too many good looking kids beating the snot out of each other and the fighting was ok. Enjoyable fluff movie 6/10

Watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 9/10 'nuff said

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Watched that Never Back Down (think the mma version of Karate Kid) it was ok, too many good looking kids beating the snot out of each other and the fighting was ok. Enjoyable fluff movie 6/10

Watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 9/10 'nuff said

Never Back Down Was Fucking Brilliant Film! 10/10, Although I Like The Fighting And The Hot Women, Thats What It Was About :D:lol:

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Spanish Blair Witch type horror set in a city apartment block as a television crew (fronted by an annoying ferret-faced presenter) accompany the fire brigade on an emergency call. It soon transpires that the building is inhabited by zombies and the building is sealed off by authorities leaving everybody (oh no!) trapped inside to fight them off. A few jumpy moments but highly predictable.

4 out of 10

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Hard Candy

Somewhat bizarre film which played out more like an play at the theatre given there was basically just two protagonists. 32-yr old professional photograhpher chats up 14-yr old female online and they eventually meet at his house. She has an agenda however, to expose him as a pedo, and subjects him to hours of physical and mental torture. That's the premise anyway, but there's lots of wee subtle twists and turns, and it's got a terrific ending. Given their on screen time together, both actors play their parts really well, however the film stretches credibility at a few points, and sometimes feels a wee bit too clever for its own good. Kudos for the makers to tackle such a taboo subject, and for the most part, they get away with it. Not bad.


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Sicko by Michael Moore.

We live in a country with so-called Universal Health Care. We know we can go to our GP's clinic on the day we phone and we know we can get our GP to make a home visit if we phone early enough in the day. We know we will only have to pay £6.85 (soon to be gradually reduced in Scotland, already free in Wales) per prescribed item no matter its original cost to the NHS. We have free ante and post natal care, free personal care for elderly...the list is lengthy

(and yes, Swampy, I know it's not "free" because we pay 11%-odds in NI to pay for it...well, those of us in employment do :P )

We also know waiting times for procedures and operations is often longer than they should be and the present day dental care system would have Nye Bevin spinning in his grave. So the system isn't perfect.

Moore's documentary shows how shockingly cash driven the US system of utilising HMOs (Health Maintenance Organisations aka health insurance) is with the number of insurance denials, rip-offs for medicines (eg $120 for an asthma inhaler whereas the same item in Cuba cost 5 cents) and the Government polluting the minds of Joe Six-Pack with UHC being the first step towards Communism.

Two profound moments...an American woman living in Paris stating that the difference there is that the French Government fear the "power of the people" whereas in the USA people are afraid of the Govt and a female doctor in Cuba who said that if a small isolated country in the Carribean can provide free medical care for its citizens then why couldn't the wealthiest nation on the planet.

The usual Moore versions of the truth pervade the movie as with his previous works but it is powerful stuff and has some moving moments.


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