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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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A Bridge Too Far ( 1977 )

Epic in every sense of the word. A lot of this is pretty spectacular. There are some brilliant battle scenes. The optimism in the first third of the movie is brilliant, as we all know what's coming later. Everything begins to fall apart bit by bit, and you can't help but feel sorry for the soldiers who are battling. The best scene though is the first scene with the troops parachuting in. Super stuff. Great movie, but loses a point as it seems to take just a bit too long.


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Green Street 2

I had no idea that a film could be so bad. Basically some of the West Ham firm from the original film find themselves in the big house. It's supposed to be in Britain but the prison looks it's in Nevada, with a sandy exercise yard, a high barbed wire fence and big watch towers. A bunch of American no-hopers adopt crigeworthy mockney accents. Chelsea's firm resembles some kind of American History X Aryan Brotherhood, with shaved heads, bushy goatees and swastika tattoos.


This has to be the worst film ever made, but I couldn't keep my eyes off it. It was car crash viewing.


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Saw this on Friday night with the girlfriend. It truely was awful. Storyline was rubbish and was in no way scary. I hate when films try to "scary" by putting in a lot of jumpy bits. Rubbish 2/10 (would be lower, but gets an extra credit for how hot the lead actress is)

My & the Mrs took advantage of the Orange Wednesday's deal & went & seen this today.

Like the other reports i agree it was awful, Mrs soti jumped at a few bits but she was already terrified after previews of other movies.

Laughed out loud at Eli or whatever he's called (the stroke victim in the wheelchair) chased the woman about the home :lol:

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Green Street 2

I had no idea that a film could be so bad. Basically some of the West Ham firm from the original film find themselves in the big house. It's supposed to be in Britain but the prison looks it's in Nevada, with a sandy exercise yard, a high barbed wire fence and big watch towers. A bunch of American no-hopers adopt crigeworthy mockney accents. Chelsea's firm resembles some kind of American History X Aryan Brotherhood, with shaved heads, bushy goatees and swastika tattoos.


This has to be the worst film ever made, but I couldn't keep my eyes off it. It was car crash viewing.


Just started watching. Looks pretty horrible. I think its maybe "set" in an american prison because its only out in america. I really enjoyed the first one.

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Just started watching. Looks pretty horrible. I think its maybe "set" in an american prison because its only out in america. I really enjoyed the first one.

Just finished and I actually started to enjoy it. :ph34r:

Green Street 2


Im surprised at the low amount of films on that website aswell. Or am i missing something? :unsure:

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Pineapple Express

I expected it to be a bit more funnier. I didnt even laugh once. Maybe if i was stoned....? :unsure:


Remeber The Titans


Tenacious D And The Pick Of Destiny


Grandmas Boy


The Longshots

It was a good family movie. 7/10 :)

Rise Of The Footsoldier

Fucking hell. That was one gory film! :lol: . I fucking loved that film. I dont if anyone disagrees (Salty ;) )



Seven Pounds

Fantastic movie. Put a few tears in my eyes! :ph34r:


House Of Wax

It was a good film until the CGI wax house started to melt. I liked when the guy was just peeling of his friends skin at the piano. :lol:


Just finished and I actually started to enjoy it. :ph34r:

Green Street 2


Im surprised at the low amount of films on that website aswell. Or am i missing something? :unsure:

You have a very strange and eclectic taste my friend. :lol: Don't let anyone ever tell you that you are predictable... EVER!

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You have a very strange and eclectic taste my friend. :lol: Don't let anyone ever tell you that you are predictable... EVER!


Cant believe you went and done that. I plan on watching Pineapple Express tonight to see if i can give it a better rating than 4. :)

P.S. Anyone got anyother good sites for watching films on? ;)

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Cant believe you went and done that. I plan on watching Pineapple Express tonight to see if i can give it a better rating than 4. :)

P.S. Anyone got anyother good sites for watching films on? ;)

I watched Pineapple Express last night and I absolutely loved it. There wasn't too many luagh out loud moments (there never is with Rogan and Appatow) but it had it's funny moments and I realy loved the story. Rogan and Franco were brilliant in too I thought.

A very solid 8/10.

Try sidereel or tvshack for streaming.

Edited by Gordon EF
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A Zed and Two Noughts - Dir. Peter Greenaway 1985

A car crash outside Rotterdam zoo kills 2 women...who happen to be the wives of Siamese twins who work at the zoo.

The car crash is caused by a swan flying into the car. The driver of the car survives (her name is Bewick :rolleyes: ); the twins take dispirit routes to try to understand why their wives dies (one obsessing over "Life on Earth" by David Attenborough, the other by timelapse photographing the decomposition of everything from an apple to a zebra).

There's a whole other subplot involving Vermeer and a woman who's ambition is to die being rogered by a huge animal cock.

Weird and although at least one PnB members' fave film of all time, I just found it all too contrived.


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A Zed and Two Noughts - Dir. Peter Greenaway 1985

A car crash outside Rotterdam zoo kills 2 women...who happen to be the wives of Siamese twins who work at the zoo.

The car crash is caused by a swan flying into the car. The driver of the car survives (her name is Bewick :rolleyes: ); the twins take dispirit routes to try to understand why their wives dies (one obsessing over "Life on Earth" by David Attenborough, the other by timelapse photographing the decomposition of everything from an apple to a zebra).

There's a whole other subplot involving Vermeer and a woman who's ambition is to die being rogered by a huge animal cock.

Weird and although at least one PnB members' fave film of all time, I just found it all too contrived.


Peter Greenaway films, including that one, do my head in. The Cook the Thief is quite good though and is helped considerably by a 40ish Helen Mirren getting them off regularly.

Let The Right One In

Missed this in the Edinburgh Film Festival and a large number of people have been raving about it so caught a preview last night. It was indeed very good and an unusual take on a fantastical plotline that has been covered before. A decent amount of black humour and great central performances add to it a lot.

8 or 8.5/10

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Just finished and I actually started to enjoy it. :ph34r:

Green Street 2


Im surprised at the low amount of films on that website aswell. Or am i missing something? :unsure:

Is Green Street 2 out ? Can you please give me a rough outline of the plot ?

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The reviews of this have been pretty mixed, but I loved it. Some of the scenes were absolutely spot on from the book, and the characters were all bang on too (with maybe the exception of Manhattans voice, I don't know how I imgined it, but Cudrup's voice just seemed a bit off.) It did annoy me slightly that they refer to themselves as "Watchmen", which they never did in the book.

The opening credits were fantastic at skewing off into this alternate 1985 were the world is living in the shadow of Manhattan, and the use of music in the film was outstanding too.

I'm probably going to get abuse from some of the more ardent fans of the book, but I think the altered ending makes far more sense than the one in the grahic novel :ph34r:

I will certainly be watching the Watchmen again.


Edited by KnightswoodBear
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