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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Miami Vice (2006)

Wow that was terrible! Mann tried to make it "Uwe Boll style", of using set pieces to make up for a complete lack of plot and acting ability... however he made the non-target parts too expensive so it negated the effectiveness of the set pieces!

Jamie Foxx goes from Oscar winner, to crap on the sole of someone's shoe in about three years, a difficult task achieved...

Don't watch this mess!!!


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Trainspotting. Never watched it before, and read half of the book.

I really enjoyed it, don't really have much other comments. Didn't like the whole injecting themselves thing going on, but that's just because I'm sick if someone shows me a needle. My arms went numb, it was fucking horrible.


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Trainspotting. Never watched it before, and read half of the book.

I really enjoyed it, don't really have much other comments. Didn't like the whole injecting themselves thing going on, but that's just because I'm sick if someone shows me a needle. My arms went numb, it was fucking horrible.


Absolutely brilliant movie. Just watched it there as well.

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Trainspotting. Never watched it before, and read half of the book.

I really enjoyed it, don't really have much other comments. Didn't like the whole injecting themselves thing going on, but that's just because I'm sick if someone shows me a needle. My arms went numb, it was fucking horrible.


The book is phenomenal. Just watched it on Film4 for the first time in an while. I've seen it loads of times but it never gets old


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The book is phenomenal. Just watched it on Film4 for the first time in an while. I've seen it loads of times but it never gets old


Fantastic film, didn't see it tonight but I have seen it enough times to give it a 10/10.

I saw Shallow grave last night, a solid 9/10, I had wanted to see this in ages but always forgottern to buy it. Had a great ending and I though Ken Stott was great in a pre-Rebus, Rebus type character. I might get the DVD as I would love to watch it again.

I am also excited as my copy of 'Tavisota' came in the mail. I actually have about 8 DVDs I need to watch!

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Stripes (1981)

Really funny Police Academy type film, set in the Army. Bill Murray as usual is brilliant, although it has aged quite a lot in nearly 30 years.

Well worth the purchase of the Murray box set (Ghostbusters, Stripes and Groundhog Day) :)


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The Road

Having read, and been hugely impressed by, Cormac McCarthy's novel, I did approach this with a little wariness but, for the most part, this is a really fine adaptation. I don't feel it quite managed to capture the sparse beauty of McCarthy's prose, and the unremitting bleakness it portrayed, and could possibly have done with being a bit longer to better emphasise the sheer relentlesness of the father and sons struggle for survival, but it was a powerful and affecting film nonetheless.

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The Road

Having read, and been hugely impressed by, Cormac McCarthy's novel, I did approach this with a little wariness but, for the most part, this is a really fine adaptation. I don't feel it quite managed to capture the sparse beauty of McCarthy's prose, and the unremitting bleakness it portrayed, and could possibly have done with being a bit longer to better emphasise the sheer relentlesness of the father and sons struggle for survival, but it was a powerful and affecting film nonetheless.

The thing about the book which they obviously they can't do with the movie, is the lack of punctuation to show that there's like nothing left, I thought that portrayed an extra bit of how desperate they were.

Edited by Nathan Drake
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The thing about the book which they obviously they can't do with the movie, is the lack of punctuation to show that there's like nothing left, I thought that portrayed an extra bit of how desperate they were.

By it's very nature, the film was always likely to struggle to recreate McCarthy's novelistic style and, given that it's a novel that people seem to feel quite strongly about, the film was always likely to suffer in comparison. Certainly those I know who saw it prior to me were somewhat underwhelmed by it, so I did go to see it with pretty low expectations. However, for all that it undeniably does compare unfavourably with the book, they did make a pretty good fist of it, and the two central performances really are excellent.

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I watched the re-make of The Day The Earth Stood Still, 'starring' Keanu Reeves.

It was dreadful. Not just any old rubbish though, the kind of genuine tripe that takes a rare amount of talent to display. I mean, you'd think the script could get slightly interesting for 2 minutes by accident, or the plot start to make some sort of sense at some stage, but no, it was resolutely and stubbornly crap throughout.

1/10, the 1 point is for me watching it on Sky + so that I could forward wind it at various points making it shorter pish.

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Saw Daybreakers the other day, a good gory film, plot was a bit predictable in places, but overall a very enjoyable film, if all you want is a bit of a laugh, but with soem parts that will give you a wee fright.


PS- dont watch if squemish or dont like blood. For a 15 it is incredibly violent and graphic in its head rippings.

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