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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I'm with the pro-camp on Cabin in the Woods. Quite imaginative and entertaining.

I also need Mulholland Drive explained. Maybe Lynch threw the lesbian scenes in so we wouldn't ask too many questions? :huh:

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Just watched the Grand Budapest Hotel..... Not bad... 6.5 / 10

Good cast - lots of wee cameo rolls so there are always faces you know popping up through the film. Story is about a concierge and a lobby boy he takes under his wing ( who goes on to own the hotel ) Quite funny in bits and quite an unusual story - worth a watch IMO

After reading the reviews of posters here, I'm glad I didn't go and see Noah - which I was going to do but it was half way through a screening when I arrived and I didn't want to wait for the next one....


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One thing I do remember about it is the scene at the start in the diner where the boy is explaining his nightmare, then they go out the back and...

I just remember watching that and fucking bricking it at the time, don't know why but it still ranks as one of the scariest things I've seen in film (along with the whole of 'Return to Oz', f**k that)

That's a great bit, it's so weird I dunno why because it's not particularly scary really but the way it's done is creepy as dust.

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The Case of the Bloody Iris - aka What Are Those Strange Drops of Blood Doing on the Body of Jennifer?, which practically screams "GIALLO!" for anyone ever remotely familiar with the genre.

Film was pretty dull, and I'd lost interest in the identity of the killer long before the end. A few things of note, however, one being some dodgy handling of race. Classic quotes include, "She's black - but not TOO black", and "Every white man wants a black woman - your sins can be as black as they are" :wacko:

There's also a predatory lesbian stereotype, typical for the time period, who doesn't even seem to fully comprehend her gayness herself.

Those interested in attractive naked ladies might want to take a look :whistle

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Watched Skyfall for the first time last night and it's a real curate's egg.

The thesis is good: Bond feeling tired and jaded but returning to save the world. The delivery is crass, though. Too many 'bond film' cues and too much onanism. Oh and Albert Finney as the gamekeeper? Really? That was just dreadful. What went through the mind of the casters? "We need some beardy bloke in tweed to deliver the great line, 'Welcome tae Scotland.'. Oh I know. Albert Finney"

Utter c***s.

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Terminator 3 - never understood why this got such a roasting from Terminator fans. I guess it doesn't do the dark sci-fi thing that the original did, but Terminator 2 already shot that particular bolt. It's a cracking action film that...

ends on a nice downer.

Oh, and it's still more entertaining that Terminator: Salvation.

Right At Your Door - got a fair bit of hype when it came out, but didn't really live up to it. It's an OK little drama about a chemical attack on Los Angeles, but it focuses almost entirely on a couple who are caught up on the outskirts. Problem is that neither are very likable to one degree or another, so I was none too fussed what happened to either of them. There's a twist ending as a reward for sitting through the rest of the film, but it's kinda pedestrian as well, despite the pleasing schadenfreude.

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House of the Dead - on a positive note, I remember Alone in the Dark being worse than this.

Pretty faithful to the video game, in that neither has much plot. Twentysomethings head for an island, then OMG UNCONVINCING ZOMBIES! Has all the artistic merit of a movie designed purely to make cash, masterminded by a director who has made a career out of optioning b-grade video game titles, presumably because the publishers actually paid him for the unexpected publicity. It looks like it might be funny-bad at the start due to the terrible delivery of poor dialogue, but quickly slides into a turgid, boring soup of apathy. Plenty of mediocre tits though.

Completely by accident, this is the third Jonathan Cherry movie I've seen in the last two weeks. This was the only one on the IMDB's Worst 100, however, so yay for him.

My mate did this for his podcast once as part of a video games season, i watched it with it and its just mental especially the slow mo scenes..

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Total Recall

A film that the term 'generic' was made for! Had nothing on the original and was just a bog standard, nuts and bolts sic-fi action film. Lots of explosiony type stuff, lots of gadgets, but zero character.


I pray you mean the remake which in all fairness is very dull with special effects tacked on to try and dazzle the unwary

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Watched the Bourne Identity on Friday. First time i have seen any of them, was actually quite decent. Looking forward to the 2nd one this Friday coming


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I pray you mean the remake which in all fairness is very dull with special effects tacked on to try and dazzle the unwary

Yeah I did, the original is classic and have seen it many times over. The remake was an empty explosion fest.

