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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Bless the Child - Kim Basinger finds herself protecting her niece's child from a satanic cult.

Another film that strongly comes across as being backed by the Vatican Film Fund; it's hard to imagine anyone enjoying this without a strong faith in Christianity, as it's as obvious a troop recruitment film as you'll find outside of overt dreck like the Left Behind movies. The story is wilfully simpleminded, with not a trace of doubt as to where the story is going, or how it will end. Acting is perfunctory at best, with a couple of performances being annoyingly poor. CG is woeful but, in fairness, it's getting on a bit now. In general, it really does come across as a film made by people with interests outside of entertainment.

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The Kingsman 8/10

Completely over the top, spy thriller starring Samuel L Jackson, Colin Firth and Michael Caine.

Obviously borrows heavily from James Bond but never takes itself seriously like the more recent bond films. Good film for just switching off for a few hours and going along with the over the top action. There is some dark comedy in it and a cameo from Mark Hammill too.

Maggie 3/10

Couldn't get into this at all, it's a slightly different take on a zombie outbreak. Society hasn't completely crumbled and it takes weeks for those infected to turn. It stars Arnie in a serious role for a change and he does ok as the grieving father. There is somber music played almost continually from start to finish as the daughter starts to turn. Its fairly by the numbers stuff and there are much better examples of films dealing with loss and terminal illness.

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The Matrix:

It was on ITV 2 last night so decided to record it as I hadn't seen it in ages. I thought it was good but didn't really stand out. For an action movie, I found myself less engaged in the action scenes and was more interested in the world and concept itself. It's a very good concept though I just felt that at times it was far too in love with their own special effects and instead of developing the plot a bit more, they threw more CGI at you. A tiny wee thing that I loved was the fact that pretty much every scene shot in the Matrix had a green tinge to it to represent the code. Obviously a minuscule point but it caught my attention lol.


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Gone Girl (7/10)

Unsettling more than anything. Loved the way they edited the wife's voice to give it a kinda otherworldly, empty-room type tone and delivery. Good misdirections by Fincher too, it was hard to pin down exactly where both the husband and wife were coming from, nor what the truth really was.

Really impressed with the way the clarity of her reasoning for coming back was presented - obviously a sociopath playing up a victimhood complex, but you could see how it made sense in her mind. Good, clear role-flip thereafter with the husband shown to be the actual victim. Brilliant performance from the actress.

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Clockwork orange - 6/10

Mega fucked up film. Rape , murder, more rape, bit more violence, music.

Not seen anything really like it. A film you need to see certainly

(Just quote you here). Gregory Peck is excellent in To Kill A Mockingbird and fully warranted his Oscar. We read it at high school and then watched the flim. Bizarrely, Peck was what I had pictured Atticus to look like! I can't recall it all that well, but for a black and white film being shown to a group of miserable 15 year olds it certainly kept our attention. I really enjoyed it, I can recall that much. It's an outstanding performance from both the actor playing Atticus Finch and the actual character himself :)

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(Just quote you here). Gregory Peck is excellent in To Kill A Mockingbird and fully warranted his Oscar. We read it at high school and then watched the flim. Bizarrely, Peck was what I had pictured Atticus to look like! I can't recall it all that well, but for a black and white film being shown to a group of miserable 15 year olds it certainly kept our attention. I really enjoyed it, I can recall that much. It's an outstanding performance from both the actor playing Atticus Finch and the actual character himself :)


Couldn't have picked 2 more contrasting films there!

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So, It Follows was a fairly innovative horror, and The Town That Dreaded Sundown was also really really good. So what do I follow these horrors with....


...which doesn't actually go off the path all that much. There's a lot to be said about it. The concept is fairly over the top, and might turn people off itself, but for me, I absolutely loved it. I also liked how it was fairly obvious right away what was going on, and the movie never did try and hide what was going on either. From there, you have some genuinely chilling scenes, including one of my favourite horror scenes for years. But it veers from terrific to shite in almost a single step at times. I'm fairly sure it warrants a pretty high rating though. There's just so much to like about it, and given that the characters are all basically b*****ds, it does incredibly well to make you care about what's going on.


Edited by NewDomDom
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Reading on IMDB and the comments section of It Follows seems to be largely in agreement that The Babadook is similar but a lot better. Now I've never seen The Babadook but wasn't massively impressed with the trailers. Should I watch it? It Follows was one of the best horrors I've seen in years! Forget the relation with It Follows: is it any good in general?

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The Babadook seems to be a marmite one. The critics absolutely loved it, as did I. There's a couple of genuinely terrible scenes though. One of which had me laughing like hell. But on the whole, it's pretty brilliant. I'd say it's better than It Follows, but not by much.

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Oh, and that's two absolutely cracking movies the lead lass in It Follows has been in now. Last year seen her play a big role in The Guest.

Both movies actually have really similar scores. A very 80s synthy thriller feel to the pair of them.

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Reading on IMDB and the comments section of It Follows seems to be largely in agreement that The Babadook is similar but a lot better. Now I've never seen The Babadook but wasn't massively impressed with the trailers. Should I watch it? It Follows was one of the best horrors I've seen in years! Forget the relation with It Follows: is it any good in general?

I wasn't that impressed, but it was OK. Thinly-veiled study of the descent from depression into insanity, kinda similar to the old Polanski film Repulsion.

Also, I don't like anything involving kids in distress, since my son was born.

<<< wuss.

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