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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959)

Edward D Wood's classic "worst film ever". If you've seen the film Ed Wood (starring Johnny Depp) then you'll know exactly what this is!

Crap acting, terrible effects, awful plot and horrific dialogue - all together make an epic of The Room proportions.

Plus it has everyone's favourite smackhead

Bela Lugosi as "ghoul man". :)



Also I believe where the "it sounds crazy but just might work" line came from that has been used in various forms since.

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Pretty good, Dunst is amazing in it. John Hurt and Kiefier Sutherland are both great in it. It's a really weird film though. The story is pretty minimalist, but Dunst's performance is so good that it makes up for it.


Scent of a Woman

Oooo-aaahhh indeed. Deserved Oscar for Pacino, he's phenomenal in this. Seymour-Hoffman and O'Donnell are alright but Pacino totally steals the show.


Being John Malkovich

I can't seem to get away from weird films(this, Magnolia and Tree of Life). Another weird one. John Cusack is pretty good in this as is Malkovich. Barely recognised Cameron Diaz who puts in a good performance too, not too hard on the eyes either. Pretty funky story going. The scene with all the Malkovichs is amazing though.


Edited by forehead7
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The Number 23

Absolutely rotten! Jim Carrey isn't even the problem really, even if he is an awkward cast in an attempt at psychological thriller. In summary, a guy bored in his job reads a novel and is convinced it's about him (leading to various events/death etc) Whole cast is utterly wooden, big plot jumps, no subtlety, script is mega naff. Drastic - avoid.


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Pretty good, Dunst is amazing in it. John Hurt and Kiefier Sutherland are both great in it. It's a really weird film though. The story is pretty minimalist, but Dunst's performance is so good that it makes up for it.


Got confused at this for a minute, then realised...Melancholia?

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Wanderlust - 5/10. Pretty pish to be honest. Few funny scenes and one liners but not enough. I was told previously that Jenifer Aniston goes topless, she does but you see absoultley nothing. What a total let down

Safe House - 5/10 Talking of let downs , probably the most unoriginal film ever. The plot has been done so many times, there is no twists, no excitement, very predictable. Ryan Reynolds is good in a serious role though. Its ok for what it is but not worth cinema or dvd money

Edited by gordon the gopher
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I watched Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans at the weekend, not really expecting too much from it. I ended up loving it. It's one of those perfomances from Cage where he manages to bring just the right amount of crazy to the role rather than going overboard. I think it's helped by the slightly trippy, sweaty atmosphere that the director has managed to capture in the post-Katrina setting.


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Exit Through The Gift Shop

Absorbing documentary following a French loon with an obsession with filming graffiti artists, in particular Banksy from London. The twist comes when Banksy starts filming said oddball. 8/10

Paranormal Activity 3

You could pick at the plot holes all day long, but this is still as jumpy, goosebump inducing as any horror out there. Still hope it's the last, as the premise is wearing thin. 6.5/10

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Safe House

This storyline has been done about a million times, plenty of action and a lot of shooting and car crashes but such a let down as a whole.


Yeah, it's pretty dull really. As I said before its good to see Ryan Reynolds not playing a smug twat, he is an alright actor when playing a serious role as you say.

Aye - as a warning for anyone planning on going to see Safe House - don't bother! Its not very good

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Watched 'inglorious basterds' again last night....fucking fantastic........

Brad pitt is awesome in it as is micheal fassbender as the secret agent..

"theres a special rung in hell for those who waste good scotch.....and thats damn good scotch"

Christopher Waltz steals the show though as Hans Landa the jew hunter.......' a glass of milk please..' even thats said in a creepy frightening manner.

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Safe house. As said a definite let down. All I can remember is load noises and driving through a slum. Really disappointed with it. Not seen a great new film in ages. At least Ryan Reynolds is trying a different role and he was not bad at it.


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Watched this one the other night. Despite it saying 'Far Better Than Kick Ass' on the box, I knew not to expect something like Kick Ass bar the superhero connection. It's certainly all over the place and fairly bizarre. I was pleasantly surprised at how extreme some of the violence was. Not a very good movie though.


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Safe house. As said a definite let down. All I can remember is load noises and driving through a slum. Really disappointed with it. Not seen a great new film in ages. At least Ryan Reynolds is trying a different role and he was not bad at it.


Same here, there's been some really disappointing films out recently.

Did you not see The Muppets - fantastic

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