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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Meh. Bit pishy but any movie with Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, Dustin Hoffman and a cute virus carrying monkey is always going to be watchable on a Sunday night when there is bugger else on the telly. The story really is more silly than I remembered it to be though.


In The Line Of Fire

John Malcovitch is great in this. It's watchable, but the story is so full of holes and whole idea of Eastwood in the role he plays is quite frankly, asburd.


Mona Lisa

Getting better now. Really good movie.Michael Caine has got the level of menace just about right and Bob Hoskins is fantastic. Can't believe it is 25 years old. Just go buy it if you haven't seen it before.


Which brings me to another Neil Jordan film

The Crying Game

This movie could not be made today. The only other movie I can think of that falls into this category would be The Usual Suspects. Blame the internet.

Forest Whitaker is so badly cast though, it's laughable. Apart from that, it's fantastic. Fair enough, the IRA stuff is a bit flimsy at times, but the story and the performance of Stephen Rea are great.

Look, just buy it, and don't read any spoilers before you watch it.


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Surrogates is garbage, haven't seen Bangkok Dangerous. I found Green zone quite boring.

Bangkok dangerous for me.

Yeah, but you have the Nicolas Cage far to take into account; I'm guessing, based on the other films, that it's the US remake he's talking about.

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Conan the Barbarian (2011)

This is so fucking ridiculous that you can't help but be engrossed. So much blood, and it has a good cast with Rose McGowan looking hot as always, Ron Perlman in his now ubiquitous role in this kind of film and for some reason Morgan Freeman narrating!

It's probably good enough on its own merits to not come into the category of so shit, it's awesome, but it gets the same mark!


Edited by SaltyTON
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OSS 117: Cairo, Nest Of Spies

Was very curious about these films after the magical experience of seeing The Artist. Well, it turns out Michel Hazanavicius is a right gem of a filmmaker. This film is imaginative, hilarious and non-stop entertainment. It's like The Naked Gun meets Indiana Jones, but it sort of takes the piss out of both.

It's pretty basic: Jean Dujardin plays the sexy, suave and bumbling secret agent on an important mission in Egypt, where he pursues his mission cluelessly while trying to impress his female partner, played by (who other than) Berenice Bejo. Absolutely brilliant.


OSS 117: Lost In Rio

A bit more of the same, but more outrageous, and in Brazil. And with tits.

Still hilarious, laugh-out-loud funny from start to finish, but like so many sequels just not as good. A bit more Johnny English than Naked Gun but definitely worth watching.


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I genuinely couldn't think what Bangkok dangerous was about but now I remember Nicolas Cage and a very boring film about assassins or something. Not great films.

20 minutes into Surrogates and I turned it off, 15 into BD and it went the same way. New films needed.

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Day of the Dead

Why would you remake this and then piss all over the original? I agree with Saltyton here, this is horse shit. It's one of the worst films I've ever seen. Romero's originals(and the remake of Dawn and Land of the Dead) all had the horror element, this just wasn't scary or thrilling at all. Just plain ridiculous. Slow moving zombies are the Romero type, so why does this one have them jumping around and sprinting about? Absolutely ridiculous. Not to mention that the zombies turn was so quick and the zombies looked stupid.

1/10 - Mena Suvari is hot and that's the only reason this isn't a 0.

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I gave this a try one night and had to turn it off. It's a low budget mess that makes no attempt to look like anything but a low budget mess. Men's Suvari has a forehead you could play rugby on.

I haven't even bothered with this before, I just knew it was gonna be garbage. I really, really liked the remake of Dawn of the Dead even though it wasnt brilliant but I wouldn't touch this.

I got Sleepers out of Morrisons for £2 yesterday, well gonna watch that tomorrow night.

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I gave this a try one night and had to turn it off. It's a low budget mess that makes no attempt to look like anything but a low budget mess. Men's Suvari has a forehead you could play rugby on.

Yeah, saying someone has a big forehead to someone who's username is forehead probably isn't going to fly.

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Well you would have it as your username! Do you have long hair and patchy facial hair?

Used to have long hair, but I cut it cause the fringe was fucking annoying and getting to "emoish" for my liking. I would have patch facial hair if I tried to grow it, but I have some self respect(admittedly not too much)

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In the Line of Fire (1993)

Presidential assassination films tend to be pretty similar, and a lot of the set pieces in this film have been used before or again afterwards as you knew exactly what would happen.