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Just watched the Grand Budapest Hotel..... Not bad... 6.5 / 10

Good cast - lots of wee cameo rolls so there are always faces you know popping up through the film. Story is about a concierge and a lobby boy he takes under his wing ( who goes on to own the hotel ) Quite funny in bits and quite an unusual story - worth a watch IMO

After reading the reviews of posters here, I'm glad I didn't go and see Noah - which I was going to do but it was half way through a screening when I arrived and I didn't want to wait for the next one....


LOL - Sorry bud :P Never gave anything away though as that's the story right from the start..... ;)

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The Cat O'Nine Tails - decent thriller from the mercurial Dario Argento. A blind puzzle addict and an investigative journalist team up to solve a series of murders revolving around a genetics laboratory. Far more toned down than Argento's later output, but still a decent enough tale to pass an evening with. Could do with a modern remake, actually.

The Grudge 2 - sequel to the American remake. Seems like it's going somewhere in the first half, before spectacularly running out of ideas, gradually bumping off the cast until the whole thing peters out. Stakes its entire fright budget on the audience finding the croaky mother scary just by her presence in a scene. The third film was even worse. Both the Japanese and American series had nothing to add beyond the first films.

Boogeyman - the Sam Raimi-produced one from a few years back. Got this as part of a cheapo pack along with Gothika and...something else really memorable. Pretty dull flick about a guy whose father is whisked away by the closet-dwelling Boogeyman during his childhood. Fast forward to adulthood, and the ugly bugger is back for reasons undefined. Seems like it might be going somewhere for a while, but never does, and stumbles quietly along to a whimpered climax. Still, it's probably better than Gothika, which all of you should see right now! You'll love it! :thumsup2

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Yeah I did, the original is classic and have seen it many times over. The remake was an empty explosion fest.

Yeah ive previously had many rants over the film, its one I know Renton point blank refuses to acknowledge (much like the existance of a planned Blade Runner sequel)

Its not just the special effects obviously there to dull the pain of an expectionally boring film. Lets take a few points

-3 breasted woman, why? no mention at any points of any fallout or mutations caused and not one mutuant spotted afterwards

-Why did he need to find the recording and then play a fudging piano to show that he could be trusted?

-His "friend" who contacts his via his hand phone. What the shit? In the original that was planted to help his cover tho in this one he helps him out in the end... bizzare

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Man of Steel (last night on TV)


Probably the best SM film I've seen (although the Chris Reeves one was amazing for it's time when I saw it on original release in Thursa (about 2 years behind everyone else))

A bit slow in places, but I liked the character of Zod much better than before, the idea he's genetically engineered to be xenophobically in favour of Krypton makes sense.

Just one major gripe, everyone saw "superman" as Kal-el, the feds knew who his "earth mother" was IIRC, so how come at the end he can just suddenly be the spit of SM, called Clark Kent, and walk into a newspaper (a fucking newspaper?) and no one looks twice?

ETA rating.

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It's completely devoid of the tension or excitement of the previous two films. It's just a sequence of big-budget set pieces interspersed with camp comedy moments and stupid dialogue. I just hate it. Arnie feels like a total novelty in it and lacks everything that made the terminator such a good character.

That's how I feel about T2, to be honest, almost word for word. The only real difference is that T3 is sorely lacking Linda Hamilton, but it does benefit from a lack of Ed Furlong. John Connor in T2 has not aged well.

Both still cracking action movies, but feel like popcorn fluff in comparison to the original. I feel like I get why the original is popular, but I obviously like T2 for different reasons if T3 wasn't an appropriate sequel to it :unsure:

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Chain Reaction - Christ, is this almost twenty years old? :o

Keanu Reeves goes on the run after shadowy agency try to destroy his perpetual motion machine because OIL! Only he and Rachel Weisz can save the day by outrunning city-levelling explosions on a motorcycle. Offensively silly story, but nowhere near as bad as I remember, which makes it only mediocre.

I Spit On Your Grave 2 - sequel to the remake of one of the worst controversial films ever made. This one follows the usual template of rape and humiliation before subjecting its protagonist to the ultimate Hollywood indignity - EASTERN EUROPE! :o Or so you'd think from her reaction to finding out where her kidnappers have taken her.

If you're fond of revenge movies and aren't put off by the prologue of sexual assaults, there's much to 'enjoy' in seeing some truly awful people suffer horribly. Still amazed that this has become a series, however.

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