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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Shin Godzilla 7/10

Basically (another) reboot of the Godzilla franchise. Where it lacks in special effects (some of the CGI is a bit obvious) and script (there are some really cartoonish moments between the characters) it makes up for in a truly believable and compelling story. It's basically a procedural on what Japan would do in the event of a natural disaster rather than the insane ADD films of the Millenium films. It has more in common with the Andromeda Strain or Contamination than the most recent Hollywood Godzilla and it's all the better for it. Godzilla itself during the better rendered moments is awesome, and conceptually Tohoscope have done a fine job in the re-invention. 

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On 17/12/2016 at 23:38, killiepiemuncher said:


So you didnay like it then.


I liked 30% of it just fine.

I didn't care about the lore of the Star Wars universe or how it fit in etc. I didn't care about how it reflected real life politics (I was just messing with my analysis, it's not a deep film at all). I just wanted to see a good film and think there was a decent film probably at some stage that got lost somewhere between pre-production and re-shoot.

Just remembered how corny all the fight scenes are too. Seriously, the bit where the Chinese guy goes all bullet time in the market is cringe. Home Alone had better violence.

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2 hours ago, Christophe said:

Shin Godzilla 7/10

Basically (another) reboot of the Godzilla franchise. Where it lacks in special effects (some of the CGI is a bit obvious) and script (there are some really cartoonish moments between the characters) it makes up for in a truly believable and compelling story. It's basically a procedural on what Japan would do in the event of a natural disaster rather than the insane ADD films of the Millenium films. It has more in common with the Andromeda Strain or Contamination than the most recent Hollywood Godzilla and it's all the better for it. Godzilla itself during the better rendered moments is awesome, and conceptually Tohoscope have done a fine job in the re-invention. 

I've been looking forward to seeing that. Sounds just like my cup of tea, from what you've said. Anyway...

Bone Tomahawk - four men set out to rescue a group of people snatched from their Wild West settlement by a clan of savage natives.

The Searchers meets Cannibal Holocaust. What's not to like? Remarkably good horror Western with an outstanding cast putting in some excellent performances, as our heroes' doomed journey gradually goes from bad to worse. The denouement couldn't possibly live up to the built-up anticipation, but it has a damned good go, with the shit suddenly hitting the fan in a variety of surprising and grisly ways. Great stuff, but probably not one to put on for your Western-loving granny after Christmas dinner  :P

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John Wick 7/10

Bad men kill former hit-man Keanu Reeves' dog and steal his car. He gets back into the killing game by going after the bad men and there's some sort of weird hit-man code/club thing going on as a side story. Ludicrous action, obviously VERY tongue-in-cheek and pretty good fun

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Spectral 5/10?(I guess)

What's the idea with these Netflix films? I mean is anyone paying £7.99 a month on the off chance that Emily Mortimer is going to be in a random film? It's a solid character actor cast and must have cost a lot to make so why do they do it? It's not like the in-house series' that they ad the shit out of and will see sub returns on, I never hear anything about these films

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11 minutes ago, Sx Drugz N Martin Jol said:

Is this new star wars film the follow up to force awakens or different all together?

it is set between Revenge of the Sith (Episode 3 or last of the prequels)  and A New Hope (Episode 4 or the !st of the originals) but it is classed as a stand alone film. 

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Spoiler Alerts. I watched Sunshine last night. It had passed me by somehow for nearly a decade. It's visuals are stunning. Plot seems believable at first, then as it gets to the final scenes, you find yourself thinking "Aye, like f*** you are going to be able to fly on a nuke into the Sun and then detonate it."

To be honest its storyline is similar to Armageddon but with better visuals and zero humour. I'd give it a 7/10 - it is the plot that is the weakness which lets it down along with a mad villain they seemed to have borrowed from Harry Potter. Acting, directing, cinematography, CGI and sound engineering is all top notch.

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Watched Bad Santa 2 in the cinema - read some pretty shit reviews about it but i thought it was quite funny, very crude as you would expect and it was funny seeing that fat kid as a 21 year old and still an absolute rocket. 6.5/10


Also watched 9 Lives in which Kevin Spacey finds himself trapped inside a cat, a completely ridiculous film and at points i was thinking it may be one of the worst efforts I have seen but it provided a few laughs and at least conveyed some sort of message. Nothing that hasn't been done before though. 5/10

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On the plane I watched Star Trek Beyond and Ghostbusters 3. The first was mindlessly entertaining and the second just mindless. Found the Leonard Nimoy homage strangely touching. Found Melissa McCarthy strangely insufferable.

Edit: 6/10 and 2/10 respectively. Ghostbusters gets 2 marks for the blonde and the red head.
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