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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Inside Out - after reading all the good reviews I headed along to see this. Lived up to the hype - very smart (possibly too smart for kids) and funny enough to be enjoyable.

Imagination World immediately had me thinking about South Park - wasn't as good as those episodes sadly!

Bing Bong though. I just don't know what to say about him!


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I'd be interested in a sequel to it. For me, it worked well as an introduction to the characters, and left me wanting to see them get back together again, but as for this movie itself, I wouldn't be interested in seeing it again.

I'm not sure if it's going to get one unfortunately. It's really bombed at the box office so far, compared to budget.

Sales of around 30m, budget 75m.

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The Riot Club (4/10)

Uses a sledgehammer to deliver a message that the blue bloods and aristocracy use power, wealth and privilege to steamroll through life and into positions of influence - who knew?!. Working and Middle class archetypes are the collateral damage in this remarkably one dimensional drama.

Don't bother.

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The Guest - I'm presuming the writers of this film imagined the ending of the film and then just built a story around that. Essentially Dan Stevens plays a former soldier who is basically a f**ked up Jason Bourne.

The ending is just mental but how on Earth would a school allocate that much funds to a halloween party? :lol:

7/10 - just utter rubbish but good entertainment with some good one-liners. Well acted.

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The Riot Club (4/10)

Uses a sledgehammer to deliver a message that the blue bloods and aristocracy use power, wealth and privilege to steamroll through life and into positions of influence - who knew?!. Working and Middle class archetypes are the collateral damage in this remarkably one dimensional drama.

Don't bother.

Hated this, turned it off after 20 minutes. Did everyone die of a horrible disease in the end? that would be the only satisfactory ending.

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Hated this, turned it off after 20 minutes. Did everyone die of a horrible disease in the end? that would be the only satisfactory ending.

Unfortunately not. It transpires that the super rich can do, pretty much, what they want. Revelations eh?

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Inside Out- 8/10

The last 30 minutes really pulled it together for me once I realised how intelligent the film had been throughout.

I was hoping for a film version of the Numbskulls though

Bing bong- What can you say about the guy?


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It was the student cutting about in an aston martin (i think) that sent me over the edge.


Aye. Then he posts the keys through the letterbox of a charity shop and one of the boys pipes up "but the homeless can't drive" which was the only funny line in the entire movie

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The Wolfpack

Documentary about a group of siblings that had been kept from the outside world by their father, the only knowledge they had of the world was through movies which they re-enacted in their apartment...

fairly amazing stuff here ,a well made thought provoking piece of work that gives you a different twist on relatonships with movies, the bond the family has through them is shown well Perhaps not the absoloute best docu-film ever made but a very good one and I would advise anyone to give it a go, especially real movie buffs. 8/10

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Agree with this. John Cena was pretty funny as well.

Watched The Imposter last night. An amazing documentary on a boy who went missing aged 13 in texas in 1994. In 1997 he is "found" in Spain. You would think the title gives everything away but it doesn't, highly recommend


The Imposter has to be one of the creepiest things I've watched, on various levels. Absorbing viewing
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