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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Amour ( 2012 )

Michael Haneke creates another belter here, this time telling the story of an elderly couple who struggle when the wife suffers a stroke, and then surgery goes wrong. It's pretty horrific at times, not least heading into the final act of things. The one flaw for me is the way it's shot at times. There's times when there's nothing going on, and you can tell this is very deliberate, and it does add an atmosphere to things, but I think it's overdone at times. The opening in the theater is probably the worst example of it.

It's these flaws which take it away from being a perfect score, but the whole thing is played out wonderfully and certainly worth going out of your way to see. It's remarkable.


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While on the subject of Michael Haneke, a quick tangent for those of you on Twitter.


Some of my favourites:

@benaffleck ru coming 2 ang lees sleepover at the wkend? o wait, just rememburd its for oscar nominees only. my bad lol

joke time: wots the diffrence btween gettng stoned while staring at a leaf and watchin a terruns malick film? nothing lol

evry time an actor fluffs up a line i make the noise from operation until they get it right lol

@benaffleck i was thinkn. u shud probly bring a magazine 2 the oscars. mite get borin 4u wen they announs the award 4 best directr lol

if a tree falls in the forest and no1 is around 2 heer it, does terruns malick still film it for 3 hours?? lol

juliet binosh claims she was 1ce kidnapd by thugz + forced 2 do sick things on camera. they calld it 'dan in real life'. u seen it lol

Edit to add one more that I couldn't possibly not share:

did u kno that i was gona cameo in amour as an australian but i thort it wud look stupid + self induljent. ps jst saw django unchaind lol

Edited by Albino Rover
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Sky fall

I wonder why a computer genius would connect a dodgy laptop from the worlds best hacker straight into the mi6 network?

Surely you might try it through a hub first just in case?

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Tried ''The man with iron fists'' as it had Russell Crowe but never saw him as deleted after 6 mins. Utter shoite.

Then ''End of Watch'', much better. Buddy cop movie almost in a documentary style, very watchable 8/10

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This is the last movie I have to watch from the Oscar nominees...

Lincoln ( 2012 )

Steven Spielberg shows that he certainly hasn't told the knack to tell a story, this time the story of Abraham Lincoln in his attempts to push through the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, outlawing slavery. Which as you can imagine was a very popular amendment. As a result we see a lot of the dealing behind the scenes, and there's a lot of treachery and backstabbing, which is probably about as accurate a description of politics as you'll get, and even though it was a bit on the comic side, it was much better than the overdramatic look at the politics of Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady.

Daniel Day Lewis always has an incredible presence and this time is no exception. Tommy Lee Jones is worth his shout for an oscar too, but Sally Field just didn't win me over at all, and it doesn't help that much of the supporting cast is of real quality, but there are moments where she shows some menace and she excels at that point. It's not enough though.

So anyways, this is a real solid piece of movie making.


And with that, my countdown of the nominees...

1. Les Miserables

2. Argo

3. Life of Pi

4. Beasts of the Southern Wild

5. Amour

6. Lincoln

7. Silver Linings Playbook

8. Django Unchained

9. Zero Dark Thirty

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Micheal Keaton, Kim Basinger, Jack Nicholson all play superb roles in Tim Burtons version of Batman, its easily the best one outside of the reboot trilogy, Burtons ability to keep the film in a darker tone, while still introducing the almost slapstick nature of batman is bloody good.

Standout character for me has to be NIcholson as the Joker, his slow descent into utter madness throughout the film is a joy to watch, and the way he keeps the clown like nature of the joker on show while showing us the dark and sadistic side of him as well is nothing short of brilliant, i still cannot decide who plays a better Joker, Nicholson or Ledger

A well assembled cast, well written and produced film that rightly won plaudits and awards back in its day


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Tried ''The man with iron fists'' as it had Russell Crowe but never saw him as deleted after 6 mins. Utter shoite.

Then ''End of Watch'', much better. Buddy cop movie almost in a documentary style, very watchable 8/10

How the hell can you judge a film after 6 minutes?!

I tried watching Charlie Casanova the other night. I had to turn it off after 50 minutes. Pretentious crap that was going absolutely nowhere, really slowly. I don't mind slow films, but this was ripping it. Won all sorts of awards too.

