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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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been a while since I've been on here, I'll see what movies I can remember.

Limitless 7/10

Went into this with absolutely no idea what it was about and was pleasantly surprised. About a downbeat writer who takes drugs that make him smart and successful. It's a pretty interesting concept and its fairly well done. Some glaring plotholes, but they dont get in the way too much. Probably worth a watch.

Scream 4 5/10

Pretty crap movie, much like the other scream films, but I only watched it dfor Hayden Panettierre and damn, she is fine in this.

The Dammed United 7/10

Football era before mny time, but it was interesting to see. Good performances by everyone in it, thought it was a bit harsh on the leeds manager and team, showed them in a very bad light, but if what happened was true, they were well within their rights to tell Clough to get fucked. Hell even the Derby chairman gets painted in a bad light.

Hobo with a shotgun 2/10

Absolutely terrible IMO, only plus side being ricky for trailer park boys makes a cameo at the start. The film is unenjoyable, low budget, not very nice to watch and just fucking stupid.

I also saw some of sucker punch. The girls were fine, however the film sucked from what I saw. Every time it went into one of those anime CGI sequences with a predictable "trip" tune from the 60s remixed poorly it was all a bit meh. Basically just computer game/anime rip off sequences that really didn't take capture my imagination at all. Then in between I had no care for the storyline. Style over substance with the style not really doing it for me. IThe general idea and CG sequences seems aimed at 13 year old kids, but the story in between seems to be for older teens.. Pretty angsty. No score as I only watched bout 40 mins.

And Salty if you're going through Friday 13th films and are coming uip to part 8, it's my fav. Loads of funny and stupid deaths.

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Having not been to the pictures in ages, I've managed to go twice in 5 days.

Saw X Men First Class on Saturday, and thoroughly enjoyed it. kevin Bacon was outstanding.

Saw Senna last night and have to say, outstanding. Absolutely outstanding.

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American History X 9/10

Might be a bit of a generous rating but it's one of my favourite films(couple of horrific scenes aside - i.e. biting the kerb & the shower thing).

Ed Norton's brilliant as an innocent young man, then onto his Neo-Nazi persona, then when his personaility totally changes on his release from prison.

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The Happening - 2/10

Oh my God :o . This might just be the worst mainstream film i have ever seen. The "acting" is just pathetic. Between Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel and John Leguizamo there is not even a hint of emotion in anything that happens, or anything that is said.

A couple of points for being unintentionally hilarious, particularly Wahlberg's story about the pharmacy girl and the freaky guy with the hotdogs obesession.

La Horde - 7/10

Exciting French zombie film, in which the police are forced to team up with a group of gangsters they are trying to kill when everyone around them (and indeed the whole city) become zombies.

The tower block setting gives it a really claustrophobic feel, and some of the shots, particularly from the rooftop, are beautiful. Liked the ending too.

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Evil Aliens (2005)

British comedy horror which spoofs lots of different sci-fi and horror films and those TV shows about inbred hicks in trailer parks in Alabama that get "abducted by aliens".

Was pretty funny, and managed to use Combine Harvester by the Wurzels pretty effectively as the camera man mows down all the aliens in a... well I'm pretty sure you know what he was driving!

Was surprised in a film of this sort to recognise two actors... Holly from Red Dwarf (Norman Lovett) and Mel from Cradle of Filth (Emily Booth)!

Good fun if you like your old horrors, and quite similar to Peter Jackson's early stuff!


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I enjoyed this film up until the last half hour. It was tense, thrilling and a good watch, then the director decides that he will change the entire mood and turns it into a slasher. It ends like all slashers, fucking shit with a predictable ending and terrible acting. The guy who plays Turner is excellent for 2/3s of the film. Shia LaBeouf is alright for 2/3s, and the girl Ashley is hot. Good points so far. The whole romance bit actually works and helped build the tense mood. Then LaBeouf's mate gets stuck in Turner's garage and the film takes a terrible turn.

3/10. Although it was a 6/10 up until the final third.

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Paradise Lost (2006)

Well the case calls it "the best horror of 2007"... well it was released then, so fair enough, it wasn't the best but it wasn't far off.