The difference is that this one has a wonderful cast of Clint Eastwood, Rene Russo, Dylan Mcdermott and John Mahoney trying to stop the brilliant John Malkovich.

Tobin Bell is in it for a short time and looks older in 1993 than he did in the Saw septology.

Well worth the watch, can't get too high a score as it was so predictable, but when there was different ideas they were done well by a great cast, and directed by Das Boot's Wolfgang Petersen.


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OSS 117: Cairo, Nest Of Spies

Was very curious about these films after the magical experience of seeing The Artist. Well, it turns out Michel Hazanavicius is a right gem of a filmmaker. This film is imaginative, hilarious and non-stop entertainment. It's like The Naked Gun meets Indiana Jones, but it sort of takes the piss out of both.

It's pretty basic: Jean Dujardin plays the sexy, suave and bumbling secret agent on an important mission in Egypt, where he pursues his mission cluelessly while trying to impress his female partner, played by (who other than) Berenice Bejo. Absolutely brilliant.


OSS 117: Lost In Rio

A bit more of the same, but more outrageous, and in Brazil. And with tits.

Still hilarious, laugh-out-loud funny from start to finish, but like so many sequels just not as good. A bit more Johnny English than Naked Gun but definitely worth watching.


I'll need to check these out. Dujardin seems to be the talk of the town at the moment, so I'm willing to see his work.

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At least you have more self respect than to wet yourself and post a picture of it in a football forum. Find strength in that.

It's the only reason I get out of bed each and every day.

I watched Cowboys and Aliens last night. What a fucking horrendous film this is. It's shot pretty well and the effects and whatnot are good but the story is absolute balls. Let's run through the ridiculousness:

Why has Daniel Craig got an alien blaster on his arm? The aliens were doing their tests on him so decided to give his a fucking gun?

Why does Harrison Ford's character, who was a complete badass, suddenly lose all his badassness and he's supposed to be a big gang leader or whatever yet when they run into Daniel Craig's old gang, no one knows him.

Olivia Wylde turns out to be an alien from another race who's people also got taken. f**k off, what a shite twist.

1/10 - only better than that Day of the Dead remake because the cgi and stuff was good in this.

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Ed Wood

One of my all-time favourite films, Tim Burton at his most hilarious and bizarre in what I like to think of as the first of his tribute duo to Ed Wood himself (the other being Mars Attacks!).

This film tells the brilliant story of the world's worst film director, Edward D. Wood Jr., played beautifully by Johnny Depp. Despite being turned down by producers and making flops time after time, Ed Wood, with the help of his circle of misfit friends and crew, never stops trying to emulate the work of his hero, Orson Welles, by making films such as Glen Or Glenda, Bride Of The Monster and his very own Citizen Kane, Plan 9 From Outer Space. He begs, borrows and swindles money from the most unlikely of "producers" while covering up his passion for wearing women's clothing.

I think it's not just a piss-take for cheap laughs, but also a film about friendship, loyalty, love, happiness and the pursuit of dreams. And it does it wonderfully.

Martin Landau is perfectly unrecognisable as Ed's troubled friend and colleague, an elderly and washed-up Bela Lugosi.


Edited by Albino Rover
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A Lonely Place to Die (2011)

Well shot in the Highlands, but a bit stilted at times scriptwise.

5 climbers come across a Serbian child in a chamber in the wilds where she was stashed by her kidnappers. They want her back, and the deadline for the exchange with her dad is fast approching.

Worth the watch 7/10

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I watched (500) Days of Summer for the second time tonight, just finished watching it there.

I watched it about two years ago for the first time and didn't really like it or think it justified the hype it got. However after watching it just there, I thought it was great, miles better than on first viewing.

First viewing 4/10.

Second viewing 8/10.

Every time I watch this film I like it even more, now it's a 9/10 for me.

The bit when "She's Like the Wind" starts playing and it cuts to Tom on a bus and he shouts "I HATE THIS SONG" had me in stitches.

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The Rum Diary

Despite the director being Bruce "Withnail & I" Robinson, this is a major disappointment. Is it a comedy? a thriller? a drama? I've really nae idea. The settings and Amber Heard are unreal on the eye, but the story is a contrived non event. Johnny Depp must be the most erratic actor around - he never looks pissed, stoned, angry, full of the fear - it really is a dreadful performance. 4/10

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