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How the hell can you judge a film after 6 minutes?!

Indeed. Doesn't take much logic to figure out that if you haven't watched a movie, you can't judge it.

I can accept 50 minutes. That's a fairly hefty chunk. I think anything over 20 minutes I have sympathy for actually.

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Batman Returns

Cannot deny its a brilliant film, and while it was deemed better than the first batman film, i just didnt enjoy it as much as the first one, it was a great film dont get me wrong, Danny De Vito puts in a fantastic performance as the penguin, along with Walken and Pfeiffer, but i just didnt think there was a connection between their characters and batman like the connection that the joker had with batman in the first film

Still though, cannot deny its story was good, the dark theme that Burton is known for is still there, and the assembled cast all put in cracking and watchable performances


On another note, just how did the original batman film series turn so fucking god awful, val kilmers one was barely passable as a batman film, and fucking hell clooneys one was a disaster

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The Sweeney

Average remake of the 70's cop show which lacks the "charm" and grittiness of the original. Ben Drew should forget acting imo; he just does a mockney wide boy act which is Plan B becomes a policeman. I like Ray Winstone and he's been excellent in "Sexy Beast" and "Edge of Darkness" but he swears and growls his way through what he thinks is a John Thaw imitation. He's sadly mistaken. Decent action scenes, especially a shoot out in Trafalgar Square save it from being bad.


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:lol: The stories of people thinking up with films years before they're released reminds me of my brother basically coming up with the comedy horror 'Black Sheep' when he was about 7 or 8. He even started writing a book about it called 'The Savage Sheep' that came complete with illustrations, but rather than being set in New Zealand it was set on Arran.

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Wreck it Ralph

Very enjoyable, loads of old game characters in the background, and the therapy group is pretty good stuff.

I saw it in 3D, it probably doesn't gain a great deal from it in my view.

Really good family film.


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Zero Dark Thirty

On paper: not my thing, but the director's name and critical acclaim dragged me in.

For me, on the whole, this is a weak film. I don't think it's either entertaining or important, and I almost felt like it was made just because someone felt the need to make a Bin Laden film. Despite her second Academy Award nomination in as many years, and lots of close-ups and big moments to shine, I felt Jessica Chastain's acting wasn't as natural or emotive as I've seen it previously- she's certainly made up for lost time building a body of work recently, though. The script was full of clichéd lines and interactions, too.

The opening 9/11 black screen is shamelessly borrowed from Michael Moore, large parts of the interrogation and case-building just bored me, and lots of explosions make not a good movie, but when Kathryn Bigelow builds the tension in the final chapter, that's when this film touches the quality Bigelow has shown she's capable of with The Hurt Locker. The film's still nowhere near that quality though, and it largely disappointed me, but it's saved by some hints of mastery- not least that final act that's done very nicely, I couldn't help but feel paranoid that Osama was behind me.


Edited by Albino Rover
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Zero Dark Thirty

On paper: not my thing, but the director's name and critical acclaim dragged me in.

For me, on the whole, this is a weak film. I don't think it's either entertaining or important, and I almost felt like it was made just because someone felt the need to make a Bin Laden film. Despite her second Academy Award nomination in as many years, and lots of close-ups and big moments to shine, I felt Jessica Chastain's acting wasn't as natural or emotive as I've seen it previously- she's certainly made up for lost time building a body of work recently, though. The script was full of clichéd lines and interactions, too.

The opening 9/11 black screen is shamelessly borrowed from Michael Moore, large parts of the interrogation and case-building just bored me, and lots of explosions make not a good movie, but when Kathryn Bigelow builds the tension in the final chapter, that's when this film touches the quality Bigelow has showed she's capable of with The Hurt Locker. The film's still nowhere near that quality though, and it largely disappointed me, but it's saved by some hints of mastery- not least that final act that's done very nicely, I couldn't help but feel paranoid that Osama was behind me.


Yep just above average imo

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The worst thing is that there's just f**k all emotion to it. I want to feel SOMETHING watching a movie. Even if it's rage that the movie is so shite. A bunch of blah blah blah until an outcome we already know about doesn't cut it.

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