I watched the "Extreme edition" which sincerely helped this film, and perhaps cancelled out the Melissa George factor. This may be her only decent film (until W Delta Z), especially considering she's done such shite as Triangle, 30 Days of Night and The Amityville Horror.

It's certainly the best of the 'modern' teen backpacker type films, and shits on the likes of Hostel from a great height. It combines the only two reasonable things that I'm justifiably phobic of: claustrophobia (they get chased into underwater caves) and anaesthetic awareness (the woman is concious when they are removing her kidneys).

To these ends it definitely succeeds where so many of these holiday horrors have failed in the past.


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Forrest Gump

Seen it before when I was about 10, what a film it is. Tom Hanks is amazing in it, and it has everything. The Americans do sentimentality so much better than the British, if they tried that over here it would've been awful.

f**k it, 10/10.

Definitely Maybe

Unrelentingly cheesy romantic comedy starring Ryan Reynolds as a divorced dad telling his daughter the story of previous relationships, with the daughter trying to guess which one her mum is. It's obviously a film made for women, but I watched it myself because I'm well cool. dry.gif

Despite being obscenely cheesy, I have to admit I enjoyed it. The me of two years ago would give myself a slap for that, but there you go. Couldn't help but think that even if he changed their name's, his daughter would blaitently know which one her mum is as she'd know basic details like where her mum is from, what she does for a living etc, but there you go. Without giving anything away, I spent the whole film hoping he ended up with Isla Fisher, as she's very nice and I want to have sex with her.

7.5/10 :ph34r:

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The Sorceror's Apprentice 32%

Blah. Not my kind of film, another disappointment from cage

Rec 2 78%

Not a bad follow up, although when it got to the whole demon thing, it kinda put a bit of downside to it, not to mention the kids somehow managed to get in added sod all to the plot.

Deep Blue Sea 61%

It's a bad film, but it's one in the so bad it's good categories. Good enough watch to pass the time, but that's about it.

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Forrest Gump

Seen it before when I was about 10, what a film it is. Tom Hanks is amazing in it, and it has everything. The Americans do sentimentality so much better than the British, if they tried that over here it would've been awful.

f**k it, 10/10.

Was it just me being pissed up last night or did this start about an hour later than it was supposed to (assuming you watched it on Sky2 I think it was)?

I saw it was on at about 9:10pm from a 9pm start so I thought i'd watch it but it was some bull about the police until around 10pm.

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Was it just me being pissed up last night or did this start about an hour later than it was supposed to (assuming you watched it on Sky2 I think it was)?

I saw it was on at about 9:10pm from a 9pm start so I thought i'd watch it but it was some bull about the police until around 10pm.

I watched it two nights ago, think it was on Sky1? Can't remember when it started as I recorded it on Sky+, but it defo wasn't last night.

Any chance you saw it advertised for 9pm two nights ago, and when you watched it being re-shown the next night it was 10pm? Or is there a Sky2+1 channel? f**k knows tbh.

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The Next Three Days - 9/10 Cracking film, one of the best thrillers I've seen in a while. If only Liam Neeson and Russell Crowe swapped their roles in this film, then it would have been 10/10.

Hall Pass - 8/10. Quite funny and includes a scene where Neighbours' hottest ever export Nicky Whelan is topless, what more do you could you ask for?

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I thought this film was good up until they actually met the doctor guy, then it went downhill rapidly.

From when they entered the doctor's home it did start to go a bit Hostel, but the preceding part was enough for me to carry it through.

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Snow White: A Tale of Terror (TV 1997)

That's more like it, I much prefer the Grimm Brothers versions of their stories than the saccharin Disney versions! Sigourney Weaver is one evil bitch as the "queen" in this one, with one of the most wooden actors on Earth (Sam Neill) playing Lilly's ("Snow White") father (the "king").

It's the usual story, told the way you would expect it to be. Folk get murdered all over the place by the "queen", and we've got the gold miners (led by Gil Bellows, and only one a dwarf), we've got the Crusades, we've got executions, suicide, attempted rape and torture.

And the most important thing, we've got the morbidity and mortality that one would expect from the Grimm Brothers, the whole thing ties true to the story (albeit there are so many stories that the Grimm brothers combined to publish as Schneewittchen.

This mark would be higher, but it really is quite painful watching Sam Neill try and masquerade himself as a human.


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