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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Wedding Ringer 7/10

Quite enjoyable comedy starring Kevin Hart as someone who is paid to act as a best man at peoples weddings. Kaley Kuoco stars as the bride but is a bit of a c**t unfortunately. In fact the girl that plays a stripper in it is a hell of a lot tidier and played Peppet Stieger in Neighbours. Her name is Nicki Whelan and she is stunning

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Nurse Ratched is a bit of a c**t though.

It'd make for a very different film if she was some kind of agreeable sexpot.

You'd be wondering why Jack was so keen to leave, for one thing :P

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Ida (2013)

Polish Oscar-award winning movie about a Nun who discovers that she is Jewish, who along with her aunt goes in search for their family. Really strange black and white film with the odd laugh. 5/10

The Prestige

Hugh Jackman & Christian Bale square off in this epic Nolan movie. 7.5/10

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Hot Tub Time Machine 2

Im not sure i want to rate this. 99% of people will think this is the biggest pile of shite but it had me amused throughout. Its never going to get film of the year by any stretch of the imagination but it is what it is, i suppose

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Snowpiercer 8/10.

South Korean sci-fi film based on a French graphic novel. Starring Chris Evans, John Hurt, Ed Harris, Tilda Swinton etc.

Enjoyable nonsense. The last survivors of a failed climate engineering experiment (an attempt to reverse global warming), which resulted in an Ice Age, are aboard a train that endlessly circles the frozen globe, powered by a perpetual motion engine developed by an eccentric entrepreneur (Harris). For some unexplained reason (perhaps a satire of the rigorously class bound British railway system), the passengers in the rear of the train are the lowest of the low, reminiscent of the exploited underclasses of a Dickens novel (the movie has a steampunk aesthetic), left to cannibalise each other until the 'powers that be' in the front part of the train, who enjoy a life of hedonistic decadence and luxury, develop some hideous protein bar composed of ground insects, which is then fed to the wretches on a daily basis. Population culls, child abductions and draconian punishments (such as forcing miscreants to stick their arm out of the train for 7 minutes, then shattering the frozen limb with a sledgehammer afterwards) are routine. Needless to say, an uprising occurs and the wretches from economy class wage war through the train, determined to confront the Machiavellian entrepreneur and the first class passengers at the front. Each successive carriage is a new surreal landscape, with the levels of luxury increasing exponentially as the rebels move relentlessly onwards.

It's reminiscent of Terry Gilliam's magnificent 'Brazil' and, indeed, John Hurt's character is called Gilliam. The film is patently nonsensical and requires a level of suspension of disbelief that borders on gullibility to enjoy. If you can accept the premise and the many implausible aspects of the movie, it's definitely a fun ride.

Edited by Frankie S
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Snowpiercer 8/10.

South Korean sci-fi film based on a French graphic novel. Starring Chris Evans, John Hurt, Ed Harris, Tilda Swinton etc.

Enjoyable nonsense. The last survivors of a failed climate engineering experiment (an attempt to reverse global warming), which resulted in an Ice Age, are aboard a train that endlessly circles the frozen globe, powered by a perpetual motion engine developed by an eccentric entrepreneur (Harris). For some unexplained reason (perhaps a satire of the rigorously class bound British railway system), the passengers in the rear of the train are the lowest of the low, reminiscent of the exploited underclasses of a Dickens novel (the movie has a steampunk aesthetic), left to cannibalise each other until the 'powers that be' in the front part of the train, who enjoy a life of hedonistic decadence and luxury, develop some hideous protein bar composed of ground insects, which is then fed to the wretches on a daily basis. Population culls, child abductions and draconian punishments (such as forcing miscreants to stick their arm out of the train for 7 minutes, then shattering the frozen limb with a sledgehammer afterwards) are routine. Needless to say, an uprising occurs and the wretches from economy class wage war through the train, determined to confront the Machiavellian entrepreneur and the first class passengers at the front. Each successive carriage is a new surreal landscape, with the levels of luxury increasing exponentially as the rebels move relentlessly onwards.

It's reminiscent of Terry Gilliam's magnificent 'Brazil' and, indeed, John Hurt's character is called Gilliam. The film is patently nonsensical and requires a level of suspension of disbelief that borders on gullibility to enjoy. If you can accept the premise and the many implausible aspects of the movie, it's definitely a fun ride.


Thats the entire plot of the movie FFS :lol:

I agree the movie has some moments and it's got good production values but it is absolute fucking nonsense.

It's probably all meant to be metaphors and other such BS but it's obviously whooshing me, other than a few good action sequences/ideas it's pretty bad.

I distinctly remember kids being part of the trains engine as the big twist, WTF? :1eye

Edited by Tommy Nooka
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If you don't like spoilers, maybe you shouldn't quote the whole thing? Just an idea, mind.

Yeah because putting it in a spoiler tags or not quoting is going to stop people reading the post directly above it. :lol:

I see where your coming from but I'm not that bothered about spoilers (tend to avoid discussions of things I might spoil) it's just a bit much to post the Readers Digest version of the entire movie!

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Yeah because putting it in a spoiler tags or not quoting is going to stop people reading the post directly above it. :lol:

I see where your coming from but I'm not that bothered about spoilers (tend to avoid discussions of things I might spoil) it's just a bit much to post the Readers Digest version of the entire movie!

It was hardly 'the Readers Digest version of the entire movie.' It didn't reveal the ending for a start, in fact you revealed more about the ending than I did. Read any review of the same movie at random on Rotten Tomatoes and it will reveal pretty much exactly the same plot details. If you're going to have a movie review thread then you're going to end up with reviews of the movies strangely enough.

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It was hardly 'the Readers Digest version of the entire movie.' It didn't reveal the ending for a start, in fact you revealed more about the ending than I did. Read any review of the same movie at random on Rotten Tomatoes and it will reveal pretty much exactly the same plot details. If you're going to have a movie review thread then you're going to end up with reviews of the movies strangely enough.

The ending is the ONLY thing you didn't spoil! It really is :lol:

If you can show me one professional review with anywhere near the info you've given in your review then I'll show you a very poor professional reviewer.

You do know I used spoiler tags, are you familiar with them?

You spoil Ed Harris driving the train, the protein cubes being made of insects, the structure of the train and the people on it, tbh you describe most of the important scenes in the movie (corporal punishment, uprising etc.)

Just as well the movie's utter crap, it is well made crap tbf!

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Candyman - a student investigating a horrific urban legend is shocked to discover that it may be real.

Hadn't seen this in over twenty years, and it was a pleasant surprise considering that I remembered it as being mediocre, possibly because I'd already read the short story and may have been disappointed. Possible spoilers below, for those who've never even heard of the film.

Enjoyed it quite a bit this time through; it plays like a modern-day Dracula, with the main character being seduced by an utterly epic Tony Todd, who's as magnetic as ever. His character is really well written, and the film's atmosphere is aided greatly by some horribly grungy set design and an interesting score by Philip Glass. Virginia Madsen does a decent job as well.

So, yeah, thumbs up from me. Time has definitely been kind.

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