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The Forest 4/10

Natalie Dormer from GOT fame plays a woman whos twin sister has gone missing in Japans suicide forest. She decides it a good idea to go in to find her and also stay overnight

Then just think of any other horror film you have seen and you can save yourself the last hour

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Stray Dog

One of Kurosawa's earlier films, generally considered to be his first masterpiece and arguably the first buddy cop film. It's very American in style e.g. there's a lengthy scene during a baseball game in a packed stadium. A young cop's gun is stolen and is used in a series of crimes including murder. He feels guilt and shame because of this but with the help of an older cop they go about tracking down the culprit.

Plenty of tension and it's all set during a heatwave which helps you feel the exhaustion the two cops are feeling as they scour the streets and back alleys of Tokyo. The two leads are excellent and went on to work with Kurosawa in many of his films.

Highly recommended especially if you like classic films such as The Maltese Falcon or The Big Sleep.


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The Forest 4/10

The trailer for that was one of those horrible ones where it piques your interest at the start ("someone's done a film about that Japanese suicide forest? Cool!"), only to completely kill all interest before the end by showing way too much, and demonstrating that they've just made it a bog-standard generic horror flick anyway.

Sounds like it was more of a warning than a promotion.

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Zoolander 2.

It's been widely panned as far as I can see which is a tad unfair. It's not great and it's not going to be the cult classic the original was but it has enough nods to it that make it worthwhile. The cameos are overdone, but it's all part of the fun. Type of film that you'd only watch once but decent fare.


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The Lady in the Van - brilliantly funny, whimsical, moving and quirky British drama. The kind of film that's never going to get the PR spend of the big blockbusters, but is worth any ten comic adaptations.

Dame Maggie Smith is outstanding just as you'd expect, so much so that it needs Alex Miller's Bennett to be two characters in order to keep up his side.(watch it and you'll understand)

A solid eight, and that's deducting one for a (blessedly brief) cameo by that fat cùnt Corden.

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The Dressmaker - Kate Winslet does High Plains Drifter.

Not really, but there's definite echoes of the Clint classic in this uneven revenge flick.

Basically, Kate returns to the Aussie version of Royston Vasey and gets her own back on the establishment who ruined her life when she was a child. Cupboards opened, skeletons fucking everywhere, and come-uppances aplenty.

A bit disjointed in places, but a pleasant enough way to spend a couple of hours. Six from me.

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Spotlight - 9/10

Excellent film, with the whole cast on top form. Only complaint from me is it ends a bit abruptly, thought they could have carried on a bit further regarding the Cardinal's resignation rather than just a caption on the screen to explain what happened further down the line.

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