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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I haven't posted here before, but I feel like doing so after watching the first film I've ever watched where I don't even know if I liked it or not, A Place Beyond the Pines. I can't describe my feelings on it without giving away the plot, so I'll say it in spoilers. I'd be interested to hear other people's take on it:

For the first hour or so I really enjoyed it. It seemed weird how the second actor on the bill wasn't in it for a whole hour, and the plot of Ryan Gosling being a stunt-driver who uses his expertise for criminal activity to support a woman wasn't exactly new, but I enjoyed it a lot nonetheless. Then we finally see Bradley Cooper, whose first contribution in the film is to kill the main character with an hour and a half left. :huh:

The problem for me was that I didn't find what happened to Cooper's character from there on in as interesting, perhaps because Ray Liotta turning up and being a crooked policeman feels more than a tad predictable. Then comes the third act with Cooper and Gosling's sons as teenagers 15 years on. From what I've read the general agreement is that the third act ruins the film. Perhaps I just love epic stories told over different generations but I disagree, I thought the third part of the story recovered it and was the second most interesting part of the three. It was quite well put together how it was all tied up at the end I thought.

All in all I think I liked it, but I feel a bit cold about it all. It felt like it could've been a classic, but after the most interesting part of the film ended with an hour and a half to go it just didn't feel quite right after that. Maybe the film should've started with Cooper killing Gosling, followed by Cooper's story, then a flashback to the Gosling part before ending with the two sons. That way the best part wouldn't have been done with two fifths of the film left.

The thing about the second act for me was that it was practically identical to the film Copland. Which would be okay - lots of films have similar plots when you think about it. However, the fact that Ray Liotta is there playing almost the same character and Ryan Gosling is in the bit that's like Drive, was just offputting for me.

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The thing about the second act for me was that it was practically identical to the film Copland. Which would be okay - lots of films have similar plots when you think about it. However, the fact that Ray Liotta is there playing almost the same character and Ryan Gosling is in the bit that's like Drive, was just offputting for me.

My overall feeling was that with the amazing cinematography and the epic story told over different generations that rounds itself off at the end, it was almost a classic film. Something about it didn't fit though, unfortunately.

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Under the Skin 6.8/10

Weird and watchable but not sure it quite worked. Gets lost about halfway, the point at which Scarlett Johansson gets lost in fact. The abduction scenes are great - sort of Trainspotting if directed by David Lynch. Disturbing stuff. The scene with...one particular guy...don't want to give it away....is seriously unsettling. But..Glazer doesn't seem to know where to take the film or Johansson's character. She changes from an ice cold femme fatale to a passive victim without much explanation. Are her 'powers' failing her? I don't know. I couldn't quite figure out the link with the guy who carries the body in to his boot at the start....and...I think I need to watch it again. In summary, bit strange.

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Blue Ruin 9/10

I thought this was brilliant. It's about a guy, essentially a bum, that discovers a criminal linked to his own past has been released from prison and takes action, drawing in members of his own family and members of the family of the released man. Ostensibly a revenge thriller and it IS grizzly and brutal in places but there's a sympathetic antihero at its heart and a subtle almost Coen-esque dark humour in there too (which sounds cliched but it's the best way to describe it). There's an element of farce but it's not played at all for laughs though like something like 'Sightseers' and that element doesn't feel forced or gratuitous. It adds to the charm, if that's the right word, rather than taking over the film. Above all though it's got great tension and atmosphere throughout and has a pretty satisfying finale.

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The Fault in Our Stars

This was a decent watch. This is obviously a love story but it certainly doesn't shy away from the tough issues at hand. It is heart warming but at the same time heart breaking, the two leads have great chemistry together.


Very sad film but quite realistic I thought.

I'll give it an extra mark for Shailene Woodley. Wid x100.

