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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Poughkeepsie Tapes 6.5/10.

A first-person found-footage serial killer flick, great in terms of atmosphere, more variable in other aspects. Uses amusing FBI-talking heads interludes to vary the tone. Worth a watch if that sounds yr bag.

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The Poughkeepsie Tapes 6.5/10.

A first-person found-footage serial killer flick, great in terms of atmosphere, more variable in other aspects. Uses amusing FBI-talking heads interludes to vary the tone. Worth a watch if that sounds yr bag.

Has this finally had a release, or did you track it down through...erm...unofficial sources? Must be getting on for ten years old now, and it'd be nice to see a decent quality copy at some point.

Reminds me that I still haven't seen As Above, So Below by the same director - his remake of REC was competent but pointless, and I quite liked Devil despite the inherent silliness.

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Guardians of the Galaxy - 5/10. Yet another Marvel film that gets lauded but fell short for me. The direction, set pieces and acting left a lot to be desired for me. Quill & Drax were decent but apart from that I wasnt that impressed. This joins The Avengers, Thor 1 & 2 & Captain America 1 on the poor list.

Edited by 11thHour
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Loses a touch of it's visual lustre and magnificence on the small screen but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yes there are plot holes and probably too much time spent on exposition and pseudo science by Nolan's ambition and technical skills plus MMcC's performance drags everything else along. Terrific supporting turn from Damon as well.

You're probably not meant to but even upon second viewing I didn't quite 'get' the ending.


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Loses a touch of it's visual lustre and magnificence on the small screen but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yes there are plot holes and probably too much time spent on exposition and pseudo science by Nolan's ambition and technical skills plus MMcC's performance drags everything else along. Terrific supporting turn from Damon as well.

You're probably not meant to but even upon second viewing I didn't quite 'get' the ending.


Started watching that last night. Didn't realise it was 3 hours long. Stopped half way through and will resume now. Always good to see Casey Affleck - one of my favourites.

So far I agree with your 8/10. Tremendous stuff.

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Fast & Furious 7. 8/10

I fucking loved it, I think it's definitely the best one of the series. There's just so much to get excited about in this one. You've still got the fast elements with all the cars, but one thing is for sure, the film is a lot more furious than the others. When you've got Jason Statham in there you know shit's about to go down. I don't think the people in this film are necessarily great actors but they just fit so well into this type of film.

On the way out of the cinema, all people were talking about was at which point in the film was it no longer Paul Walker? :lol:


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Loses a touch of it's visual lustre and magnificence on the small screen but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yes there are plot holes and probably too much time spent on exposition and pseudo science by Nolan's ambition and technical skills plus MMcC's performance drags everything else along. Terrific supporting turn from Damon as well.

You're probably not meant to but even upon second viewing I didn't quite 'get' the ending.


I watched this a dew weeks ago and thought it was utter garbage.

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The theory of everything

Better than I thought it was going to be. I thought Gylenhaal had deserved the Oscar and he wasn't even nominated, but having now seen this I have no problem with Redmayne winning it. It is an incredible performance all things considered.

Big Hero 6

Was good. Brought some original ideas to what is such a formulaic genre. Still felt a bit like a million other kids films but it was enjoyable and got a few really big laughs.

Watching it with the commentary of a four year old nephew on his third viewing adds extra hilarity.

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I really enjoyed Interstellar, and I'm looking forward to seeing it again. Nolan can bore me sometimes, it's all a bit clever-clever, I absolutely hated Inception, but I just really enjoyed the questions a film like Interstellar makes you ponder. Terrific score as well, and McConaughey is on top form.

Last film I saw was called The Company You Keep, directed by Robert Redford , he stars in it too. Outstanding cast; Susan Sarandon, Shia le Bouf , Stanley Tucci, Nick Nolte, Julie Christie, Chris Cooper, Richard Jenkins , Terence Howard, and the one and only Sam Elliot. Worth watching for that little lot alone.


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The Keep - Nazis stationed at an ancient Carpathian keep find themselves being picked off by a mysterious creature they've unleashed.

