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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Wicker Man (some sort of extended version with additional scenes, including a bizarre green-screen bit). 10/10

One of my favourite films and my 11 year old (Parent of the Year award incoming) thought it was hilarious and loved the music and general anti-establishment attitude of the locals. Our hero/joker frequently says of the locals "you're all mad" and the audience gleefully agrees. I always feel quite patriotic about it too and feel it fits in well with everything from Restless Natives to Under the Skin with an honest portrayal of Scots on screen that films so often get wrong. 

It's in the horror genre but I don't think modern audiences would find much scary in it - just enjoy the bad behaviour, the outfits, the music, and the humour. 

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First time I saw The Wicker Man was as part of a BBC2 season on cult movies, introduced by Alex Cox. I'd never heard of it and so watched it with absolutely no prior knowledge of what was to come. At the climax I kept looking at the clock, wondering how


Edward Woodward was going to be rescued in the few minutes that remained. I don't know when the penny dropped that he wasn't going to get out of it!

Spoiler for the benefit of the three people who've never seen it (and don't look at the cover of the DVD).

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Regarding the Wicker Man, I thought Sergeant Howie was a total dick. He was a huge arrogant bigot strolling around looking down on folk and openly mocking their beliefs, despite himself being a massive Christian and failing to see the monumental irony. I was cheering when the cunto got burned.


Anyway, yesterday I watched Dragon Blade. It's absolutely fucking garbage. I don't think it was meant to be a comedy yet much of it was pretty much acted like it was. It features an intensely irritating wee kid who looks like a poofy wee p***k who spends most of the time on camera crying in a deeply annoying manner. When he dies I was ecstatic. Anyway, this shit fest features Jackie Chan, Adrien Brophy and in the most phoned in performance I think I've ever seen, John Cusack. Cusack and Brophy are Romans. Chan is in some sort of Protection Squad (actually called 'The Protection Squad) on the Silk Road. He is framed and his lads are all packed off to some labour camp where they have to rebuild the city walls in 13 days or be executed. Cusack and his bunch of Romans are fleeing after the wee cunto boy was blinded (by Brophy; they're brothers and Brophy wanted the inheritance). They chance upon Chan and his lot, and Chan somehow manages to command everyone in the labour camp. Chan and Cusack fight for a bit then become mates. The Romans help rebuild the city walls. Brophy and his Romans come looking for Cusack and take him and his men prisoner. They demand the city hand over Chan and they'll spare everyone, so they do at Chan's bidding. Cusack is blinded by Brophy. Chan puts him out his misery by shooting his in the throat with an arrow. All the folk from the labour camp attack Brophy's Romans. Chan and Brophy fight, and Chan kills him. Some Parthains turn up. Some shit about brotherhood. Blah blah fucking blah. 


A horrid, wretched mess that was an utter waste of the time of everyone involved but most importantly my time. I went for a nap afterwards and ended up sleeping for 2 hours.

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25 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Regarding the Wicker Man, I thought Sergeant Howie was a total dick. He was a huge arrogant bigot strolling around looking down on folk and openly mocking their beliefs, despite himself being a massive Christian and failing to see the monumental irony. I was cheering when the cunto got burned. 


I think that's what the filmmaker was getting at. On the face of it the locals were totally debauched but it was a much more open and equal society than the one Howie felt was right. 

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10 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I think that's what the filmmaker was getting at. On the face of it the locals were totally debauched but it was a much more open and equal society than the one Howie felt was right. 

I've always been unsure if that was the case, and have always hoped it was.

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Imposter (8/10)

Documentary about a 13 year old kid who goes missing in Texas and resurfaces after four years in Spain, but it's actually a dude pretending to be him. That's not giving anything away, it's stated from the beginning.

Gets all kind of fucked up along the way, recommended.

Currently viewable in HQ on YouTube:


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I agree on Howie btw. Thought the guy was arrogant as f**k. I don't buy that we're supposed to be happy that he got an unscheduled cremation though. Just don't think they got the balance right with the character. Despite that I still loved Woodward's performance in it.

As for the extended version, I seen it at the cinema and didn't feel it added anything worth adding. I still believe the theatrical cut is probably the best of the lot.

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3 hours ago, Randy Giles said:

I agree on Howie btw. Thought the guy was arrogant as f**k. I don't buy that we're supposed to be happy that he got an unscheduled cremation though. Just don't think they got the balance right with the character. Despite that I still loved Woodward's performance in it.

As for the extended version, I seen it at the cinema and didn't feel it added anything worth adding. I still believe the theatrical cut is probably the best of the lot.

Nah he deserved it for going in a huff because they'd ran out of apples.

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35 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Nah he deserved it for going in a huff because they'd ran out of apples.

Trivia note: The actress who played Rowan Morrison (the girl they were supposedly going to sacrifice) played Jim Hacker's daughter in Yes Minister and Trigger's niece, the girl that Del and Rodney both fancied, in the hang-gliding episode of Only Fools and Horses. And the woman breast-feeding the baby in the ruined church was Ella Cotter in Rab C. Nesbit.

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Before Sunrise 6/10

Bought this and Before Sunset from Cex for 50p a while ago. I like Linklater and was ill so marathon time...

Lovely little walkabout, falling in love film (not that I can think of too many of those) where basically all the two main chatracters do is chat, about who they are, what they might want, what they think about stuff big and small. It sort of lives and dies on whether you like either one (Delpy very much, Hawke less so, he's a bit smarmy, unless that's the point, which it might be) which is a shame because the various people they meet (the actors on the bridge, the poet, the barman) are some of the best bits. Totally pleasant and a rare film that imo demands a sequel. Which is fortunate...

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Before Sunset 7/10

In for a penny, in for another 49p...

Same as the last but they're 9 years older and haven't see each other since. He's become a writer and she's working for an NGO. They're both in relationships but can't forget each other. They just walk around and talk and yearn and pull away, the dance of many relationships condensed into 75 minutes. He is less of a twerp and more grown into himself. She is more neurotic and hard-hearted, but probably more beautiful. They're more likeable and the film is even less showy (would be so easy to make this into a Paris w****r film) than the one before. Funny, nice, real-ish, doesn't overplay it's hand.

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Things To Come 6/10

Philosophy teacher is musing about philosophical stuff, dealing with a difficult mum and her radical students but then her husband leaves her and she has to reasses her life, could NOT be more French, would not highly recco but it was fairly well made tbf

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