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Went to see The Babadook at the weekend after reading some really good reviews about it offering a departure from the usual horror films of recent times. Instead of being met by the original film that many critics lauded, I watched an hour and a half of the dreariest nonsense I've ever seen. A shame because it had some potential, the lead actress was very good and to be fair, it built suspense despite never really delivering anything, but the best word to describe it (and one I've already used) is complete and utter nonsense.

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Blue Ruin 9/10

I thought this was brilliant. It's about a guy, essentially a bum, that discovers a criminal linked to his own past has been released from prison and takes action, drawing in members of his own family and members of the family of the released man. Ostensibly a revenge thriller and it IS grizzly and brutal in places but there's a sympathetic antihero at its heart and a subtle almost Coen-esque dark humour in there too (which sounds cliched but it's the best way to describe it). There's an element of farce but it's not played at all for laughs though like something like 'Sightseers' and that element doesn't feel forced or gratuitous. It adds to the charm, if that's the right word, rather than taking over the film. Above all though it's got great tension and atmosphere throughout and has a pretty satisfying finale.

Best revenge picture I've seen. Retribution corrupts and destroys especially when he wanted his friend to burn the photo he had of them together. He wanted to erase himself from existence. It was tragic but brilliant

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Lethal Weapon 6.

The special effects are a bit iffy in places, but that's understandable due to the small budget.

The film linked in well with Lethal Weapon 5, and the script allows the audience to know exactly what's happening.

I also enjoyed that the film showed the characters making up for their failings at the start of the film as well.

10/10 a modern day classic.

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Lethal Weapon 6.

The special effects are a bit iffy in places, but that's understandable due to the small budget.

The film linked in well with Lethal Weapon 5, and the script allows the audience to know exactly what's happening.

I also enjoyed that the film showed the characters making up for their failings at the start of the film as well.

10/10 a modern day classic.

That the one where Riggs goes Nazi-hunting to salvage his career?

In a twist, Murtaugh isn't too old for that shit

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The Judge 9/10

Robert Downie Jr plays a hotshot lawyer who has to come back to his home town to represent his father (Robert Duvall) against charges of murder. Plenty history of family infighting which adds to the story. Not ashamed to say i shed a few tears near the end as well! Highly recommended

St Vincent 9/10

Bill Murray plays a grumpy, drunk, unlikeable war veteran who takes his new next door neighbours son under his wing as she battles with long hours at work and a custody battle. Murray is brilliant in this and theres talk of possible Oscar nominations. Whilst theres comedy throughout, theres a lot of heartwarming moments. A very good supporting cast with Melissa McCarthy, Terrance Stamp and Naomi Watts putting in decent performances but Murray and newcomer Jaeden Lieberher steal the show

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The Imitation Game

Benedict Cumberbatch plays Alan Turing in what could be known as 'Sheldon Cooper - The Movie', at least the first half anyway. Yet again Hollywood forgoes the hard work of making something up and instead goes for an adaptation of an interesting person/situation and does a hell of a job of making a movie about a hutful of geniuses sitting about breaking codes during the Second World War II.

Both Cumberbatch and the young lad hired to play Turing in his school days give their roles their all, while Charles Dance does a stellar job as the Navy suit desperate to fire Turing and his associates and Keira Knightly overdoes her frightfully posh accent.

The scenes of cheery youngsters having a good time at Turing's engagement party, when all other evidence suggests the days were as bleak for codebreakers as they were for everyone else in the war, seemed a bit out of place but did little to distract from the film as a whole.

The Yanks will hate it as they get no credit for anything throughout the film, but I've not seen much, if anything, better at the cinema this year.

Edited by Jimmy Shaker
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Watched this last night ( Interstellar ) and have to say I was pretty disappointed with it.... I think a lot of it felt forced and the story didn't run very smoothly - I wouldn't recommend it - 5/10

I agree with this, Mike. I just saw it in IMAX- it was a treat for the eyes and ears but excessive, over-expository and rather meaningless. My accompanying friend fawned over its ambition but I thought it was big-scale bullshit. It was a big disappointment but I'll be slightly more generous than you- 6/10

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