This is one of those films with a cast of unknowns that went on to be household names - it looks absolutely stellar from a modern perspective, although Ian McKellen's performance leaves a little to be desired, for once. There's a lot of lovely Eighties neon FX thrown around the place, but possibly the film's biggest weakness is that it's a Michael Mann film - his screenplay is quite predictable and straightforward, and there's an awful lot of Garth Marenghi-style slow-mo in order to pad out the running time. It also has one of his trademark Eighties synth scores, which seems completely out of place in a WWII setting. You get the impression that the film could've been much more interesting with another director.

The Divide - a nuclear attack on New York leaves a group of survivors holed up in the basement of a apartment block. Do the biggest dangers come from outside, or within? :rolleyes:

Fairly mundane character study that hits all the expected beats and doesn't go anywhere satisfying. The main thing to take away from this film is that you should lock your doors fast when the bombs drop, as everyone is a c**t. Poor old racist Michael Biehn.

Bats - a genetic experiment unleashes hordes of aggressive killer bats on a small Texas town. The local sheriff and a bat expert must team up to blah blah blah.

Thought Tom Savini was in this for some reason, but sadly the closest we get is Sheriff Lou Diamond Phillips (still alive and working, apparently). It's a poor effort that could've been written by a bot given the words 'Flying Monster Movie', and even has the obligatory scene where the species specialist is picked up on location and strong-armed by government spooks into joining the task force. Hot Scientist de jour is Dina Meyer, who is sadly under-used and doesn't even offer much Starship Troopers-style eye candy to distract from everything else. There's a lot of "What Hell Hath Science Wrought?" moralising, with a fair bit of dialogue that'll have your eyes rolling out of your head. Worst of all, the action is curiously uninvolving, which is criminal for this kind of film. Needs moar Savini, IMO.

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Afflicted - American laddie takes his hipster douchebag friend on a world tour after discovering he could suffer a fatal brain aneurysm at any moment. An unpleasant encounter with a woman in Paris leaves him with an infection that defies classification.

Found-footage territory again, with the main characters filming their adventures in Europe for their friends back home. Don't want to give away too much about the nature of the infection, as realising that is probably part of the fun. Can't say that I found the characters terribly appealing initially, but soon it doesn't matter and I found myself quite engaged by the main boy's descent. Really quite good TBH, and a decent example of the genre

As Above, So Below - a student of alchemy embarks on a exploration of the catacombs under Paris in order to find a fabled stone with true alchemical properties.

Another found-footage film from the Dowdle Brothers, who have developed a track record in the genre. It's an interesting idea, and it's probably not giving much away to say that there's an Inferno theme going on here, but unfortunately it's not terribly interesting when the shit starts to hit the fan. In fact, there's occasionally a derivative feel to what our spelunkers are subjected to. Shame, as it's interesting enough up to that point, and the production certainly benefited from being allowed to film in the actual tombs of the dead.

Irresistible - a married woman begins to suspect her husband's work colleague of orchestrating a campaign to undermine her sanity.

Very odd whimsical feel to this Australian film; at the beginning, it's filmed like a horror movie in which there isn't actually anything hiding in the closet, but eventually turns into a drama more inkeeping with what you'd expect from the synopsis. Susan Sarandon's always worth seeing, and Emily Blunt makes for a good dramatic foil, with Sam Neill being his usual self. You're left wondering if Sarandon's crazy or not for most of the running time, but there are some twists thrown in for good measure, including a final one that might possibly seem like a twist too far. Not a bad watch overall; not stellar, but decent enough to kill some time with.

The Devil Inside - a young woman travels to Rome to visit her mother in a psychiatric hospital after discovering that she killed three priests during an exorcism twenty years previously.

Forgot that I'd already seen this - a repeat viewing didn't make it any better. It's a found-footage film again, and one that doesn't really bother trying to seem logical about how and when the footage is being shot. Our heroine hooks up with some student exorcists in an attempt to have her mother examined by the Holy See, and there's a lot of pissing and moaning about that damned Catholic Church refusing to allow the kids to run off and perform exorcisms willy-nilly, which is fucking hilarious when they inevitably do so and get their arses handed to them. There's a lot of sound and fury designed to make you forget that nothing much is happening, along with a bit of contortion and some CG wall-climbing, but this whole demonic bad language thing is really old these days and about as shocking as an episode of Doctors. Possibly in an attempt to surprise the audience, the film forgets about the third act and just ends, which is something of a relief, but also dreadfully lazy; at least try to redeem yourself, hmm?

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