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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Girl on the Train

Well, this got things going a bit better. Not great or anything but at least had a phenomenal performance from Emily Blunt. The plot was all over the place but somehow kept together quite well which was my main worry about an adaptation. Decent work here.


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Now that I'm home, more on War on Everyone. Firstly, it's just fucking gash, and it's way up it's own arse. The script is ludicrous and almost every single attempt to be funny falls flat on it's arse. Not to mention the wild tone changes which threw me off, including one needless twist at the end which is only hinted at with one scene and one line early in the movie. Most of the performances were pretty good btw, but not good enough to save a total dud.

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Under The Shadow 6.5/10

Also set in the 80s (in Tehran during the Iran/Iraq war), objectively this is a good film, really great cinematography, brilliantly atmospheric and very claustrophobic what with being pretty much all set in one apartment block. Only thing is I don't think supernatural horrors are really for me, once the ghouls come out I just find it a bit daft

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Civic Life 7/10

Actually a collection of shorts by a British husband and wife team, sort of poetic documentaries all done in one take, the camera seems to be able to go anywhere, rather than say in Victoria where you feel like you're running alongside the gang.

They focus on elements of civic life (obv) but without being overly political. The best one is called Who Killed Brown Owl? but it's really about a community in Enfield just kind of loafing about on a nice day and then the camera spots a scene...and then just moves on. Second best is Town Hall, about a day at West Bromwich Town Hall, which is actually fairly funny as much as excellent to look at. Moore Street is about an immigrant worker on Moore Street market in Dublin, bit more po-faced tbh. There's also one that is accidentally hilarious given The Day Today called Leisure Centre. They are generally very good, this description makes them sound far more dry than they actually are.

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Off work sick the last few days so watched a few documentaries on Netflix.

Winter on Fire - about the 93 days that protestors spent in the maidan in Kiev trying to get rid of the Yanukovich regime. Some interesting footage of horrific tactics from the special forces that I don't remember at the time. 7/10.

Amanda Knox - fascinating documentary featuring Knox herself as well as raffaele sollecito. Journalist Nick Pisa(as played by John Collins) manages to repulse more than almost anything else. 8/10.

Audrie and Daisy. Really well made doc about teenage sexual assault in the US and social media/technology leading to tragic results. 7/10.

Another day off sick today, will probably blast through another couple of films.

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Stand Up, Nigel Barton 6/10

Time to start working though my Dennis Potter set with his first TV play, starring Keith Barron.

Nice bit of dreamy agit-prop that goes back and forth between Nigel Barton's childhood in a grim mining town and his arrival at Oxford. It's very much a play on television but there are some cool connecting sequences that would become a hallmark of Potter's stuff (as does having adults play children's roles). Whilst my experience wasn't as extreme, probably because I was much older, there was a bit to recognise with the being a fish out of water in both your hometown and acquired home. Easy watch but fairly slight.

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The Good Woman Of Bangkok ?/10

On the face of it it appears to be about a Thai sex worker. But really it's about the director slowly falling in love with her. He offers to buy her out of prostitution, and does, briefly. Aoi, the Good Woman of the title, is a really interesting subject; total fucked off with the world and up to her knees in shit. The film shows dozens of horrendous piggish sex tourists bragging and grabbing women - and because ultimately the director is a John himself, just one of those sad ones who want to talk and love you - it doesn't feel critical or impactful, just PROPERLY depressing. It's hard to give it a mark because it is thought-provoking and the ethical transgressions of the maker cost him his reputation. 1/10 for humanity, 8/10 for film.

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Blue Jay

Sarah Paulson and Mark Duplass play two childhood sweethearts that meet up 20 years later. The movie is basically those two catching up. This is just played absolutely perfectly. Both leads just charming as hell without overplaying it and the chemistry between them just makes every scene insanely watchable, and also makes the final act ridiculously impactful as well, despite that being low key as well. The movie doesn't really go anywhere, for the most part, but it doesn't really HAVE to either. It's absolutely perfect, and charming as f**k. Deserves a much, much bigger audience than it's going to get over the years, and I can't find any fault with this at all.


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Suicide Squad 3/10 and thats me being generous.

Absolute tripe, I found every character extremely annoying, dull story line, crap action scenes. Margot Robbie is something else but I won't be bothering with her spin off.

The super hero films have been done to death now.

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Suicide Squad 0/10

I watched Man Of Steel at the cinema and it was shit. Batman V Superman was worse. But nothing prepared me for how awful this was. What utterly pointless and meaningless drivel. Recycled plot-lines, utterly contrived flashbacks, and under developed characters that no-one, not even the actors, gave a shit about. Why do I continue to watch such drivel?

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15 hours ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

Suicide Squad 3/10 and thats me being generous.

Absolute tripe, I found every character extremely annoying, dull story line, crap action scenes. Margot Robbie is something else but I won't be bothering with her spin off.

The super hero films have been done to death now.

Suicide Squad isn't a superhero film


I'm being pedantic here, as I know exactly what you mean, although I don't agree with it

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