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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I watched the re-make of The Day The Earth Stood Still, 'starring' Keanu Reeves.

Strangely enough, I watched the original on DVD last night.

Although a bit preachy in parts, it's intelligent and well written. The acting is somewhat secondary to the plot although Michael Rennie and Patricia Neal are pretty good and Bernard Hermann's score is as good as any he has done.


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That's got lezzers in it so is guaranteed at least 2 points right away :P

Well it only got 2/10 from me, but can't remember the reasoning and ain't looking over my gazillion posts on this thread to check!

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watched a couple this weekend

harry potter 6 3/10 - awful take on what i expecting alot better from

atonement 2/10 - pfft! where the f**k was this story going half the time!

silence of the lambs 8/10 - the only bright spot for me. cant believe i'd never seen this before! hopkins was terrific.

Got the de niro version of cape fear which i'm looking forward to tonight. Havent seen it yet but the blirb certainly caught my attention

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The Road


Bleak, but very faithful to the book, well acted, beautifully shot and a good script. The pace is measured (ie slow) which I was expecting having read the reviews as well as the book, but the two teenage lassies behind me and the wife were bored rigid apparently.

I thought I'd be depressed after seeing it, but it was strangely life affirming in terms of being glad that things are not that bad really, despite my business being battered by the recssion.

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Sherlock Holmes

Agree with the majority who enjoyed the movie. Hard to imagine Guy Ritchie actually making a film that was just a bit of fun, but this was from start to finish just that. The younger "Hugh Grant" Jude Law does a good turn as Watson, and Tony Stark is as watchable as ever, even though I felt his accent wobbled from time to time - but I suppose getting beat up by one of the oddities will do that for you!

Obvious sequel(s) set up, but wonder if Ritchie can repeat the feat of making a mainstream film.


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Very good. Pretty predictable that Montana was going to get the girl and kill his ex-boss, aswell as his best mate banging his sister. It's still a very good movie, but it's no Godfather.


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A Life Less Ordinary


Had a few moments. The film was just a bit too odd and didn't really gel or run too smootly. A very odd and really pretty poor plot tbh. Extra point for Cameron Diaz, who despite me being aware of her excistance for years, only after watching this and The Holiday did I realise I quite fancy her... ah well.

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I.D - 7/10

Don't get me wrong, there is plenty that is terrible about this film. It's unintentionally hilarious and features mainly actors who now frequent Britain's soaps, and possibly the worst "firm" ever portrayed on screen. But it's a lot of fun.

Fire-eating in a pub, real and fictional opposition, the fact that Trevor was allowed anywhere near them despite looking and dressing like an old man for the whole film. Cocaine on your cornflakes and the amazing Gumbo.

Defo worth a watch.


Edited by Gall09
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I.D - 7/10

Don't get me wrong, there is plenty that is terrible about this film. It's unintentionally hilarious and features mainly actors who now frequent Britain's soaps, and possibly the worst "firm" ever portrayed on screen. But it's a lot of fun.

Fire-eating in a pub, real and fictional opposition, the fact that Trevor was allowed anywhere near them despite looking and dressing like an old man for the whole film. Cocaine on your cornflakes and the amazing Gumbo.

Defo worth a watch.

Which one? There's about a dozen films called ID on IMDb http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=id

Never mind, with the mention of Perry Fenwick below, it was http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0113375/

Oh, you got there before me... :lol:

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I.D - 7/10

Don't get me wrong, there is plenty that is terrible about this film. It's unintentionally hilarious and features mainly actors who now frequent Britain's soaps, and possibly the worst "firm" ever portrayed on screen. But it's a lot of fun.

Fire-eating in a pub, real and fictional opposition, the fact that Trevor was allowed anywhere near them despite looking and dressing like an old man for the whole film. Cocaine on your cornflakes and the amazing Gumbo.

Defo worth a watch.

What a film haha! I need to see it again at some point.

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Dumb and Dumber - 8/10

"I desperately want to make love to a schoolboy"


I reviewed that a couple of weeks ago. Amazing. I watched it again about three days later and there were still lines I was missing, including The Monkees being a big influence on The Beatles just before the Seabass incident.

I.D - 7/10

Don't get me wrong, there is plenty that is terrible about this film. It's unintentionally hilarious and features mainly actors who now frequent Britain's soaps, and possibly the worst "firm" ever portrayed on screen. But it's a lot of fun.

Fire-eating in a pub, real and fictional opposition, the fact that Trevor was allowed anywhere near them despite looking and dressing like an old man for the whole film. Cocaine on your cornflakes and the amazing Gumbo.

Defo worth a watch.

My favourite hooligan movie. You're right about them being in soaps now. Billy Mitchell is one of the cops. John plays John in Corrie now. Gumbo was recently murdered in Eastenders. The leader of the Wopping hooligans on the market was Tommy out of Corrie a few years back.


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The Hangover - 8.5/10

Well worth the watch and a really funny film. Not laughed so much in ages.

Mike Tyson makes an appearance.

I'm watchng that tonight. Hope it's as good as everyone is making out.

I watched Blazing Saddles last night for the first time in years. Very un-pc but some really funny laugh out loud bits.


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I watched THE HANGOVER last night. It's been reviewed on here before and it's pretty much all been said although I imagine the last reviewer probably found it slightly funnier than I did but a good movie with some pretty funy bits although the real laugh out loud bits are pretty scarce.


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Johnny Mad Dog 7/10

Child soldiers running amok in an unnamed African country, would have been a lot better if I could understand what they were saying as their African dialect was almost impossible to understand

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Death Sentence - 6/10

This is definitely a 'leave your brain at the door' type of film, and whilst i did like a lot about it, a lot of it was overly ludicrous. The dialogue bordered on hilarious at times, and featured possibly the least sympathetic police detective ever put in film. Also features a quite bizarre John Goodman cameo.

There is plenty of blood and guts (director of Saw), and it really is action packed and never boring, but it's not great.

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